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Petros Apostolopoulos petrosapostolopoulos

University of Luxembourg Luxembourg

Nick Liebmann Liebmann5
"And how about Marla Hooch. What a hitter." - A League of Their Own

Nashville, TN

Axelle Lecroq axellelecroq
digital humanist | almuni of the École nationale des @chartes

Berliner Hochschule für Technik (BHT) Berlin

marii¨ mnyrop

@NYULibraries Queens, NY

Moritz Mähr maehr
#DH #STS #NLP #SNA #graphs #DigitalHistory #HistoryOfComputing 👷 associate researcher @DHBern and digital lead @Stadt-Geschichte-Basel

@DHBern & @Stadt-Geschichte-Basel Bern & Basel

Frédéric Clavert inactinique
(Digital) Historian.

Centre for Contemporary and Digital History

Saygi Tuna saygituna
PhD(c) | Data Analyst ~ Digitalization | History | Economics

LMU Munich

Olivier Pilette opilette
Archaeology enthusiast

University of Georgia Athens

Israel Aquino iaquinoc

UFRGS Porto Alegre, Brazil

Diane Jakacki djakacki

Bucknell University Pennsylvania

Cosimo Palma Glottocrisio
Truth seeker, entropy fighter, scientific big crunch accelerator
Francesco Gelati fgelati

Universität Hamburg University Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, Germany

Rich Lysakowski richlysakowski
AI Application Engineer | Data Science Software Developer | Hands-On Training Specialist. Toolmaker. Author. Software Creator, Hands-on Trainer, Harmonizer.

Data Science Maestros, LLC Boston area

Pavel Stranak stranak

Charles University Praha

Anita Lucchesi lucchesia
Historian, PhD. I work on digital tools and methods for historians.

University of Luxembourg @c2dh ¦ @Tropy Luxembourg