- Add support for following OpsGenie V2 APIs
- Schedule API
- Add support for following OpsGenie V2 APIs
- User API
- Forwarding Rule API
- Added dependency for javax.ws.rs:javax.ws.rs-api
- httpcore updated from 4.2.5 to 4.4.16
- httpmime updated from 4.2.5 to 4.5.14
- jackson_version updated from 2.7.5 to 2.14.2
- Add support for following OpsGenie V2 APIs
- Team API
- Team Member API
- Add support for following OpsGenie V2 APIs
- Contact API
- Account API
- Java version updated to 1.8
- Log4j updated to 2.17.2
- httpclient updated to 4.5.14
- jackson-databind updated to 2.14.2
- Gradle version increased to 4.8.1
- Log4j updated to 2.17.0
- Removed support of Marid logging to a path