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iamchaeeon yeochaeeon

Pusan National University - CSE Republic of Korea

Kim J.H Martinel2

Busan University

Terry Wontae Lee wontaeleeterry
NVH Expert - Data Analysis / Signal processing / Deep Learning / Python / PyTorch / Keras / SQL

Seoul, Korea

JongHwan Seol sul1074

Pusan National University Busan

강준우 June222

Pusan Nat'l University South Korea, Busan


PNU Busan

Jisu Lee dlwltn0430

PNU CSE Busan, South Korea

Wonseok Cotidie
dabbling in everything

POSTECH Pohang, South Korea

Cla6Shade cla6shade
Made in Korea

Pusan National University

Hongju Lee H0ngJu

@woowacourse Busan

이정은 LJEDD2

GDSC PKNU 4.0 Busan

Yaechan Park dpcks0509

Pusan National University Seoul, Korea

이지은 JieunYume
Android Developer
Open Mind!

Sendy Busan

Hwan0518 Hwan0518

Pusan National University Busan, Republic of Korea


Pusan National University

HyunKyu Lee gusrb2776
start today

PNU CSE Busan, Korea