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John Best jbest-qc

quantumcor llc United States

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Shukufa Bayramzada shukufabayramzada

Holberton School Baku, Azerbaijan

HavokZero havokzero0
HavokZero / Havok / Havok_Zero / Needlephreak Closet Furry >w<, Unethical Hacker, ASPD, Psychopath, ChatGPT (Parody)


Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Dan Barr bandarr
Passionate 20+ year software engineer who would be developing software even if I won the lottery.
Dionysus acidvegas

The Company Olympia, Greece

Kristal Nguyen MzFOCOchinadoll
Kristal Nguyen dodge city ks and executive order by biden administration brain initiative and declaration of Helsinki real time no clone JAITI IRIS
Shupp shuppel
Development Things

The Node Arlington, VA

J. Nathan Allen nateonmission
I built my first website from my Lynx bookmark file in 1995. Today, I'm building sites with the latest versions of HTML, CSS, & JavaScript/TypeScript connecting

Mobile AL

Ava Francesca Battocchio afbat
Info + Media PhD candidate/ Incoming AP exploring rural community structures, information access, media ecology & civic infrastructure. Qual + Comp methods

Michigan State University -> Northwestern University East Lansing -> Evanston

Karl Kwon Kyeongan

The MITRE Corporation New York City

Armen devarmenchik1408
Dev Kiev

Armando Flores aflores
Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning, Red Crosser, Ham Radio
9662e103-129a win21H2
Hardware design engineer - Amateur general class - Designing digital circuits for FPGAs and ASICs


Finxx Finxx1
average person

Funny Hell A.B. Literally hell

Software Engineer-Data Engineer divithraju
Software Engineer | Data Engineer |

Freelancer India

jay DSzshine
developer of many things thoughtful

jsi canada

Olivier Leroy defuneste
I like trees and spatial data, bonus points if it comes from plotless sampling !
Bethany Roberts Betanya
Software Developer

Texas State University San Marcos

Fatih Nar fenar
Curious Eng.


Yazz zyme84
Separated USAF IT OIF/OEF Vet w/9 yrs enlisted Active Duty TIS. MOS/AFSC:3c071+3D072


Joseph Tsegaye jtsegaye
Greater Atlanta Area.

Atlanta, Georgia