Releases: odpi/egeria
Release 3.4
Release 3.4 (December 2021)
Summary release notes can now be found at
Note: We currently do not expect to publish a release during December (release January), so the next release will be in approximately 2 months time.
What's Changed
- Added asset catalog out topic connector to be used by search OMIS by @marius-patrascu in #5733
- #5828 update master to 3.4-SNAPSHOT by @planetf1 in #5852
- #5855 Fix chassis start failure caused by jackson dataformat version by @planetf1 in #5856
- #5855 add publish to for release pipeline by @planetf1 in #5860
- #5271 update docker-compose (deprecated) to use egeria 3.3 images by @planetf1 in #5862
- Adding new postcard based on Dojo by @tcnt in #5859
- #5866 fix bad link (broken during other refactoring) to new k8s docs by @planetf1 in #5868
- #5869 prevent null ptr exception in kafka connector by @davidradl in #5870
- Dependabot Nov 2021 by @planetf1 in #5902
- Bump nettyVersion from 4.1.68.Final to 4.1.69.Final by @planetf1 in #5906
- #5903 add config for server author by @planetf1 in #5904
- #5903 Fix to glossary author config by @planetf1 in #5908
- #5828 minor updates to 3.3 release notes by @planetf1 in #5907
- fix broken doc links. by @lpalashevski in #5865
- Fix ETL Jobs in Open Lineage Connector by @alexandra-bucur in #5851
- UI chassis fixes by @marius-patrascu in #5867
- Fix as per Issue #5801 by @Inventoroz in #5809
- Egeria's OpenLineage support by @mandy-chessell in #5915
- #5816 update category with parent by @davidradl in #5914
- Ols retrieve al topic by @marius-patrascu in #5847
- Fix admin security checks and messages by @mandy-chessell in #5917
- Egeria code by @mandy-chessell in #5920
- #5810 support additionParameters for Terms by @davidradl in #5916
- Replaces links to test suite descriptions to new website by @cmgrote in #5924
- Query details of active server status by @mandy-chessell in #5925
- release-notes-3-4 draft & intellij tutorial README draft by @bogdan-sava in #5923
- remove graph-repository-connector dependency from connector-configuration-factory by @bogdan-sava in #5848
- Add Data Engine missing Javadoc by @alexandra-bucur in #5922
- #5702 update gradle to 7.3 by @planetf1 in #5919
- DS Proxy - add capability to process virtual assetes by @popa-raluca in #5871
- #5926 add attributes to KafkaTopic by @davidradl in #5931
- Cts by @cmgrote in #5932
- fix maven dependencies version by @bogdan-sava in #5930
- #5936 amend kafkaTopic property names by @davidradl in #5940
- Fix classification issues found during the Deduplication Governance Action Connector analysis by @alexandra-bucur in #5941
- Change parameter in function calls by @tcnt in #5913
- [ui-chassis-spring] jwt refactoring by @bogdan-sava in #5944
- Fix ignore group for org.hibernate by @lpalashevski in #5949
- Update nexus-iq-clm.yml by @lpalashevski in #5950
- #5951 remove fixed version from nexus-iq scan by @planetf1 in #5952
- #5942 update CodeQL job to fix branch protection issue by @planetf1 in #5953
- Add support for ARM64 Image Build by @tcnt in #5947
- Add support for profiles, users and roles by @mandy-chessell in #5957
- (Release 3.4) Update version to 3.4 by @planetf1 in #5959
Full Changelog: V3.3...V3.4
Release 3.3
Release 3.3 (November 2021)
Release 3.3 adds:
- Open Metadata Type changes
- New hand-on lab introducing Lineage management
Details of these and other changes are in the sections that follow.
Description of Changes
Lineage management is new chapter in our hand-on labs describing different scenarios to capture, preserve and use lineage information.
Open Lineage Lab brings the first exercise focusing on design time lineage using Open Lineage Services.
Open Metadata Types
The following changes have been made to the open metadata types:
- New type Incomplete for classifying referencable entities used in special lineage cases. One example for such case is representing 'virtual asset' form IBM IGC external repository.
See description in model 0790.
Beta documentation site
We are in the process of moving our documentation across to a new site at . This is still work in progress so some material is currently missing, and some links will fail.
