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Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

Justin Santa Barbara edited this page Feb 10, 2016 · 38 revisions

Special interest groups are for discussing subtopics within the broader Kubernetes project among interested contributors.


  • Create a group with at least 2 owners: [email protected]
    • Put a description of the topic in the welcome message
  • Ask a repo maintainer to create a github label, if one doesn't already exist: area/foo
  • If you wish, create a new channel (#sig-foo). Users can join at
  • Organize hangouts as needed. No need to wait for Thursday Community Hangout to discuss. Can report summary of SIG activities there.
  • Use existing proposal and PR process
  • Announce new SIG on [email protected] and ask a repo maintainer to add it to this wiki
  • Submit a PR to add any SIG-related docs, schedules, roadmaps, etc. to docs/devel/sigs/
  • Slack activity is archived at To start archiving a new channel invite the slackarchive bot to the channel via /invite @slackarchive


Name Leads Group Slack Channel Meetings
API Machinery, Plugins, Principles @lavalamp (Daniel Smith, Google) Group #sig-api-machinery ???
Auth @ erictune (Eric Tune, Google) Group #sig-auth ???
Autoscaling @jsz (Leon Szpilewski, Google) Group #sig-autoscaling Biweekly (or triweekly) on Thurs at 0830 PT
AWS @justinsb (Justin Santa Barbara)
@mfburnett (Mackenzie Burnett)
Group #sig-aws TBD
Big Data @zmerlynn (Zach Loafman, Google)
@timothysc (Timothy St. Clair, Red Hat)
@wattsteve (Steve Watt, Red Hat)
Group #sig-big-data Bi-weekly on Mondays at 1300 PT
Configuration @jackgr (Jack Greenfield, Google)
@bgrant0607 (Brian Grant, Google)
@ghodss (Sam Ghods, Box)
Group #sig-configuration Weekly on Wednesdays at 1300 PT
Federation @quinton-hoole (Quinton Hoole, Google) Group #sig-federation ???
Network @thockin (Tim Hockin, Google)
@dcbw (Dan Williams, Red Hat)
Group #sig-network (unknown frequency) 0700 Fridays
Node @dchen1107 (Dawn Chen, Google)
@jonboulle (Jonathan Boulle, CoreOS)
@derekwaynecarr (Derek Carr, Red Hat)
Group #sig-node Weekly on Wednesdays at 11:00 PT
Scalability @lavalamp (Daniel Smith, Google)
@countspongebob (Bob Wise, Samsung SDS)
@jbeda (Joe Beda)
Group #sig-scale Weekly on Thursdays at 0900 PT
Scheduling @davidopp (David Oppenheimer, Google)
@timothysc (Timothy St. Clair, Red Hat)
Group #sig-scheduling Alternate between Mondays at 1 PM PT and Wednesdays at 12:30 AM PT
Storage @saad-ali (Saad Ali, Google)
@markturansky (Mark Turansky, Red Hat)
Group #sig-storage Bi-weekly Tuesdays 11 AM PST (or more frequently)
Testing @ihmccreery (Isaac Hollander McCreery, Google) Group #sig-testing Tuesdays at 10:30 AM PT
UI @bryk (Piotr Bryk, Google)
Group #sig-ui Bi-weekly Wednesdays at 9 AM PT

Other possible groups

  • QoS
  • Multi-tenancy, identity, auth, security (kerberos, encryption etc)
  • Cloud provider API, cluster deployment
  • Change, event, and metric history, analytics, accounting, and reporting
  • Resource brokers: Kubernetes-Mesos, YARN
  • CLI
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