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Leo Torres leotorres114
Advocate for more housing, better transit, and safer cycling/rolling. Civic tech enthusiast.

@SACOG Sacramento, CA

Anran Zheng Anran0716
GIS Specialist at AECOM

AECOM Houston, TX

Sarah Vitale sarah-tbrpc

Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council Pinellas Park, Florida

Katerina Akilah H. xrockat
Infrastructure Technology Solutions


Liz Roten eroten
Data Scientist & Cartographer

@Metropolitan-Council St. Paul, Minnesota

Rocio RocioMora

Office of Data and Innovation Oxnard, CA

Silas Achidago Achidago
A urban planner and GIS enthusiast. I work with the Land Use and Spatial Planning Authority, Accra-Ghana.

Accra, Ghana

Darrell Carvalho darrellcarvalho

City of Long Beach Long Beach, CA

Matt Khinda mpkhinda
New York City-based urban planner, designer, and strategist

New York, NY

David Wasserman d-wasserman
I maintain a commitment to understanding systems, patterns, and narratives that contribute to building resilient communities. Code is one device of exploration.

Alta United States

Ryke Moore rmoore-TWDB

Texas Water Development Board Austin, TX

Catherine Tulley cjtulley
Manager of Environmental Programs for the greater Pittsburgh MPO.

Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission Pittsburgh, PA

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Roy Hyunjin Han invisibleroads
Create and Share Runnable Tools Across Your Organization: Distributed Computing for Scenario Planning, Electricity Infrastructure, Hazard Mitigation

@crosscompute St. Petersburg, Florida, United States of America

An urban planner who dreams of smarter cities