layout | title | description | collection | collectionpath | collapsed | anchor | start |
page.ja |
NIST Special Publication 800-63B |
NIST Special Publication 800-63B |
sp800-63b |
sp800-63b |
true |
purpose |
introduction |
{{ site.time | date_to_rfc822 }}
{% assign items = site[page.collection] | sort: "navOrder" %}
{% for item in items %}
{% if item.layout == 'default.ja' %}
{% if item.section and item.section != "" and item.section != blank and item.section != nil %}
{% capture sectionAttr %}data-section="{{item.section}}"{% endcapture %}
{% include anchor_headings.html html=item.content headerAttrs=sectionAttr anchorClass="header-link" anchorBody="<i class="fa fa-link">" %}
{% else %}
{% include anchor_headings.html html=item.content anchorClass="header-link" anchorBody="<i class="fa fa-link">" %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}