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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Atlas Talisman AtlasTalisman
I create alternate reality games, XR experiences, and interactive, sensory art. This is all a social experiment. Life is a game!

Open World Theatre New York, USA

Senior Frontend Engineer | React, WebGL, Three.js | 3D Web Apps, GIS, Mapping & Data Visualization
CipherWeb cipherwebllc

CipherWeb LLC japan

@808BlockChain 808BlockChain
Mycologist , Data Scientist , Blockchain/Smart-Contract Dev. 808Blockchain, LLC. CEO/Founder/Lead Dev.

808BlockChain, LLC Maui, Hawaii

Cui cuizhanming

Akamai Dublin, Ireland

arthurM arthurmougin
A web dev loving WebXR

Dijon France

Muhammad Taqi ArchTaqi
A ai+blockchain enthusiast with a decade in tech.

@codora-io @atlas-dex @STIX-Co @DuboisGold Islamabad, Pakistan

boom gm3
3d / Unity / VFX / Technical Artist
Arthur Tayrac arthurtayrac
UI Designer Freelance & frontend lover.

Pau, France

arpu arpu

1170 Vienna

Nitin Khanna papiguy
I like building & breaking stuff. All tech is game, if it creates a better world, and some money in the process.

Bay Area, California

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Denis Oliver Kropp deniskropp
Former DirectFB maintainer, AI hacker, artist/scientist, fair and curious

Exit Berlin

PabloFM PabloFMM
I have coordinated teams and projects in a humane and efficient way in different sectors. Passionate about technology and the possibilities it can offer us. つ づ

Numen Games Las Rozas de Madrid

Jacky Yang jacky-young

Tencent Shanghai, China

RV404 radioclone
Giant Steps in retrograde
metadomains DaizLily
Every day is a chance to learn something new.


dextryz dextryz

Montreal, Canada

xxibdlmao xxibdlmao
Virtual avatars, AI, crypto (pushing post-nut clarity code)
Fadi Shawki FadiShawki
The Universalis' afoot @orbitmines

@orbitmines The Netherlands

Sylwester Mielniczuk sylwesterdigital
Digital Man

Sylwester Worldwide

Joe Strouth joestrouth1

Charlottesville, VA

Friso FreesoSaiFared
Organize humanity, within the constraint of active guaranteed equality and physical safety as well as the right to time, by voluntary association.

Voluntaria Amsterdam, The Netherlands