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1410 lines (839 loc) · 54.2 KB

File metadata and controls

1410 lines (839 loc) · 54.2 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Breaking changes to any of the following will cause the minor version to be incremented (as long as this project is 0.x). Only these pieces are considered part of the public API:

  • The behavior of the generated code. Specifically, the way in which generated endpoints and classes are called and the way in which those calls communicate with an OpenAPI server. Any other property of the generated code is not considered part of the versioned, public API (e.g., code formatting, comments).
  • The invocation of the CLI (e.g., commands or arguments).

Programmatic usage of this project (e.g., importing it as a Python module) and the usage of custom templates are not considered part of the public API and therefore may change behavior at any time without notice.

The 0.x prefix used in versions for this project is to indicate that breaking changes are expected frequently (several times a year). Breaking changes will increment the minor number, all other changes will increment the patch number. You can track the progress toward 1.0 here.

0.24.1 (2025-03-15)


  • allow Ruff to 0.10 (#1220)
  • allow Ruff 0.11 (#1222)
  • Allow any Mapping in generated from_dict functions (#1211)


Always parse $ref as a reference

If additional attributes were included with a $ref (for example title or description), the property could be interpreted as a new type instead of a reference, usually resulting in Any in the generated code. Now, any sibling properties to $ref will properly be ignored, as per the OpenAPI specification.

Thanks @nkrishnaswami!

0.24.0 (2025-03-03)

Breaking Changes

Support $ref in responses

Previously, using a $ref to define a response was ignored, the code to call the endpoint was still generated, but the response would not be parsed. Now, responses defined with $ref will be used to generate the response model, which will parse the response at runtime.

If a $ref is incorrect or uses a feature that is not supported by the generator, these endpoints will start failing to generate.


Make config available in custom templates

The configuration options object is now exposed as a variable called config in Jinja2 templates.

Add docstrings_on_attributes config setting

Setting this option to true changes the docstring behavior in model classes: for any attribute that have a non-empty description, instead of describing the attribute as part of the class's docstring, the description will appear in an individual docstring for that attribute.

0.23.1 (2025-01-13)


  • allow Ruff 0.9 (#1192)

0.23.0 (2024-12-24)

Breaking Changes

Delete fewer files with --overwrite

--overwrite will no longer delete the entire output directory before regenerating. Instead, it will only delete specific, known directories within that directory. Right now, that is only the generated models and api directories.

Other generated files, like, will be overwritten. Extra files and directories outside of those listed above will be left untouched, so you can any extra modules or files around while still updating pyproject.toml automatically.

Closes #1105.


  • Support httpx 0.28 (#1172)

Add generate_all_tags config option

You can now, optionally, generate duplicate endpoint functions/modules using every tag for an endpoint, not just the first one, by setting generate_all_tags: true in your configuration file.


  • Support Typer 0.14 and 0.15 (#1173)

Fix minimum attrs version

The minimum attrs dependency version was incorrectly set to 21.3.0. This has been corrected to 22.2.0, the minimum supported version since openapi-python-client 0.19.1.

Closes #1084, thanks @astralblue!

Fix compatibility with Pydantic 2.10+

##1176 by @Viicos

Set defer_build to models that we know will fail to build, and call model_rebuild in the file.

0.22.0 (2024-11-23)

Breaking Changes

Drop support for Python 3.8

Python 3.8 is no longer supported. "New" 3.9 syntax, like generics on builtin collections, is used both in the generator and the generated code.

type is now a reserved field name

Because type is used in type annotations now, it is no longer a valid field name. Fields which were previously named type will be renamed to type_.


  • Support Ruff 0.8 (#1169)

0.21.7 (2024-10-28)


  • allow required fields list to be specified as empty (#651) (#1149)
  • import cast for required const properties, since it's used in the template (#1153)

0.21.6 (2024-10-20)


  • update Ruff to >=0.2,<0.8 (#1137)
  • Add UUID string format. Thanks @estyrke! (#1140)
  • Support OpenAPI 3.1 prefixItems property for arrays. Thanks @estyrke! (#1141)

Add literal_enums config setting

Instead of the default Enum classes for enums, you can now generate Literal sets wherever enum appears in the OpenAPI spec by setting literal_enums: true in your config file.

literal_enums: true

Thanks to @emosenkis for PR #1114 closes #587, #725, #1076, and probably many more. Thanks also to @eli-bl, @expobrain, @theorm, @chrisguillory, and anyone else who helped getting to this design!


  • Typo in docstring (#1128)

Use literal value instead of HTTPStatus enum when checking response statuses

Python 3.13 renamed some of the HTTPStatus enum members, which means clients generated with Python 3.13 may not work with older versions of Python. This change stops using the HTTPStatus enum directly when checking response statuses.

Statuses will still be checked for validity at generation time, and transformed into HTTPStatus after being checked at runtime.

This may cause some linters to complain.

0.21.5 (2024-09-07)


Improved property-merging behavior with allOf

When using allOf to extend a base object type, openapi-python-client is now able to handle some kinds of modifications to an existing property that would have previously caused an error:

  • Overriding attributes that do not affect validation, such as description.
  • Combining properties that this generator ignores, like maxLength or pattern.
  • Combining a generic numeric type with int (resulting in int).
  • Adding a format to a string.
  • Combining any with a specific type (resulting in that specific type).
  • Adding or overriding a default


pattern and max_length are no longer fields on StringProperty, which may impact custom templates.

This also fixes a bug where properties of inline objects (as opposed to references) were not using the merge logic, but were simply overwriting previous definitions of the same property.


