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luisjg luisjg
Software Engineer and currently a Web Developer @CSUN-IT.

@csun-it Los Angeles

大斌 lihbt0527
my name is david,living in beijing,china.
Thorben Ziemek thorbenziemek

brokerize GmbH Germany

Alex Negulescu alecs

SysOPS.RO Romania

Josh Beard JoshBeardXYZ
Marketing Automation Leader | SFMC & Marketo Expert | 10+ Years B2B Enterprise Experience

Columbus, OH

Jimmy Smits jimmysmits

@Deloitte Amsterdam

Marton Tasnadi kistasi
‘98 | drama aspirant | software developer | waldorf | freeszfe | budapest | he/him

Software Developer Budapest, Hungary

Riches Xie xiehong0114
i am Riches Xie , a student, i love coding and open source.
D-Danie GHANA-Tarkoradi-bogoso, Western, GH

Edward Gómez egoan82
Hello, my name is Edward Gómez, I am a systems engineer.

MaluSoft Colombia

Rodolfo Escaleira eXclus1on
I design healthcare-focused platforms at Wiselife, combining UI/UX expertise and Full Stack Development skills to deliver impactful solutions.

Wiselife Porto, Portugal

JS stgteamdev

Station Group

Jonny Dailey jonndailey
I get computers 'putin. Running a software company called DAILEY who graciously serves the Fortune 5,000,000.

DAILEY Connecticut

blalyasar blalyasar
Linux Admin Python Bash

Antalya - Turkey

Thang Tran thangtrantt
Fullstack Developer

CCNU@Muxi-Studio Wuhan, China

pbnkp pbnkp
Coding is how we create and manage a world that’s out of control with rules. Create your own with simplicity in your design.
Mohamed Hassan m074554n
Building, breaking, and fixing things.

vetrol Global Citizen

Dirk Rüdiger DirkR

Rostock, Germany

Anderson Iop andersoniop
Estudante - Engenharia de Software


Sebastian androidseb25
Front- & Backend Developer from Brandenburg, Germany


Mehmet Karabulut mehmetik
Code whiz & DB wizard, impresses w/ skills & delightful person always ready to share knowledge. 🖖


Gastón Abril Rotger lud0matic
Photographer but sometimes I open VSCode. 📸👨🏻‍💻

Buenos Aires || Argentina

0xHelena 0xhelena-eth
Degen Security Analyst


Grant Yuan uunc

FFF ShangHai, China

Mark Anderson markemer
Electrical Engineer, Computer Scientist, and Mobile Developer

@ionic-team at @OutSystems Fairfax, VA