This site should offer improved usability including navigation & search.
Please continue to refer to the main documentation site for any missing content until this migration is complete.
Deprecations & Removals
Known Issues
It is recommended to use a chromium-based browser such as Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge, or alternatively Apple Safari for the Egeria React UI. Some parts of the UI experience such as Dino currently experience problems with Firefox. See odpi/egeria-react-ui#96 .
If deploying helm charts to OpenShift, a security policy change is needed. See odpi/egeria-charts#18
When using the 'understanding platform services' lab notebook, the query for active servers will fail. See #5023 .
Further Help and Support
See the Community Guide.
- Return to Release Notes
License: CC BY 4.0,
Copyright Contributors to the ODPi Egeria project.
Release 3.2
Release 3.2 (October 2021)
Release 3.2 adds:
- Open Metadata Type changes
- Dependency Updates
- Bug Fixes
Details of these and other changes are in the sections that follow.
Description of Changes
Open Metadata Types
The following changes have been made to the open metadata types:
New types for setting up the list of status for governance definitions.
See new type descriptions in model 0421. -
There is a new type called SoftwareArchive to describe a software archive such as a JAR file for java.
See description in model 0030.
Beta documentation site
We are in the process of moving our documentation across to a new site at . This is still work in progress so some material is currently missing, and some links will fail.
This site should offer improved usability including navigation & search.
Please continue to refer to the main documentation site for any missing content until this migration is complete.
Known Issues
- It is recommended to use a chromium-based browser such as Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge, or alternatively Apple Safari for the Egeria React UI. Some parts of the UI experience such as Dino currently experience problems with Firefox. See odpi/egeria-react-ui#96 .
Further Help and Support
See the Community Guide.
- Return to Release Notes
License: CC BY 4.0,
Copyright Contributors to the ODPi Egeria project.
Release 3.1
Release 3.1 (September 2021)
Release 3.1 adds:
- Open Metadata Type changes
- Deprecation of Docker Compose environment
- Changes to the Coco Pharmaceuticals lab environment
- Dependency Updates
- Bug Fixes
Details of these and other changes are in the sections that follow.
Note: These release notes are taken from - please refer there to navigate relative links correctly
Description of Changes
Open Metadata Types
The following changes have been made to the open metadata types:
New types for modeling data processing purposes.
See new type descriptions in models 0485. -
The following types have been deprecated: BoundedSchemaType, BoundedSchemaElementType,
ArraySchemaType and SetSchemaType.
See description in model 0507. -
The ServerEndpoint relationship can now connect to any ITInfrastructure elements, not just SoftwareServers.
See description in model 0040. -
The OperatingPlatform entity can now record the patch level of the operating system. There are also new types for describing
the contents of an operating platform.
See description in model 0030. -
There are now types for distinguishing between virtual machines and virtual containers as well as bare metal hardware.
There are also new types for specific technologies such as HadoopCluster, KubernetesCluster and DockerContainer
to provide concrete examples of different types of hosts using popular technologies.
Finally the DeployedVirtualContainer relationship has been deprecated in favor of a more generic HostedHost relationship.
See description in model 0035. -
There are new types for define a storage volume that has been attached to a host.
See description in model 0036. -
A new subtype of software server for reusable business functions (such as microservices) has been added called ApplicationService.
See description in model 0057.
Beta documentation site
We are in the process of moving our documentation across to a new site at . This is still work in progress so some material is currently missing, and some links will fail.
This site should offer improved usability including navigation & search.
Please continue to refer to the main documentation site for any missing content until this migration is complete.
Deprecation of docker-compose
The docker-compose environment for running our Coco Pharmaceuticals lab demo/tutorial is now deprecated. The configuration is still available, but will not
be further developed or tested, and will be removed in a future release.
Our Kubernetes Helm charts are now recommended to quickly setup the same lab
environment, and the documentation for these has been improved to cover
a Kubernetes introduction, and example based on 'microk8s' which are suited to
an end user desktop environment (and can also be run in enterprise/cloud environments)
Egeria Helm charts repository
The Helm charts are now being developed at Charts are now published as a proper Helm Repository, making installation easier. This move also keeps their lifecycle independent of our various code repositories, and issues/features should be opened on that repository.