  • Allow default values for properties of Any type

Produce valid code for an object that has no properties at all

Fixed by PR #1109. Thanks @eli-bl!

0.21.4 (2024-08-25)


Allow OpenAPI 3.1-style exclusiveMinimum and exclusiveMaximum

Fixed by PR #1092. Thanks @mikkelam!

Add missing cast import when using const

Fixed by PR #1072. Thanks @dorcohe!

Correctly resolve references to a type that is itself just a single allOf reference

PR #1103 fixed issue #1091. Thanks @eli-bl!

Support const booleans and floats

Fixed in PR #1086. Thanks @flxdot!

0.21.3 (2024-08-18)


  • update Ruff to >=0.2,<0.7 (#1097)

0.21.2 (2024-07-20)


  • Update to Ruff 0.5

0.21.1 (2024-06-15)


Support request body refs

You can now define and reuse bodies via refs, with a document like this:

        "$ref": "#/components/requestBodies/SharedBody"
            type: string

Thanks to @kigawas and @supermihi for initial implementations and @RockyMM for the initial request.

Closes #633, closes #664, resolves #595.


  • Indent of generated code for non-required lists. Thanks @sfowl! (#1050)
  • Parsing requestBody with $ref (#633)

0.21.0 (2024-06-08)

Breaking Changes

Removed the update command

The update command is no more, you can (mostly) replace its usage with some new flags on the generate command.

If you had a package named my-api-client in the current working directory, the update command previously would update the my_api_client module within it. You can now almost perfectly replicate this behavior using openapi-python-client generate --meta=none --output-path=my-api-client/my_api_client --overwrite.

The only difference is that my-api-client would have run post_hooks in the my-api-client directory, but generate will run post_hooks in the output-path directory.

Alternatively, you can now also run openapi-python-client generate --meta=<your-meta-type> --overwrite to regenerate the entire client, if you don't care about keeping any changes you've made to the generated client.

Please comment on discussion #824 (or a new discussion, as appropriate) to aid in designing future features that fill any gaps this leaves for you.


Added an --output-path option to generate

Rather than changing directories before running generate you can now specify an output directory with --output-path. Note that the project name will not be appended to the --output-path, whatever path you specify is where the generated code will be placed.

Added an --overwrite flag to generate

You can now tell openapi-python-client to overwrite an existing directory, rather than deleting it yourself before running generate.

0.20.0 (2024-05-18)

Breaking Changes

const values in responses are now validated at runtime

Prior to this version, const values returned from servers were assumed to always be correct. Now, if a server returns an unexpected value, the client will raise a ValueError. This should enable better usage with oneOf.

PR #1024. Thanks @peter-greenatlas!

Switch YAML parsing to 1.2

This change switches the YAML parsing library to ruamel.yaml which follows the YAML 1.2 specification. There are breaking changes from YAML 1.1 to 1.2, though they will not affect most use cases.

PR #1042 fixes #1041. Thanks @rtaycher!


  • allow Ruff 0.4 (#1031)


Fix nullable and required properties in multipart bodies

Fixes #926.


This change is likely to break custom templates. Multipart body handling has been completely split from JSON bodies.

0.19.1 (2024-03-27)


Add config option to override content types

You can now define a content_type_overrides field in your config.yml:

  application/zip: application/octet-stream

This allows openapi-python-client to generate code for content types it doesn't recognize.

PR #1010 closes #810. Thanks @gaarutyunov!


Add aliases to Client for pyright

This should resolve incompatibilities between the generated Client class and the pyright type checker.

PR #1009 closes #909. Thanks @patrick91!

0.19.0 (2024-03-06)

Breaking Changes

Update PDM metadata syntax

Metadata generated for PDM will now use the new distribution = true syntax instead of package-type = "library". New packages generated with --meta pdm will require PDM 2.12.0 or later to build.


Add response content to UnexpectedStatus exception

The error message for UnexpectedStatus exceptions will now include the UTF-8 decoded (ignoring errors) body of the response.

PR #989 implements #840. Thanks @harabat!


Allow hyphens in path parameters

Before now, path parameters which were invalid Python identifiers were not allowed, and would fail generation with an "Incorrect path templating" error. In particular, this meant that path parameters with hyphens were not allowed. This has now been fixed!

PR #986 fixed issue #976. Thanks @harabat!


This change may break custom templates, see this diff if you have trouble upgrading.

0.18.0 (2024-02-22)

Breaking Changes

For custom templates, changed type of endpoint parameters

This does not affect projects that are not using --custom-template-path

The type of these properties on Endpoint has been changed from Dict[str, Property] to List[Property]:

  • path_parameters
  • query_parameters
  • header_parameters
  • cookie_parameters

If your templates are very close to the default templates, you can probably just remove .values() anywhere it appears.

The type of iter_all_parameters() is also different, you probably want list_all_parameters() instead.

Updated generated config for Ruff v0.2

This only affects projects using the generate command, not the update command. The pyproject.toml file generated which configures Ruff for linting and formatting has been updated to the 0.2 syntax, which means it will no longer work with Ruff 0.1.

Updated naming strategy for conflicting properties

While fixing #922, some naming strategies were updated. These should mostly be backwards compatible, but there may be some small differences in generated code. Make sure to check your diffs before pushing updates to consumers!


support httpx 0.27 (#974)


Allow parameters with names differing only by case

If you have two parameters to an endpoint named mixedCase and mixed_case, previously, this was a conflict and the endpoint would not be generated. Now, the generator will skip snake-casing the parameters and use the names as-is. Note that this means if neither of the parameters was snake case, neither will be in the generated code.

