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Tom van Dijk dtomvan
Rust, Neovim


Brian Toye bashout

Nottingham, United Kingdom

Trim Bresilla bresilla
My alter ego's worst nightmare!

Bresilla PID 0

Hi, I'm an apprentice, at @eyevip as an computer scientist EFZ application developer.

@eyevip Switzerland

Dmitri Chudinov dimmus
Professional C-developer. EFL and Enlightenment enthusiast.

@iritur Russia, Siberia

Konrad Konieczny Psyhackological
Linux System Admin by day, Rustacean and CS student by night. I love automation and tinkering with FOSS software.

Nokia Wrocław, Poland

Just a regular FOSS enjoyer.


Carlos Echenique etrigan63
Just a photographer with 30+ years IT experience.

Carlos Echenique Photography Miami, FL

Marcus Mellor infinitymdm
Computer Arithmetic researcher @ okstate working to make computer engineering more accessible.

Stillwater, OK

Ian M. Jones ianmjones
Always developing

@wpengine Somerset, UK

Elliot Speck Arcayr
Information security researcher and offensive security consultant. Former video game cheat developer. Opinions expressed are the views of your employer.

Melbourne, Australia