- Fix several bugs in remove_tree, add_tree, ...
- Add unit tests
- Add a conversion to and from graphviz (by using pydot) and networkx
- Enhance the export to NetworkX by considering graph with non connected components.
- Implement the breadth first search algorithm on a graph
- Add level order traversal and tests.
- Create a first skeleton for the user documentation
- Add generator methods for tree.
- Add implementation and interface of tree.
- use array instead of set in topomesh
- update container sphinx documentation
- Add rooted graph interface and tree interface.
- Add Property graph class which is a graph with vertex and edge properties.
- Add Property graph class which is a graph with vertex and edge properties.
- Fix bug in clear method. Add a clear method to IdGenerator.
- added txt serialization to topomesh
- added different kind of idgenerators
- new implementation of id generator using sets
- added mesh algo and alea nodes for mesh
- neighbors operator in mesh
- Add MAC OS X dynamic library to the package data to install build libraries correctly.
- Update SConscript and Sconstruct for compatibility with scons 1.0 and the latest version of sconsx
- 06/05/2009
- Create a first skeleton for the user documentation
- Implement a method to convert a Graph into a NetworkX graph
- Add generator methods for tree.
- Fix a bug in Tree. Now empty Tree (Tree without root node) are not allowed.
- 30/04/2009
- Add new packages as a proposal for algorithms (traversal, backend, readwrite).
- Add tree interface and implementation.
- Provide basic traversal algorithms.