Fixes #922 reported by @macmoritz & @benedikt-bartscher.

Fix naming conflicts with properties in models with mixed casing

If you had an object with two properties, where the names differed only by case, conflicting properties would be generated in the model, which then failed the linting step (when using default config). For example, this:

type: "object"
    type: "string"
    type: "string"

Would generate a class like this:

class MyModel:
    mixed_case: str
    mixed_case: str

Now, neither of the properties will be forced into snake case, and the generated code will look like this:

class MyModel:
    MixedCase: str
    mixedCase: str

0.17.3 (2024-02-20)


Remove spurious field_dict.update({}) for types without properties (#969)

Fix invalid type check for nested unions

Nested union types (unions of unions) were generating isinstance() checks that were not valid (at least for Python 3.9).

Thanks to @codebutler for PR #959 which fixes #958 and #967.

0.17.2 (2024-01-15)


Add --meta=pdm option for generating PEP621 + PDM metadata

The default metadata is still --meta=poetry, which generates a pyproject.toml file with Poetry-specific metadata. This change adds the --meta=pdm option which includes PDM-specific metadata, but also standard PEP621 metadata. This may be useful as a starting point for other dependency managers & build tools (like Hatch).

Add original OpenAPI data attribute to Response object

PR #767

In custom templates, you can now access a attribute that contains the original OpenAPI definition of the response (Response Object or Reference Object).

Include the UP rule for generated Ruff config

This enables pyupgrade-like improvements which should replace some .format() calls with f-strings.


Fix Ruff formatting for --meta=none

PR #940 fixes issue #939. Thanks @satwell!

Due to the lack of pyproject.toml, Ruff was not getting configured properly when --meta=none. As a result, it didn't clean up common generation issues like duplicate imports, which would then cause errors from linters.

This is now fixed by changing the default post_hook to ruff check . --fix --extend-select=I when --meta=none. Using generate --meta=none should now be almost identical to the code generated by update.

0.17.1 (2024-01-04)


Export Unset types from generated (#927)

Generate properties for some boolean enums

If a schema has both type = "boolean" and enum defined, a normal boolean property will now be created. Previously, the generator would error.

Note that the generate code will not correctly limit the values to the enum values. To work around this, use the OpenAPI 3.1 const instead of enum to generate Python Literal types.

Thanks for reporting #922 @macmoritz!


Do not stop generation for invalid enum values

This generator only supports enum values that are strings or integers. Previously, this was handled at the parsing level, which would cause the generator to fail if there were any unsupported values in the document. Now, the generator will correctly keep going, skipping only endpoints which contained unsupported values.

Thanks for reporting #922 @macmoritz!

Fix lists within unions

Fixes #756 and #928. Arrays within unions (which, as of 0.17 includes nullable arrays) would generate invalid code.

Thanks @kgutwin and @diesieben07!

Simplify type checks for non-required unions

0.17.0 (2023-12-31)

Breaking Changes

Removed query parameter nullable/required special case

In previous versions, setting either nullable: true or required: false on a query parameter would act like both were set, resulting in a type signature like Union[None, Unset, YourType]. This special case has been removed, query parameters will now act like all other types of parameters.

Renamed body types and parameters

PR #900 addresses #822.

Where previously there would be one body parameter per supported content type, now there is a single body parameter which takes a union of all the possible inputs. This correctly models the fact that only one body can be sent (and ever would be sent) in a request.

For example, when calling a generated endpoint, code which used to look like this:


Will now look like this:


Note that both the input parameter name and the class name have changed. This should result in simpler code when there is only a single body type and now produces correct code when there are multiple body types.


OpenAPI 3.1 support

The generator will now attempt to generate code for OpenAPI documents with versions 3.1.x (previously, it would exit immediately on seeing a version other than 3.0.x). The following specific OpenAPI 3.1 features are now supported:

  • null as a type
  • Arrays of types (e.g., type: [string, null])
  • const (defines Literal types)

The generator does not currently validate that the OpenAPI document is valid for a specific version of OpenAPI, so it may be possible to generate code for documents that include both removed 3.0 syntax (e.g., nullable) and new 3.1 syntax (e.g., null as a type).

Thanks to everyone who helped make this possible with discussions and testing, including:

  • @frco9
  • @vogre
  • @naddeoa
  • @staticdev
  • @philsturgeon
  • @johnthagen

Support multiple possible requestBody

PR #900 addresses #822.

It is now possible in some circumstances to generate valid code for OpenAPI documents which have multiple possible requestBody values. Previously, invalid code could have been generated with no warning (only one body could actually be sent).

Only one content type per "category" is currently supported at a time. The categories are:

  • JSON, like application/json
  • Binary data, like application/octet-stream
  • Encoded form data, like application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  • Files, like multipart/form-data


Always use correct content type for requests

In previous versions, a request body that was similar to a known content type would use that content type in the request. For example application/json would be used for application/vnd.api+json. This was incorrect and could result in invalid requests being sent.

Now, the content type defined in the OpenAPI document will always be used.

0.16.1 (2023-12-23)


Support httpx 0.26 (#913)

0.16.0 (2023-12-07)

Breaking Changes

Switch from Black to Ruff for formatting

black is no longer a runtime dependency, so if you have them set in custom post_hooks in a config file, you'll need to make sure they're being installed manually. ruff is now installed and used by default instead.

