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Micah Alpern malpern
Design & Product

Mountain View, CA

Emanuele DelBono emadb
Software engineer. C#, Javascript, Ruby and Elixir.

CodicePlastico Italy

i have no mouth and i must beatbox
Willeboh Willeboh
I'm an sr. Embedded Software Engineer consultant at <Company-name>


Mats Aadahl matsomo
Web developer


Raphaël Chemouni rafyc
Software engineer student @holbertonschool

Holberton School Paris, France - Worldwide

Frank Blanning laserscout

noris network Thessaloniki

Bryan Honof bryanhonof
Software Engineer @flox

@flox Belgium

the real captain...

SweetTreeConnect what's that, up in the sky?

Tang Li Qun panzerstadt
revels in the pleasure of finding things out.

Tokyo, Japan

Kibouo Kibouo
For personal projects see GitLab
Bill Baran wkbaran
Full stack development. 18 years experience. Java, Spring, Grails, Oracle, vim, unix. Currently dabbling with Node, Polymer, 360 video and photogrammetry.

Boise Idaho