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Alaric Hartmann tfhartmann

@broadinstitute Cambridge, MA

pzdrk id-2

@yolorollo @ton-bot @pizdarikihq @hummingcraft @webmindapp @jetrover @christofari human in the loop

Nicolás Georger ngeorger
Self-taught IT professional driving innovation & social impact with cybernetics, open source (Linux, Kubernetes), AI & ML. Founder of @sredevopsorg

@SREDevOpsOrg Chile

Jeremy Williams jeremyw-dobeu
Hello, I'm Jeremy Williams, a tech-savvy professional with extensive expertise in supply chain management and slowly learning OSS to merge my two passions.

@dobeu New Jersey

kID kUDDY kidkuddy
An engineer doing engineering stuff.
Adrian Jakob d3xter-dev
25 yrs old, from Germany

@funken-studio Seelze, Germany

Cameron Smith cameronraysmith

Harvard Medical School Boston, MA, USA

Sarkaut Salih Sarkaaut
وەک پەرداخی مەیخانە هەر ڕۆژەو بە دەست سەرخۆشێکەوەییت'ھ •!🖤ᴀ†

bots iraq

Gopal Nambiar gopuman
MLOps Engineer @ iOPEX Ex-@UffizziCloud Developer Ex-@oracle Developer

@iopexses California

Matheus Cardoso cardoso
I'm passionate about the web platform and the open-source nature of it. I believe in conflating developer productivity with performance, security, and standards
Shruti Chaturvedi ShrutiC-git
Cloud-native only! DevOps Lover, Developing for IBM CFC, Cloud Advocate

Uffizzi Michigan

Ankit Anand programmeranand
Software Engineer


Publiminal publiminal
Full Stack Web Developer


Vibhav Bobade waveywaves
We all live in a big ol' build, deploy world

Bangalore, India

Mardin Wijaya petr0max
I'm Backend Developer | OpenSource Enthusiast | Sometimes handle Fullstack Developer


redissi mouna mounaredissi
computer science engineering student. DevOps and Cloud Enthusiast. Looking for an end of studies internship .

Ecole nationale d'ingenieur de carthage Tunis,Tunisia

Anas Zahim kamotos
Software Engineer


Grayson Adkins gadkins
Senior Engineer for Generative AI • Co-founder @UffizziCloud

Nashville, TN

Manuel MKoesters
Data Engineer, Biochemist, Open Source Enthusiast, Responsible automatization Work Account:


Moteesh moteesh-reddy
I love coding and designing tools that make people productive
Luca Zecca lzecca78
Father and SRE @primait , i always try to learn from my mistakes, improve from my weaknesses, hoping to grow both in the human side as in the professional

@primait Pavia, Italy

Claudio Beatrice omissis

@sysdig Turin, Italy

Cloud Consultant | MCT | Azure | Security | DevOps | Agile
Daniela Alexandra Chamorro Guerrero dalexach
Backend developer (Python), Computer system Technology and Technician

Medellin, Colombia

Josh T jpthurman
Co-founder / Developer Relations Uffizzi