Use Ruff instead of isort + autoflake at runtime

isort and autoflake are no longer runtime dependencies, so if you have them set in custom post_hooks in a config file, you'll need to make sure they're being installed manually. ruff is now installed and used by default instead.


Support all text/* content types in responses

Within an API response, any content type which starts with text/ will now be treated the same as text/html already was—they will return the response.text attribute from the httpx Response.

Thanks to @fdintino for the initial implementation, and thanks for the discussions from @kairntech, @rubenfiszel, and @antoneladestito.

Closes #797 and #821.

Support application/octet-stream request bodies

Endpoints that accept application/octet-stream request bodies are now supported using the same File type as octet-stream responses.

Thanks to @kgutwin for the implementation and @rtaycher for the discussion!

PR #899 closes #588


Remove useless pass statements from generated code

0.15.2 (2023-09-16)


support httpx 0.25 (#854)

Support content-type with attributes (#655, #809, #858). Thanks @sherbang!

0.15.1 (2023-08-12)


Upgrade internal Pydantic use to v2. Thanks @KristinnVikar! (#779)


Naming conflicts when properties are named "field" or "define" (#781, #793). Thanks @david-dotorigin

0.15.0 (2023-07-23)

Breaking Changes

Minimum httpx version raised to 0.20

Some features of generated clients already failed at runtime when using httpx < 0.20, but now the minimum version is enforced at generation time.

Connections from clients no longer automatically close (PR #775)

Client and AuthenticatedClient now reuse an internal httpx.Client (or AsyncClient)—keeping connections open between requests. This will improve performance overall, but may cause resource leaking if clients are not closed properly. The new clients are intended to be used via context managers—though for compatibility they don't have to be used with context managers. If not using a context manager, connections will probably leak. Note that once a client is closed (by leaving the context manager), it can no longer be used—and attempting to do so will raise an exception.

APIs should now be called like:

with client as client:
# client is closed here and can no longer be used

Generated READMEs reflect the new syntax, but READMEs for existing generated clients should be updated manually. See this diff for inspiration.

Generated clients and models now use the newer attrs @define and field APIs

See the attrs docs for more information on how these may affect you.

Removed public attributes for Client and AuthenticatedClient

The following attributes have been removed from Client and AuthenticatedClient:

  • base_url—this can now only be set via the initializer
  • cookies—set at initialization or use .with_cookies()
  • headers—set at initialization or use .with_headers()
  • timeout—set at initialization or use .with_timeout()
  • verify_ssl—this can now only be set via the initializer
  • follow_redirects—this can now only be set via the initializer

The timeout param and with_timeout now take an httpx.Timeout instead of a float

AuthenticatedClient no longer inherits from Client

The API of AuthenticatedClient is still a superset of Client, but the two classes no longer share a common base class.


Allow customizing the underlying httpx clients

There are many use-cases where customizing the underlying httpx client directly is necessary. Some examples are:

The new Client and AuthenticatedClient classes come with several methods to customize underlying clients. You can pass arbitrary arguments to httpx.Client or httpx.AsyncClient when they are constructed:

client = Client(base_url="", httpx_args={"proxies": {"https://": ""}})

The underlying clients are constructed lazily, only when needed. httpx_args are stored internally in a dictionary until the first request is made.

You can force immediate construction of an underlying client in order to edit it directly:

import httpx
from my_api import Client

client = Client(base_url="")
sync_client: httpx.Client = client.get_httpx_client()
sync_client.timeout = 10
async_client = client.get_async_httpx_client()
async_client.timeout = 15

You can also completely override the underlying clients:

import httpx
from my_api import Client

client = Client(base_url="")
# The params you put in here ^ are discarded when you call set_httpx_client or set_async_httpx_client
sync_client = httpx.Client(base_url="", timeout=10)
async_client = httpx.AsyncClient(base_url="", timeout=15)

Clients now reuse connections between requests

This happens every time you use the same Client or AuthenticatedClient instance for multiple requests, however it is best to use a context manager (e.g., with client as client:) to ensure the client is closed properly.


Stop showing Poetry instructions in generated READMEs when not appropriate



  • Allow parameters named "client" and "url" [#758, #762, #765]. Thanks @truenicoco & @juanber84!


Breaking Changes

  • Drop support for Python 3.7, put minimum version limit on Black (#754)


  • Better typing (mypy) support for Unset (e.g., using if statements to check type) [#714, #752]. Thanks @taasan & @mcclurem! (#752)


  • pyproject_no_poetry.toml.jinja template can be used to configure black and isort (closes #750) (#751)



  • support httpx 0.24 (#746)



  • Extend the UnexpectedStatus exception to include the response's content (#729)
  • Added support of follow HTTP redirects (#724). Thanks @expobrain & @emann!


  • Parsing endpoint content types with semicolon separator (#727). Thanks @expobrain!
  • Remove Response[] from docstring of non-detailed functions (#741). Thanks @robertschweizer!



  • Always generate enums with sorted members (#728)


  • Prevent backslashes in descriptions from breaking docstrings [#735]. Thanks @robertschweizer & @bryan-hunt! (#735)
  • Respect required field in parameters included with $ref (#737)



  • Add http_timeout config to set timeout getting document via --url [#718]. Thanks @Kircheneer!


Breaking Changes

  • run post_hooks in package directory instead of current directory if meta=none [#696, #697]. Thanks @brenmous and @wallagib!
  • Treat leading underscore as a sign of invalid identifier [#703]. Thanks @maxkomarychev!


  • generated docstring for Client.get_headers function [#713]. Thanks @rtaycher!



