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yosbel yosbelm
Backend programmer | Spanish ➡️ English Translator (Video games, Software, Apps)
Mayda Morales maydamv
💻 Computer Science student | Front-End Developer

Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba

Carlos Brayan Rámila Chorens carterror
Computer science engineering student. Web developer

UCI Cuba

Carlos Morell pfrito
Front-end Developer • Competitive Programmer • Computer Science student

Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba

acferriol acferriol
MsC Computer Science, Machine Learning enthusiast, Python Developer.

Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas Villa Clara, Cuba

Alberto Licea albertolicea00
Fullstack & Movil developer, also I make indie games, 2D design and animations and 3D modelling.