Charts are now installable without cloning the git repository. Instead first add the repository:
helm repo add egeria
You can list charts with:
helm search repo egeria
And install with :
helm install lab egeria/odpi-egeria-lab
The documentation is temporarily available at but will move to our new cross-repository Egeria docs repository soon.
Coco Pharmaceuticals lab environment changes
The Egeria UI is not available by default in the labs environment & is not tested. This is because at this time we don't have suitable test data or notebook walkthroughs available. To avoid confusion this is now disabled by default. It can be renabled through a feature flag (at cli or in an override file) ie:
helm install --set egeria.egeria-ui=true lab egeria/odpi-egeria-lab
Note that the Egeria UI continues to be developed. This change is purely due to ensuring consistency of the demo/tutorial environment.
For browsing the type system and repository within this environment, use the React UI.
Known Issues
- It is recommended to use a chromium-based browser such as Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge, or alternatively Apple Safari for the Egeria React UI. Some parts of the UI experience such as Dino currently experience problems with Firefox. See odpi/egeria-react-ui#96 .
Further Help and Support
See the Community Guide.
- Return to Release Notes
License: CC BY 4.0,
Copyright Contributors to the ODPi Egeria project.
Release 3.0
Release 3.0 (August 2021)
Release 3.0 adds:
- Requirement to build & run with Java 11 (LTS) or above
Details of these and other changes are in the sections that follow.
Description of Changes
Java 11
As of Release 3.0 of Egeria, Java 11 is required to build and run Egeria.
Egeria will not build/run/be supported on Java 8. Developers are now able to use Java 11 only functionality.
Java releases beyond Java 11 up to the current release have some informal testing, and we do build verification on the current release (currently 16).
See Java for further information.
Cohort members
- The option added in release 2.11 to allow multiple topics per cohort now becomes the default in release 3.0 . See [open metadata repository cohort](../open-metadata-implementation/admin-services/docs/concepts/
Egeria UI
- Passwords for the samples Coco Pharmaceuticals users changed to 'secret';
Known Issues
- It is recommended to use a chromium-based browser such as Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge, or alternatively Apple Safari for the Egeria React UI. Some parts of the UI experience such as Dino currently experience problems with Firefox. See odpi/egeria-react-ui#96 .
Other changes
- Dependencies have been updated
- Bug Fixes
Further Help and Support
See the Community Guide.
- Return to Release Notes
License: CC BY 4.0,
Copyright Contributors to the ODPi Egeria project.
Release 2.11
Release 2.11 (July 2021)
Release 2.11 adds:
- New option to have multiple topics for a cohort.
- New support for automatic extraction of metadata from event brokers and API managers.
Details of these and other changes are in the sections that follow.
Description of Changes
New option to have multiple topics for a cohort
An open metadata repository cohort
uses three types of events to enable peer-to-peer sharing of metadata.
In previous releases, these events have all been exchanged through a single
event topic. Release 2.11 provides the option for a cohort to
use a dedicated topic for each type of event.
This improves the time to register a new member in the cohort
and allows multiple instances of a Metadata Server
or a Metadata Access Point
to access the cohort.
Details of these new options can be found in the
Administration Guide.
Extensions to the support for Data Managers
The Data Manager OMAS
has been extended to support the capture of metadata from
Event Brokers such as Apache Kafka and API Managers
such as an API Gateway.
There are two new associated
Open Metadata Integration Services (OMISs)
to support integration connectors
that extract metadata from these types of data managers:
Topic Integrator OMIS
supports integration connectors extracting metadata
from Event Brokers. -
API Integrator OMIS
supports integration connectors extracting API information from API managers.
For more information on the use of the Data Manager OMAS with
these integration services, see the
Data Manager Integration
Open Metadata Types
The following changes have been made to the open metadata types:
Deprecation of properties in Asset
A number of properties that where originally defined in Asset were moved to
classifications to allow them to be managed independently of the original asset.
This occurred before the TypeDefPatch support was in place and so these properties
were not marked as deprecated at that time. In 2.11, this deprecation has now been
officially recorded in the Asset TypeDef. The properties are:- owner - now captured in the Ownership classification
- ownerType - also captured in the Ownership classification
- zoneMembership - now captured in the AssetZoneMembership classification
- latestChange - now captures]d in the LatestChange classification
See new type description in model 0010.