  • Add raise_on_unexpected_status flag to generated Client [#593]. Thanks @JamesHinshelwood, @ramnes, @gwenshap, @theFong!
  • add use_path_prefixes_for_title_model_names config option for simpler model names [#559, #560]. Thanks @rtaycher!
  • Support any content type ending in +json [#706, #709]. Thanks @XioNoX and @mtovt!



  • Support Python 3.11.0 (#701)



  • Version bump due to PyPI error


Breaking Changes

  • Change the Response.status_code type to the HTTPStatus enum [#665]


  • Add endpoint_collections_by_tag and openapi to the templating globals [#689]. Thanks @paulo-raca!
  • Support for recursive and circular references using lazy imports [#670, #338, #466]. Thanks @maz808 & @mtovt!
  • Include __all__ in generated files [#676, #631, #540, #675]. Thanks @EltonChou!


  • If data.type is None but has, assume type is object [#691, #674]. Thanks @ahuang11!



  • improve the error message when parsing a response fails [#659]. Thanks @supermihi!
  • Authorization header can now be customized in AuthenticatedClient [#660]. Thanks @supermihi!
  • Support inlined form data schema in requestBody [#656, #662]. Thanks @supermihi!
  • Allow enums in headers [#663, #667]. Thanks @supermihi!


  • Exception when parsing documents which contain callbacks [#661]. Thanks @dachucky!



  • support #/components/parameters references [#288, #615, #653]. Thanks @jsanchez7SC!


  • Keep trailing newlines in generated files [#646, #654]. Thanks @eliask!



  • Invalid code generation with some oneOf and anyOf combinations [#603, #642]. Thanks @jselig-rigetti!
  • Allow relative references in all URLs [#630]. Thanks @jtv8!



  • Allow tokenUrl to be relative [#618]. Thanks @Fokko!



  • Allow httpx 0.23.x (#617)


  • typos in generated README (#586). Thanks @adelevie!



  • Allow httpx 0.22.* (#577)


  • Type annotations for optional dates and datetimes in multipart/form (#580)
  • Error generating clients with dates or datetimes in multipart/form [#579]. Thanks @lsaavedr!
  • Include nested packages in generated [#575, #576]. Thanks @tedo-benchling!


Breaking Changes

  • Minimum required attrs version in generated clients is now 21.3.0.
  • Python 3.6 is officially not supported. The minimum version has been updated to reflect this.
  • Validation of OpenAPI documents is now more strict.
  • Model names generated from OpenAPI names with periods (.) in them will be different.
  • Header values will be explicitly transformed or omitted instead of blindly passed to httpx as-is.
  • datetime is now considered a reserved word everywhere, so any properties which were named datetime will now be named datetime_.
  • File uploads can now only accept binary payloads (BinaryIO).


  • Don't set a cap on allowed attrs version.
  • use poetry-core as build backend in generated clients [#565]. Thanks @fabaff!
  • Use httpx.request to allow bodies for all type of requests [#545, #547]. Thanks @MalteBecker!


  • OpenAPI schema validation issues (#426, #568). Thanks @p1-ra!
  • treat period as a delimiter in names (#546). Thanks @alexifm!
  • Non-string header values [#552, #553, #566]. Thanks @John98Zakaria!
  • Generate valid code when a property of a model is named "datetime" [#557 & #558]. Thanks @kmray!
  • Multipart uploads for httpx >= 0.19.0 [#508, #548]. Thanks @skuo1-ilmn & @kairntech!



  • New and improved docstrings in generated functions and classes [#503, #505, #551]. Thanks @rtaycher!
  • Support httpx 0.21.* (#537)


  • Basic types as JSON bodies and responses [#487 & #550]. Thanks @Gelbpunkt!
  • Relative paths to config files [#538 & #544]. Thanks to @motybz, @MalteBecker, & @abhinav-cashify!



  • SSL verify argument to async clients [#533 & #510]. Thanks @fsvenson and @mvaught02!
  • Remove unused CHANGELOG from generated [#529]. Thanks @johnthagen!



  • Improve error messages related to invalid arrays and circular or recursive references [#519].
  • Add httpx 0.20.* support [#514].


  • Use isort "black" profile in generated clients [#523]. Thanks @johnthagen!
  • should generate importable packages named _client [#492, #520, #521]. Thanks @tedo-benchling & @Leem0sh!
  • Allow None in enum properties [#504, #512, #516]. Thanks @juspence!
  • properly support JSON OpenAPI documents and config files [#488, #509, #515]. Thanks @tardyp and @Gelbpunkt!



  • Add verify_ssl option to generated Client, allowing users to ignore or customize ssl verification (#497). Thanks @rtaycher!


  • Properly label a path template issue as a warning (#494). Thanks @chamini2!
  • Don't allow mixed types in enums.
  • Don't crash when a null is in an enum (#500). Thanks @juspence!



  • Allow customization of post-generation steps with the post_hooks config option.
  • Allow httpx 0.19.* (#481)


  • Don't crash the generator when one of the post-generation hooks is missing [fixes #479]. Thanks @chamini2 and @karolzlot!



  • Expose python_identifier and class_name functions to custom templates to rename with the same behavior as the parser.


  • Treat true and false as reserved words.
  • Prevent generating Python files named the same as reserved / key words.
  • Properly replace reserved words in class and module names [#475, #476]. Thanks @mtovts!



  • Allow path parameters to be positional args [#429 & #464]. Thanks @tsotnikov!
  • Include both UNSET and None static types for nullable or optional query params [#421, #380, #462]. Thanks @forest-benchling!
  • Allow allOf enums to be subsets of one another or their base types [#379, #423, #461]. Thanks @forest-benchling! (#461)


  • Parameters from PathItem can now be overriden in Operation [#458 & #457]. Thanks @mtovts!



