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Suhrudh Sarathy SuhrudhSarathy
Robotics Research Engineer at Perceptyne | Undergrad from BITS Goa (19-23)


Daniel Oladele danieloladele7
AI/ML Researcher & Software Engineer. Ph.D. candidate at CUT Free State, South Africa. Research Focus: Robotic Perception, IoT, and Autonomous Navigation.

CUT Bloemfontein, South Africa

coding k1v2
He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.
Vimarsh vimarsh244
A maker and a learner :D Currently studying phy + compsci @ BITS Goa

Goa, India

Dhanush R TheOnlyWayUp
🥪 Full Stack Developer 8️⃣ Years of experience 💬 Contact me at [email protected] / theonlywayup on discord 🔥 Love to Learn

ArchiveWP India

Prakhar Pradhan prakhar-pradhan
Math+CS at BITS Pilani(Goa Campus)
Raman ramanbansal1
Hi, I am Raman from India | AI Expert | Helping beginners in their coding journey.

Una, Himachal Pradesh, India

Hardaat Singh Baath hardaatbaath
The mind that opens to a new idea never returns to its original size.

@Kratos-The-Rover Patiala, Punjab, India

Ryan.ZHANG lingdu

Sustech_RLLAB Sustech ShenZhen China

Hey, I am a Sophomore Undergraduate
Yang, Li funweb
Yang Li Huaxi Avenue China, GUizhou 550025 [email protected] Summary Skilled and experienced professional with a proven track record of success in the fi

Guizhou, Guiyang

Anish anish-natekar
Hi, I'm a student majoring in computer science from IIT goa. I want to build tools to automate things and solve real-world problems. 😀

TCS Research

Shantanu Deshmukh Nanu00
Just a dude who does stuff for fun
Pranav Saxena Pranav-Saxena
Research Intern @marmotlab, NUS


Senior Engineering student that's curious about all things robotics.
Somanshu Rath somanshurath
when life gives you lemons, eat them raw

Mumbai, India

Soham Shinde sohams25
Computer Vision and Deep Learning Enthusiast. BITS Pilani'25
吴凯荣 KairongWu
The world now, I don't want. Let me coding a world for myself.

GDUT China.Guangdong.Guangzhou

Sarang S eigengravy
undergrad, bits goa | research @DaSH-Lab-CSIS
