Anil Basaran
I am a legal practitioner and researcher with two state’s degrees in law and one in legal technology.
James R T
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke
@facebook The edge of knowing
Flávio Leonardo Cavalcanti de Moura
Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science at Universidade de Brasília - Brazil.
Universidade de Brasília Brasil
Valeria de Paiva
I am a mathematician and AI Research Scientist. My research interests include category theory, type theories, semantics of NL and lexical semantics.
@ToposInstitute Cupertino, CA
Max Ole Elliger
Studying Computer Science and Mathematics for Education at FAU, focussing towards theoretical computer science and formalizing stuff with Coq.
Mohandeep Singh
📚 Philomath
😮 Extremely curious
☮️ Empathetic & Compassionate
⚛️ Novice Mathematical Physicist
Mohammad Annus
I am an optimistic person and believe to practice and provide the best architectural service I can.
Bulhwi Cha
I aim to create video games and other media for learning STEM disciplines.
Semmalgil Seoul, Republic of Korea (South Korea)
Matt Erbst
I'm a fan of abstraction, alterity, knowledge representation, linguistics, logic, metri physics, semantics, socialism, software, & virtue epistemology!
@DandelionLabs Foundation Internet Literacy Mentoring Inspiring Collaboration Across Oceans with Open Content Laguna Niguel, CA, USA
Md. Alamin Arefen
I am a simple person. I am very much interested in giving a lot of love to human beings and animals.