  • Support multipart requests with type: array [#452 & #451]. Thanks @csymeonides-mf @slamora and @dpursehouse


Breaking Changes

  • Normalize generated module names to allow more tags [#428 & #448]. Thanks @iamnoah & @forest-benchling!
  • Improved the consistency of snake_cased identifiers which will cause some to be renamed [#413 & #432]. Thanks @ramnes!
  • Allow more types in multipart payloads by defaulting to JSON for complex types [#372]. Thanks @csymeonides-mf!


  • Allow custom templates for API and endpoint __init__ files. [#442] Thanks @p1-ra!


  • Treat empty schemas like Any instead of None. Thanks @forest-benchling! [#417 & #445]



  • Add option to fail on warning [#427]. Thanks @forest-benchling!


  • Properly strip out UNSET values from form data [#430]. Thanks @p1-ra!



  • Allow references to non-object, non-enum types [#371][#418][#425]. Thanks @p1-ra!
  • Allow for attrs 21.x in generated clients [#412]
  • Allow for using any version of Black [#416] [#411]. Thanks @christhekeele!


  • Prevent crash when providing a non-string default to a string attribute. [#414] [#415]
  • Deserialization of optional nullable properties when no value is returned from the API [#420] [#381]. Thanks @forest-benchling!

0.9.0 - 2021-05-04

Breaking Changes

  • Some generated names will be different, solving some inconsistencies. (closes #369) (#375) Thanks @ramnes!
  • Change reference resolution to use reference path instead of class name (fixes #342) (#366)
  • If a schema references exactly one other schema in allOf, oneOf, or anyOf that referenced generated model will be used directly instead of generating a copy with another name. (#361)
  • Attributes shadowing any builtin except id and type will now be renamed in generated clients (#360, #378, #407). Thanks @dblanchette and @forest-benchling!


  • Allow httpx 0.18.x in generated clients (#400)
  • Add summary attribute to Endpoint for use in custom templates (#404)
  • Support common parameters for paths (#376). Thanks @ramnes!
  • Add allOf support for model definitions (#98) (#321)


  • Attempt to deduplicate endpoint parameters based on name and location (fixes #305) (#406)
  • Names of classes without titles will no longer include ref path (fixes #397) (#405). Thanks @ramnes!
  • Problems with enum defaults in allOf (#363). Thanks @csymeonides-mf
  • Prevent duplicate return types in generated api functions (#365)
  • Support empty strings in enums (closes #357) (#358). Thanks @ramnes!
  • Allow passing data with files in multipart. (Fixes #351) (#355)
  • Deserialization of unions (#332). Thanks @forest-benchling!

0.8.0 - 2021-02-19

Breaking Changes

  • Generated clients will no longer pass through None to query parameters. Previously, any query params set to None would surface as empty strings (per the default behavior of httpx). This is contrary to the defaults indicated by the OpenAPI 3.0.3 spec. Ommitting these parameters makes us more compliant. If you require a style of null to be passed to your query parameters, please request support for the OpenAPI "style" attribute. Thank you to @forest-benchling and @bowenwr for a ton of input on this.


  • New --meta command line option for specifying what type of metadata should be generated:

    • poetry is the default value, same behavior you're used to in previous versions
    • setup will generate a pyproject.toml with no Poetry information, and instead create a with the project info.
    • none will not create a project folder at all, only the inner package folder (which won't be inner anymore)
  • Attempt to detect and alert users if they are using an unsupported version of OpenAPI (#281).

  • The media type application/vnd.api+json will now be handled just like application/json (#307). Thanks @jrversteegh!

  • Support passing models into query parameters (#316). Thanks @forest-benchling!

  • Add support for cookie parameters (#326).

  • New --file-encoding command line option (#330). Sets the encoding used when writing generated files (defaults to utf-8). Thanks @dongfangtianyu!


  • Lowered the minimum version of python-dateutil to 2.8.0 for improved compatibility (#298 & #299). Thanks @bowenwr!
  • The from_dict method on generated models is now a @classmethod instead of @staticmethod (#215 & #292). Thanks @forest-benchling!
  • Renamed all templates to end in .jinja, and all python-templates to end in .py.jinja to fix confusion with the latest version of mypy. Note this will break existing custom templates until you update your template file names.


  • Endpoint tags are now sanitized during parsing to fix an issue where My Tag and MyTag are seen as two different tags but are then later unified, causing errors when creating directories. Thanks @p1-ra! (#328)
  • Parser will softly ignore value error during schema responses' status code convertion from string to integer (not a number). Errors will be reported to the end user and parsing will continue to proceed (#327).
  • The generated from_dict and to_dict methods of models will now properly handle nullable and not required properties that are themselves generated models (#315). Thanks @forest-benchling!
  • Fixed a typo in the async example in generated files (#337). Thanks @synchronizing!
  • Fix deserialization of None and Unset properties for all types by unifying the checks (#334). Thanks @forest-benchling!
  • If duplicate model names are detected during generation, you'll now get an error message instead of broken code (#336). Thanks @forest-benchling!
  • Fixes Enum deserialization when the value is UNSET (#306). Thanks @bowenwr!

0.7.3 - 2020-12-21


  • Spacing and extra returns for Union types of additionalProperties (#266 & #268). Thanks @joshzana & @packyg!
  • Title of inline schemas will no longer be missing characters (#271 & #274). Thanks @kalzoo!
  • Handling of nulls (Nones) when parsing or constructing dates (#267). Thanks @fyhertz!

