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Releases: openapi-generators/openapi-python-client

0.17.0 (2023-12-31)

31 Dec 23:49
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Breaking Changes

Removed query parameter nullable/required special case

In previous versions, setting either nullable: true or required: false on a query parameter would act like both were set, resulting in a type signature like Union[None, Unset, YourType]. This special case has been removed, query parameters will now act like all other types of parameters.

Renamed body types and parameters

PR #900 addresses #822.

Where previously there would be one body parameter per supported content type, now there is a single body parameter which takes a union of all the possible inputs. This correctly models the fact that only one body can be sent (and ever would be sent) in a request.

For example, when calling a generated endpoint, code which used to look like this:


Will now look like this:


Note that both the input parameter name and the class name have changed. This should result in simpler code when there is only a single body type and now produces correct code when there are multiple body types.


OpenAPI 3.1 support

The generator will now attempt to generate code for OpenAPI documents with versions 3.1.x (previously, it would exit immediately on seeing a version other than 3.0.x). The following specific OpenAPI 3.1 features are now supported:

  • null as a type
  • Arrays of types (e.g., type: [string, null])
  • const (defines Literal types)

The generator does not currently validate that the OpenAPI document is valid for a specific version of OpenAPI, so it may be possible to generate code for documents that include both removed 3.0 syntax (e.g., nullable) and new 3.1 syntax (e.g., null as a type).

Thanks to everyone who helped make this possible with discussions and testing, including:

Support multiple possible requestBody

PR #900 addresses #822.

It is now possible in some circumstances to generate valid code for OpenAPI documents which have multiple possible requestBody values. Previously, invalid code could have been generated with no warning (only one body could actually be sent).

Only one content type per "category" is currently supported at a time. The categories are:

  • JSON, like application/json
  • Binary data, like application/octet-stream
  • Encoded form data, like application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  • Files, like multipart/form-data


Always use correct content type for requests

In previous versions, a request body that was similar to a known content type would use that content type in the request. For example application/json would be used for application/vnd.api+json. This was incorrect and could result in invalid requests being sent.

Now, the content type defined in the OpenAPI document will always be used.

0.16.1 (2023-12-23)

23 Dec 06:06
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Support httpx 0.26 (#913)

0.16.0 (2023-12-07)

07 Dec 00:59
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Breaking Changes

Switch from Black to Ruff for formatting

black is no longer a runtime dependency, so if you have them set in custom post_hooks in a config file, you'll need to make sure they're being installed manually. ruff is now installed and used by default instead.

Use Ruff instead of isort + autoflake at runtime

isort and autoflake are no longer runtime dependencies, so if you have them set in custom post_hooks in a config file, you'll need to make sure they're being installed manually. ruff is now installed and used by default instead.


Support all text/* content types in responses

Within an API response, any content type which starts with text/ will now be treated the same as text/html already was—they will return the response.text attribute from the httpx Response.

Thanks to @fdintino for the initial implementation, and thanks for the discussions from @kairntech, @rubenfiszel, and @antoneladestito.

Closes #797 and #821.

Support application/octet-stream request bodies

Endpoints that accept application/octet-stream request bodies are now supported using the same File type as octet-stream responses.

Thanks to @kgutwin for the implementation and @rtaycher for the discussion!

PR #899 closes #588


Remove useless pass statements from generated code

0.15.2 (2023-09-16)

16 Sep 17:21
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support httpx 0.25 (#854)

Support content-type with attributes (#655, #809, #858). Thanks @sherbang!

0.15.1 (2023-08-12)

12 Aug 23:11
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Upgrade internal Pydantic use to v2. Thanks @KristinnVikar! (#779)


Naming conflicts when properties are named "field" or "define" (#781, #793). Thanks @david-dotorigin

0.15.0 (2023-07-23)

23 Jul 19:36
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Breaking Changes

Minimum httpx version raised to 0.20

Some features of generated clients already failed at runtime when using httpx < 0.20, but now the minimum version is enforced at generation time.

Connections from clients no longer automatically close (PR #775)

Client and AuthenticatedClient now reuse an internal httpx.Client (or AsyncClient)—keeping connections open between requests. This will improve performance overall, but may cause resource leaking if clients are not closed properly. The new clients are intended to be used via context managers—though for compatibility they don't have to be used with context managers. If not using a context manager, connections will probably leak. Note that once a client is closed (by leaving the context manager), it can no longer be used—and attempting to do so will raise an exception.

APIs should now be called like:

with client as client:
# client is closed here and can no longer be used

Generated READMEs reflect the new syntax, but READMEs for existing generated clients should be updated manually. See this diff for inspiration.

Generated clients and models now use the newer attrs @define and field APIs

See the attrs docs for more information on how these may affect you.

Removed public attributes for Client and AuthenticatedClient

The following attributes have been removed from Client and AuthenticatedClient:

  • base_url—this can now only be set via the initializer
  • cookies—set at initialization or use .with_cookies()
  • headers—set at initialization or use .with_headers()
  • timeout—set at initialization or use .with_timeout()
  • verify_ssl—this can now only be set via the initializer
  • follow_redirects—this can now only be set via the initializer

The timeout param and with_timeout now take an httpx.Timeout instead of a float

AuthenticatedClient no longer inherits from Client

The API of AuthenticatedClient is still a superset of Client, but the two classes no longer share a common base class.


Allow customizing the underlying httpx clients

There are many use-cases where customizing the underlying httpx client directly is necessary. Some examples are:

The new Client and AuthenticatedClient classes come with several methods to customize underlying clients. You can pass arbitrary arguments to httpx.Client or httpx.AsyncClient when they are constructed:

client = Client(base_url="", httpx_args={"proxies": {"https://": ""}})

The underlying clients are constructed lazily, only when needed. httpx_args are stored internally in a dictionary until the first request is made.

You can force immediate construction of an underlying client in order to edit it directly:

import httpx
from my_api import Client

client = Client(base_url="")
sync_client: httpx.Client = client.get_httpx_client()
sync_client.timeout = 10
async_client = client.get_async_httpx_client()
async_client.timeout = 15

You can also completely override the underlying clients:

import httpx
from my_api import Client

client = Client(base_url="")
# The params you put in here ^ are discarded when you call set_httpx_client or set_async_httpx_client
sync_client = httpx.Client(base_url="", timeout=10)
async_client = httpx.AsyncClient(base_url="", timeout=15)

Clients now reuse connections between requests

This happens every time you use the same Client or AuthenticatedClient instance for multiple requests, however it is best to use a context manager (e.g., with client as client:) to ensure the client is closed properly.


Stop showing Poetry instructions in generated READMEs when not appropriate


27 May 01:51
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30 Apr 20:20
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Breaking Changes

  • Drop support for Python 3.7, put minimum version limit on Black (#754)


  • Better typing (mypy) support for Unset (e.g., using if statements to check type) [#714, #752]. Thanks @taasan & @mcclurem!
  • pyproject_no_poetry.toml.jinja template can be used to configure black and isort [#750, #751]. Thanks @machinehead!


13 Apr 03:28
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  • support httpx 0.24 (#746)


28 Mar 23:23
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  • Extend the UnexpectedStatus exception to include the response's content (#729). Thanks @expobrain!
  • Added support of follow HTTP redirects (#724). Thanks @expobrain & @emann!


  • Parsing endpoint content types with semicolon separator (#727). Thanks @expobrain!
  • Remove Response[] from docstring of non-detailed functions (#741). Thanks @robertschweizer!