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Adam Hockley rpiadam

UpLove Match Basingstoke

Rob Gray rgr4y
Code since 1999. Keeping it real since 1986. :]

Los Angeles, CA

Joseph Robles Jr. joseph-robles-jr
I am a Brigham Young University Idaho Cybersecurity and Computer Science Student. I am involved in the Ham Radio community.

Rexburg, ID

Dave Maciorowski WA1JHK
A career electrical, software and system engineer specializing in management systems, low and high speed interfaces, assembly to Python, FPGA and PCB Design.

JHK Labs Colorado

DAVID L BEAUCHESNE davidbeauchesne
Software engineer for 40 years. Last 20 have focused on embedded audio products.

Marana SES Tucson, Arizona, USA


Cotton Software, LLC Texas, USA

李小保 lixb123
1.Je pense, donc je suis;2.La lecture de tous les bons livres est comme une conversation avec les plus honnetes gens des siecles passes;3.eadem mutata resurgo.

Brave New World

Tim Provencio provencio
Old dog learning new tricks and perfecting older ones, father to @GeekGirlKirsten & @Tpro96.

Ozark Systems Integrators Leslie, Arkansas

Roger Pettett rmp
Yak-shaving cat-herder. Most of my shizzle is not on github.

tech innovator UK

mkmer mkmer
Ham Radio Operator N8RAW Learning Python (always something) Hacking at C


Shaun Dolan shaun-dolan

Inrush Broadcast Services Chicago

Omar Asfour oasfour
Your friendly neighborhood DevOps-hacking rock climber

Toronto, Canada

Neil Magoo356
W7FED WRDL865 Motorola Solutions "Galvin Master" 2012
Freddie Mac - KD5FMU KD5FMU
I am just learning as I go, Crusading my way BACK to Ham Radio.

Ham Radio Crusader YouTube Channel Henryetta, Oklahoma

nirinium nirinium
general class amateur radio operator, firearms enthusiast, painter, other boring stuff.

NiriniumLabs Louisville, KY

Eric Dand ericdand
Software Engineer at Google. Go, distributed systems, package management, infosec. Former ICPC competitor.

@google British Columbia

Audric IW1GEU audric

Venaria Reale, Torino, Italy

Allan Nathanson Allan-N
Amateur Radio operator (WA3WCO), Apple software engineer (retired)