0.7.2 - 2020-12-08


  • A bug in handling optional properties that are themselves models (introduced in 0.7.1) (#262). Thanks @packyg!

0.7.1 - 2020-12-08


  • Support for additionalProperties attribute in OpenAPI schemas and "free-form" objects by adding an additional_properties attribute to generated models. COMPATIBILITY NOTE: this will prevent any model property with a name that would be coerced to "additional_properties" in the generated client from generating properly (#218 & #252). Thanks @packyg!


  • Enums will once again work with query parameters (#259). Thanks @packyg!
  • Generated Poetry metadata in pyproject.toml will properly indicate Python 3.6 compatibility (#258). Thanks @bowenwr!

0.7.0 - 2020-11-25

Breaking Changes

  • Any request/response field that is not required and wasn't specified is now set to UNSET instead of None.

  • Values that are UNSET will not be sent along in API calls

  • Schemas defined with type=object will now be converted into classes, just like if they were created as ref components. The previous behavior was a combination of skipping and using generic Dicts for these schemas.

  • Response schema handling was unified with input schema handling, meaning that responses will behave differently than before. Specifically, instead of the content-type deciding what the generated Python type is, the schema itself will.

    • As a result of this, endpoints that used to return bytes when content-type was application/octet-stream will now return a File object if the type of the data is "binary", just like if you were submitting that type instead of receiving it.
  • Instead of skipping input properties with no type, enum, anyOf, or oneOf declared, the property will be declared as None.

  • Class (models and Enums) names will now contain the name of their parent element (if any). For example, a property declared in an endpoint will be named like {endpointname}{previousclassname}. Classes will no longer be deduplicated by appending a number to the end of the generated name, so if two names conflict with this new naming scheme, there will be an error instead.


  • Added a --custom-template-path option for providing custom jinja2 templates (#231 - Thanks @erichulburd!).
  • Better compatibility for "required" (whether or not the field must be included) and "nullable" (whether or not the field can be null) (#205 & #208). Thanks @bowenwr & @emannguitar!
  • Support for all the same schemas in responses as are supported in parameters.
  • In template macros: added declare_type param to transform and initial_value param to construct to improve flexibility (#241 - Thanks @packyg!).


  • Fixed spacing and generation of properties of type Union in generated models (#241 - Thanks @packyg!).
  • Fixed usage instructions in generated (#247 - Thanks @theFong!).

0.6.2 - 2020-11-03


  • Prefix generated identifiers to allow leading digits in field names (#206 - @kalzoo).
  • Prevent autoflake from removing imports during generation. (#223 - Thanks @fyhertz!)
  • Update minimum Pydantic version to support Python 3.9


  • Allow specifying the generated client's version using package_version_override in a config file. (#225 - Thanks @fyhertz!)

0.6.1 - 2020-09-26


  • Use httpx ^0.15.0 in generated clients


  • Properly remove spaces from generated Enum keys (#198). Thanks @bowenwr!


  • Endpoints without operationIds will have a name generated from their method and path (#92). Thanks @Kerybas & @dtkav!
  • autoflake will be run on generated clients to clean up unused imports / variables (#138). Thanks @pawamoy!
  • Note to README about supported OpenAPI versions (#176). Thanks @filippog!

0.6.0 - 2020-09-21

Breaking Changes

  • Reorganized api calls in generated clients. async_api will no longer be generated. Each path operation will now have it's own module under its tag. For example, if there was a generated function api.my_tag.my_function() it is replaced with api.my_tag.my_function.sync(). The async version can be called with asyncio() instead of sync(). (#167)
  • Removed support for mutable default values (e.g. dicts, lists). They may be added back in a future version given enough demand, but the existing implementation was not up to this project's standards. (#170)
  • Removed generated errors module (and the ApiResponseError therein). Instead of raising an exception on failure, the sync() and asyncio() functions for a path operation will return None. This means all return types are now Optional, so mypy will require you to handle potential errors (or explicitly ignore them).
  • Moved models.types generated module up a level, so just types.
  • All generated classes that were dataclass now use the attrs package instead


  • Every generated API module will have a sync_detailed() and asyncio_detailed() function which work like their non-detailed counterparts, but return a types.Response[T] instead of an Optional[T] (where T is the parsed body type). types.Response contains status_code, content (bytes of returned content), headers, and parsed (the parsed return type you would get from the non-detailed function). (#115)
  • It's now possible to include custom headers and cookies in requests, as well as set a custom timeout. This can be done either by directly setting those parameters on a Client (e.g. my_client.headers = {"Header": "Value"}) or using a fluid api (e.g. my_endpoint.sync(my_client.with_cookies({"MyCookie": "cookie"}).with_timeout(10.0))).
  • Unsupported content types or no responses at all will no longer result in an endpoint being completely skipped. Instead, only the detailed versions of the endpoint will be generated, where the resulting Response.parsed is always None. (#141)
  • Support for Python 3.6 (#137 & #154)
  • Support for enums with integer values


  • The format of any errors/warnings has been spaced out a bit.

0.5.5 - 2020-09-04


  • Improved trailing comma handling in endpoint generation (#178 & #179). Thanks @dtkav!
  • Optional is now properly imported for nullable fields (#177 & #180). Thanks @dtkav!

0.5.4 - 2020-08-29


  • Support for octet-stream content type (#116)
  • Support for nullable (#99)
  • Union properties can be defined using oneOf (#98)
  • Support for lists of strings, integers, floats and booleans as responses (#165). Thanks @Maistho!

