- Several rules changed their names (to remove their junit specific naming)
- AvoidSynchronizedStatement is excluded. It's a stupid rule, put in to help people not run afoul of Virtual Threads, but... it's just a bad rule.
- Fine tuning false positives: drop SimplifyBooleanReturns, UnusedLocalVariable,ExceptionAsFlowControl,UselessQualifiedThis, UseExplicitTypes
- Remove unused rule ExcessiveMethodLength
- Avoid pulling in unndeeded dependencies, making the tree as trim as possible
- For PMD 7 compatibility - should NOT be used with PMD < 7
- Customize AvoidDuplicateLiterals to be less annoying
- InvalidSlf4jMessageFormat rule no longer used in PMD, and causes nasties.
- Exclude UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName
- Exclude AvoidUncheckedExceptionsInSignatures
- Exclude UseUnderscoresInNumericLiterals
- Add a couple exceptions for PMD 6.7.0
- converted rule set to modern PMD 6.5.0 engine format
- open source!
- Exclude AccessorMethodGeneration rule
- Exclude many of the more annoying PMD rules
- Initial not-totally-broken release