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Mehdi Nassim KHODJA naskio
Software Engineering and beyond


Next.js Web Developer

@entagk Sohag Egypt

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Anshul Anxhul10
Open Source 🌪️
Arpan Rai arpanrai223
I am an aspiring software developer who wants to learn everything that can be learned.
RASEENA ANWAR raseenaanwar
Hello! I'm Raseena Anwar Software Developer and transitioned ICT teacher


3rd year Computer Science student. Committed to perfection and detail.
Dævo Adams Grumpyaloha
Developer @Zenfoldlabs @Zora-Labs Ocean engineering student at UHM

@polyvote @codeforhawaii Hawai’i

Mukul Gupta Mukulguptaiit
B.Tech, Textile Technology, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

IIT Delhi New Delhi, India

Amulya Jain AmulyaJain2004
2nd yr B.Tech CSE in AI & ML | UPES, India | Assoc. Tech Head @IET-UPES | Tech Core @upesacm @UPESCSA @GDSC-UPES | Open Source Contributor| Analytic Researcher|

University of Petroleum and Energy Studies (UPES) Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India

sabha mushtaq sabha-mushtaq
Aspiring CSE student passionate about technology, currently exploring the MERN stack.Eager to learn and grow in various tech domains.

anantnag, jammu and kashmir

TKoz tkoz0
I completed my B.S. degree in Math+CS and M.S. degree in Applied Math at RPI. I like math and algorithms.

New Jersey

Himanshu Raj himanshuhr8
Currently exploring development.


Jyotish Kumar imjyotishkumar
Full stack web developer | Javascript | ReactJs | NodeJs | MongoDB | Express Js | TailwindCSS
Priyanshu Singh dev-priyanshu15
Full Stack Developer | Python Developer | Web3 Enthusiast | Learning DevOps | Problem Solver


Mahimasai Mahimasai
Explore, Learn, collaborate, develop and be happy..............
Kartikey Pandey Donniedarko45
Learning full stack web dev and devops.
Shreyanshi Bhatt shreyanshi-bhatt
Hey there! Welcome to my GitHub😃 Need some CODE? Feel free to check out my projects.

GIEE@National Taiwan University Taipei, Taiwan

Vishu Kalier VishuKalier2003
Aspiring to become an AI and ML Professional, currently learning Deep Learning and Web Development Knowing C, C++, Python, Java, Javascript, HTML and CSS.
Shudarsan Regmi ShudarsanRegmi
Stay and enjoy the world of 1s and 0s.
Kavya Gaur kavya-gaur
Next.JS || Full Stack Developer

Delhi, India

Clement Lumumba Clemo97
Software Engineer

E-learning Solution Limited Nairobi, Kenya