- Ability to configure a 'development' mode such that validations only run during development. I would first run some tests to get an idea of how much time these validations take.
- Add an es5 friendly version (e.g. generated via babel).
- Add test for each criterion and flag
- Find ways to make the returned errors more friendly
- Document the order of validations both when creating a validator and validating.
- Test strings in error message (i.e. make sure we're returning well formed strings)
- Criterion that have unintuitive type checks should have a mechanism to report the cause of error. Note: the type checks are necessary because foregoing them would mean unintuitive results when types don't match.
- Implement
which takes a set of default options to be used in further createValidator calls. - Optionally configure validator to stop on first invalid criterion.
- Figure out a consistent model for error id naming
- Truncate containedIn error
- Figure out a clean api for unvalidated properties. Maybe an array of strings in opts?
- Lint for broken links in readme, assuming I do that prior to making a docs website.
- Instead of treating passTo and passEachTo as just another boolean-returning criterion, we could save from a lot of nested try/catch's by validating all other criterion first then calling passTo/passEachTo. This would not only better match the 'return result by default, throw if told to do so' pattern, but also should be more performant. Granted performance is a give and take when it comes to validation.
- Implement
, which exposes the custom flag functions for use externally. - Think through passing
on the result object post-validation. Whether it would be useful is the question. - Decide on API for madonna-fp to expose how it decides whether marg is succinct or verbose, also expose a function to sanitize marg to its longhand equivalent.
- Figure out how all madonna modules should expose their errors in a sane way. Basically you should be able to get all the possible errors when using any version of each module. Since many modules consume each other, this means a common api should be created so the top-level module can expose all dependent modules' errors.
- Should I duplicate the validation functions to simplify the docs? i.e. create a convention explicitly stating verbose and succinct arguments?
- Clean up the validate(Sternly)? && create(Stern)?Validator logic. The current
state of things is messy due to adding
after the fact. - Non-stern schema validation should return result just like validating the object does.
- Errors need to be restructured to represent the new variation in functions
- Rename arg -> marg as it's now clearly stated in the documentation
- Better alias naming for stern/identity? Really don't know what to do here.
- Is there such thing as a generic friendly error message? Maybe this library should provide one but also allow for customization on a per error (or argument) basis?
- When object isn't passed, give the expected properties to the object