Chris Welcome to Ops All The Things, your podcast for all things DevOps, SysAdmin and Operations.
Chris I'm Chris Webber
Steve and I'm Steve Murawski and this show is being recorded on January 16th, 2014.
(Quick chat about current status)
- Chris -
- Steve- Not really a news item, but I've recently been working with Pester for PowerShell testing [[]]
- Chris - jq
- Chris - So Cal Linux Expo coming up
Revision Control and Source Code
- What is it?
- Why does it matter to Ops?
- History
- Comfort in making changes
- Coordination with your team (or for the guy coming after you)
- Collaboration tool
- Github
- What should go in it?
- puppet/chef/cfg mgmt
- scripts
- other stuff? (Steve - If it's text or close to text, it goes in)
- Secrets
Not sure where this fits... but "Once you point and click your way through their GUI to create a server template, you can create identical instances to your heart’s content. But when you go back and make tweaks to your template, you don’t have a traceable, easily understood record of the change." []
Thanks for joining us for Ops All The Things. If you have questions, comments, or other feedback, you can find us at or on twitter as @opsallthethings.