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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


楼兰碎叶 loulansuiye
Aviral Sriavstava aviralSri23455


Stuart Ross stuartross

@Skyscanner Edinburgh

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Guy Orlov GuyOrlov
👨‍💻 PowerBI | Tableau | Google Sheets | Excel | SQL | Python 🏆

NHS West Midlands

Oleksandr Sh. LexSwed
Software Engineer

@Skyscanner Spain

Newton Develops nejidevelops
A fullstack developer with skills in React, Rails, HTML, CSS and Javascript

Microverse Nairobi

Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Jing Huang jshota
MCS/AmateurIllustrator/ CatLover/Foodie

New York

Jacquiline Gitau Jacquigee
Android Developer | Community organizer(Android254/KotlinKenya) | Marketing @droidconKE

Nairobi, Kenya

Okari Nyandika 2004-okari
Full-Stack developer, Microverse I'm from Nairobi, Kenya. Currently looking for new opportunities

Miicroverse Nairobi, Kenya

Annunziata Kinya Anniekobia
Software Engineer

Kyosk Digital Services Nairobi,Kenya

Lokmane Krizou LokmaneKrizou

@Skyscanner London, UK

Moritz Tucher moritztucher
iOS Developer | CS & Cognitive Science Student | Creating science-based apps for lifestyle improvement & learning


Baibhav Kumar baibhavKumar1
Experienced in Full Stack Web Development React | Angular | TypeScript | HTML | CSS | Redux | NodeJS | ExpressJS | MongoDB | OSS contributer

Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh

yellowbigbird yellowbigbird
love neosteel

Skyscanner shenzhen

Vignesh Meyyappan imWiki

Senior Software Engineer, Skyscanner United Kingdom

willhe WillHe-SC

Shenzhen, China

Dovydas Baronas0927
I'm passionate software developer from Lithuania, Europe. Just finished Java and Mobile apps development programe in Vilnius Coding School.


Guy Muhoza Muhozgu
Bioinformatics Engineering


Asim Mehmood Khan AsimKhan2019
Full Stack Web Developer | DevOps Engineer | React and Redux | HTML, CSS, and Javascript | PostgreSQL | Ruby on Rails | Actively seeking a role in IT industry

vTechBiz Solutions Lahore, Pakistan