0.5.3 - 2020-08-13


  • All values that become file/directory names are sanitized to address path traversal vulnerabilities (CVE-2020-15141)
  • All values that get placed into python files (everything from enum names, to endpoint descriptions, to default values) are validated and/or saniziatied to address arbitrary code execution vulnerabilities (CVE-2020-15142)


  • Due to security concerns/implementation complexities, default values are temporarily unsupported for any RefProperty that doesn't refer to an enum.
  • Defaults for properties must now be valid values for their respective type (e.g. "example string" is an invalid default for an integer type property, and the function for an endpoint using it would fail to generate and be skipped).


  • Added support for header parameters (#117)


  • JSON bodies will now be assigned correctly in generated clients(#139 & #147). Thanks @pawamoy!

0.5.2 - 2020-08-06


  • Added project_name_override and package_name_override config options to override the name of the generated project/package (#123)
  • The generated library's version is now the same as the OpenAPI doc's version (#134)

0.5.1 - 2020-08-05


  • Relative paths are now allowed in securitySchemes/OAuthFlow/tokenUrl (#130).
  • Schema validation errors will no longer print a stack trace (#131).
  • Invalid YAML/URL will no longer print stack trace (#128)

0.5.0 - 2020-08-05


  • When encountering a problem, the generator will now differentiate between warnings (things it was able to skip past) and errors (things which halt generation altogether).


  • The generator can now handle many more errors gracefully, skipping the things it can't generate and continuing with the pieces it can.
  • Support for Enums declared in "components/schemas" and references to them (#102).
  • Generated clients can now be installed via pip (#120).
  • Support for YAML OpenAPI documents (#111)

Internal Changes

  • Switched OpenAPI document parsing to use Pydantic based on a vendored version of openapi-schema-pydantic (#103).
  • Tests can now be run on Windows.

0.4.2 - 2020-06-13


  • Support for responses with no content (#63 & #66). Thanks @acgray!
  • Support for custom string formats (#64 & #65). Thanks @acgray!

0.4.1 - 2020-06-02


  • Support for Python 3.7 (#58)

0.4.0 - 2020-05-30

Breaking Changes

  • Classes generated to be included within lists will now be named like Item. For example, if a property named "statuses" is an array of enum values, previously the Enum class declared would be called "Statuses". Now it will be called "StatusesItem". If a "title" attribute was used in the OpenAPI document, that should still be respected and used instead of the generated name. You can restore previous names by adding "StatusesItem" to the class_overrides section of a config file.
  • Clients now require httpx ^0.13.0 (up from ^0.12.1). See httpx release notes for details.


  • Support for binary format strings (file payloads)
  • Support for multipart/form bodies
  • Support for any supported property within a list (array), including other lists.
  • Support for Union types ("anyOf" in OpenAPI document)
  • Support for more basic response types (integer, number, boolean)
  • Support for duplicate enums. Instead of erroring, enums with the same name (title) but differing values will have a number appended to the end. So if you have two conflicting enums named MyEnum, one of them will now be named MyEnum1. Note that the order in which these are processed and therefore named is entirely dependent on the order they are read from the OpenAPI document, so changes to the document could result in swapping the names of conflicting Enums.


  • The way most imports are handled was changed which should lead to fewer unused imports in generated files.

  • Better error messages

    • Most error messages will contain some useful information about why it failed instead of a stack trace
    • Client will still be generated if there are recoverable errors, excluding endpoints that had those errors
  • Output from isort and black when generating will now be suppressed


  • Defaults within models dataclasses for Dict or List properties will now be properly declared as a field with the default_factory parameter to prevent errors related to mutable defaults.

0.3.0 - 2020-04-25


  • Link to the GitHub repository from PyPI (#26). Thanks @theY4Kman!
  • Support for date properties (#30, #37). Thanks @acgray!
  • Allow naming schemas by property name and Enums by title (#21, #31, #38). Thanks @acgray!


  • Fixed some typing issues in generated clients and incorporate mypy into end to end tests (#32). Thanks @acgray!
  • Properly handle camelCase endpoint names and properties (#29, #36). Thanks @acgray!

0.2.1 - 2020-03-22


  • Fixed import of in generated api modules


  • Support for lists of Enums
  • Add config for black to generated pyproject.toml

0.2.0 - 2020-03-22


  • Update Typer dependency to 0.1.0 and remove click-completion dependency (#19)
  • Switched to httpx from requests for both this tool and generated clients (#15)


  • --version option to print the version of openapi-python-client and exit
  • --config option for passing a config.yml file to override generated class names (#9)
  • Generated clients will now have some basic Poetry usage in their (#13)
  • Generated clients will now have an async_api module for async versions of every function in the api module (#16)
  • Generated clients will be auto-formatted with isort and black (#12)
  • Generated clients will have a .gitignore covering some basics (#14)
  • A number of additions to the README including recommending pipx (#20)

0.1.2 - 2020-03-16

  • Improve handling of optional properties in generated to_dict function for models
  • Add PEP 561 marker file (py.typed) to generated packages

0.1.1 - 2020-03-06

  • Fix mypy issue in generated models from_dict with datetime or reference properties
  • Generated clients now raise an ApiResponseError if they receive a response that was not declared
  • Stop including optional query parameters when value is set to None
  • Added an update command to update a previously generated client
  • Added click-completion for installable tab completion in most shells

0.1.0 - 2020-02-28

  • Initial Release