To install OpenKruiseGame, you need to install Kruise and Kruise-Game, and require Kubernetes version >= 1.16
We recommend that you use Helm V3.5 or later to install Kruise.
# Firstly add openkruise charts repository if you haven't do this.
$ helm repo add openkruise
# [Optional]
$ helm repo update
# Install the latest version.
$ helm install kruise openkruise/kruise --version 1.3.0 --set featureGates="PodProbeMarkerGate=true"
$ helm install kruise-game openkruise/kruise-game --version 0.2.0
Edit Makefile. Change the value of the IMG field to the repository address of Makefile.
Compile and package the images of kruise-game-manager.
make docker-build
- Upload the packaged image to the image repository.
make docker-push
- Deploy the kruise-game-manager component in a Kubernetes cluster (~/.kube/conf).
make deploy