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Hai Zhu haiszhu
CCM @flatironinstitute good good study, day day up...

Flatiron Institute New York

Christos Sardianos SrDNS

Harokopio University of Athens Athens, Greece

Loïc Maréchal LoicMarechal
I have been working on automated hexahedral mesh generation, multi-threading and GPU computing for more than 25 years with the Gamma team at INRIA in France.

INRIA 1 rue Honoré d’Estienne d’Orves Campus de l’École Polytechnique 91120 Palaiseau, France

WU Kun kunwu


Zeavan ZeavanLi
Deep Reinforcement Learning

Beijing, China

搬砖的龙龙 oneturtle
Civil Engineer, FEM, Structural Analysis, Optimization

South China University of Technology Guangzhou

Yuxi Hong hongyx11
PostDoc Researcher

Lawerence Berkeley National Laboratory Berkeley

Cory M. Cox corymcox

Boston, Massachusetts

Stephan Frickenhaus atfric

Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research Bremerhaven, Germany

Fu Zhichang CrazyJachin
In the School of Physical Science and Technology, Wuhan University, specializing in Condensed Matter Physics.
Beginner programmer
halft0n halft0n
YuAng yuang-chen
Iced Coffee Everyday


gyc Aand1

SWJTU Chengdu

Sol mymetalseed
Oromion carlosal1015
My interests ⊆ Mathematics ∩ LaTeX.

National University of Engineering Peru


East China Normal University Shanghai

Sangjun Lee eowjd0512
full-stack SLAM engineer


Georgios Kafanas gkaf89
Member of @greeklug and @ULHPC

University of Luxembourg

Kürşat Yurt kursatyurt
Research Associate @tum Scientific Research Software Developer
