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Step 9 - Planet Development Setup Tutorial

Estimated Time: 3h


  • Learn about running the Planet development environment


For development, the following additional tools are required:

  • Node.js v14
  • Angular CLI v10


Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, back-end JavaScript runtime environment that runs on the V8 engine and executes JavaScript code outside a web browser.

  1. Check if Node.js is already installed by running node -v in your terminal or Git Bash. If the output starts with v14., you can skip the rest and proceed to "Angular CLI."
  2. Check if you have a Node.js environment manager, such as nvm or fnm, by running nvm -v and fnm -v. If installed, use nvm install 14 or fnm use --install-if-missing 14 to install Node.js 14.
  3. If neither is installed, you can install Node.js v14 by visiting Node.js — Download Node.js:
  4. In the first dropdown, select version v14.*.*
  5. In the second dropdown, select your operating system.
  6. In the third dropdown: - For Linux, select nvm - For Windows, select fnm - For macOS, select fnm
  7. Follow the instruction to install node.js v14 onto your system

Angular CLI

Angular CLI is a command-line interface for Angular. After installing node 14, run npm install -g @angular/cli@10 to install Angular CLI v10.


After setting up the production server for Planet, we will now configure the development environment and server. This will allow you to make changes to the code and see the results in real-time.

To ensure all required software is installed, copy and paste the following code block into your terminal or Git Bash app:

docker -v
git -v
node -v
npm -v
  • docker -v - Should display Docker version
  • git -v - Should display git version
  • node -v - Should display v14.*
  • npm -v - Should display 6.*

Next, run ng version to check your Angular CLI version, look for Angular CLI: 10.* below the Angular CLI ASCII art.

Container Setup


  1. Create a planetdev directory for the planet dev data:
sudo mkdir -p /srv/planetdev && cd /srv/planetdev
  1. Download the development yml file:
sudo wget
  1. Start the containers: sudo docker compose -f planet-dev.yml -p planet-dev up -d
  2. After a minute, run sudo docker ps -a to verify that you have 2 runnning containers – chatapi and couchdb, the db-init container should have exited.
  • If chatapi service is restarting or exited, please ignore it for now as we are working on a fix


  1. Create a planetdev directory for the planet dev data:
mkdir -p ~/srv/planetdev && cd ~/srv/planetdev
  1. Download the development yml file:
curl -o planet-dev.yml
  1. Start the containers: docker compose -f planet-dev.yml -p planet-dev up -d
  2. After a minute, run docker ps -a to verify that you have 2 runnning containers – chatapi and couchdb, the db-init container should have exited.
  • If chatapi service is restarting or exited, please ignore it for now as we are working on a fix

Configure CORS for CouchDB with add-cors-to-couchdb project:

We use the Add Cors to CouchDB project to enable CORS on the CouchDB server. This is necessary for the Planet project to work correctly. We only need this for initialization purposes.

# change directory to the dedicated ole folder you created in Step 2's "Preparation" section
cd ~/Documents/ole
# clone Add Cors to CouchDB repository
git clone

# cd into the repo folder and install required node modules for this project
cd add-cors-to-couchdb
npm install

# ensure couchdb docker service is up and running then update CouchDB with CORS settings
while ! curl -X GET ; do sleep 1; done
node bin.js http://localhost:2200

Configure the Planet project:

# change directory to the dedicated ole folder you created in Step 2's "Preparation" section
cd ~/Documents/ole
# ensure that `couchdb` and the `chatapi` containers are running before proceeding.
docker ps -a

Hint: You can copy multiple lines (or the entire block) and paste it into your terminal to run everything at once, rather than executing each line individually.

# clone ole's planet repository
git clone
cd planet

# adjust the logging configuration and authentication settings of the CouchDB service
curl -X PUT http://localhost:2200/_node/nonode@nohost/_config/log/file -d '"/opt/couchdb/var/log/couch.log"'
curl -X PUT http://localhost:2200/_node/nonode@nohost/_config/log/writer -d '"file"'
curl -X PUT http://localhost:2200/_node/nonode@nohost/_config/chttpd/authentication_handlers -d '"{chttpd_auth, cookie_authentication_handler}, {chttpd_auth, proxy_authentication_handler}, {chttpd_auth, default_authentication_handler}"'

# run the script to set up the couchdb database for the planet project
bash -p 2200 -i
# If you encounter permission issues, run the command below,
# replacing `username` and `password` with your preferred credentials.
# Be sure to save these credentials, as you'll need them to access CouchDB through the Fauxton interface (`localhost:2200/_utils`).
bash -p 2200 -i -u "username" -w "password"

Install dependecies and serve the app

  • npm install
    • Note: This step may take anywhere between 10 and 45 minutes. If the installation progress seems stuck, we recommend leaving it running in the background and checking back after 30 minutes to see if it has progressed. Once the installation is complete, it should display the total time taken. Please share how long it took for you in the #vi-software Discord channel.
  • ng serve, once it's done compiling, visit localhost:3000 to access the planet app.
    • if the default port 3000 is taken, specify another port, e.g. ng serve --port 3001
  • Similarly to Step 2.2 - Planet Configurations, you’ll need to configure a new planet community with a slightly modified name (e.g., <YourUserName>dev).
  • Take a screenshot of the new configuration page and post it in the #vi-software Discord channel.

Service Ports

Note: The port numbers for the development and production servers are different

production development
planet 3300 3000
chatapi 5050 5000 (5400 for mac/windows)
couchdb 2300 2200

Next: Step 10 - Be Part of the Team

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