New types for APIManager and EventBroker.
These types inherit from SoftwareServerCapability.
These are used in the new Data Manager OMAS APIs.See new type descriptions in model 0050.
New type for a Threat governance driver and a relationship to connect
a GovernanceDefinition
with a metadata element that defines the scope where it is applicable. -
Deprecated type called TabularColumnType because it restricts tabular columns to primitive types when it could be a literal for example.
Also a new subtype for TabularColumn called TabularFileColumn is added to be able to distinguish between tabular columns from
files and RelationalColumn (which also inherits from TabularColumn).See type descriptions in model 0530.
Deprecated types called SimpleDocumentType, StructDocumentType and MapDocumentType because they
offer little value since the type is typically stored in the TypeEmbeddedAttribute classification.
This change makes the document schemas consistent with other types of schema.See type descriptions in model 0531.
Updated supertype of RelationalTableType to inherit from ComplexSchemaType rather than TabularColumnType
since TabularColumnType is now deprecated.See type descriptions in model 0534.
New type called EventTypeList to allow a list of event types to be associated with a topic
and a specific subtype of SchemaAttribute
for an attribute in an event type to make it easier to search for
data fields that are exclusively found in events.See new type descriptions in model 0535.
New types for APIParameter and APIParameter to allow the capture of properties
related to the API's treatment of the parameters. There are also
properties for APIOperation.See new type descriptions in model 0536.
New types for DisplayDataSchemaType, DisplayDataContainer, DisplayDataField, QuerySchemaType,
QueryDataContainer and QueryDataField to allow the capture of properties related to the display of data to end users.See new type descriptions in model 0537.
Bug fixes and other updates
- Additional Bug Fixes
- Dependency Updates
For details on both see the commit history in GitHub.
Removed Functionality
The following capabilities have now been removed (they were previously deprecated and/or in not in 'Released' status):
- Information View OMAS.
- Virtualization Services & associated connectors.
- Security Officer Services, Security sync services & associated connectors including for Apache Ranger.
- Gaian database connector & additional authentication/impersonation support.
Much of the above capability can be implemented via Integration Services .
Hadoop specifics may be developed in the future within the Egeria Hadoop GitHub repository.
For more details of this change see #5314.
Similarly, the following services have been deleted:
- Data Platform Services and Data Platform OMAS. For more details see #5344 .
- Data Platform capabilities are already available in Database Integrator and Files Integrator already part of Integration Services.
- Cassandra connectors: cassandra-data-store-connector and cassandra-metadata-extractor-connector will be introduced back
in the Data Connectors GitHub repository. For more information see #2671 .
Known Issues
- It is recommended to use a chromium-based browser such as Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge, or Apple Safari for the Egeria React UI. Some parts of the UI experience such as Dino currently experience problems with Firefox. See odpi/egeria-react-ui#96 .
Special note on Java Support
- This is expected to be the last release supporting Java 8. The next release will commence the 3.x series of releases and require Java 11.
Egeria Implementation Status at Release 2.11
Link to Egeria's Roadmap for more details about the
Open Metadata and Governance vision, strategy and content.
Further Help and Support
See the Community Guide.
- Return to Release Notes
License: CC BY 4.0,
Copyright Contributors to the ODPi Egeria project.
Release 2.10
Release 2.10 (June 2021)
Release 2.10 adds:
- New and improved open metadata types for governance
- New API for Governance Program OMAS
Details of these and other changes are in the sections that follow.
Note: Please review a copy of this content at to
access any embedded links correctly.
Description of Changes
Metadata Types
Correction to the Campaign classification.
The Campaign classification is supposed to connect to a Project entity to indicate the project
is a grouping of a series of projects designed to achieve a large goal. Unfortunately it was coded to connect to
the Collection entity. In 2.10, the Campaign classification has been changed to attach to Referenceable
to allow it to be connected to Project without affecting backward compatibility.See new type description in model 0130.
Extension of the UsedInContext relationship.
The UsedInContext relationship linked two GlossaryTerm entities together to show that one glossary term described
the context in which the other was valid. This relationship has been updated to allow the end that describes
the context to be a Referenceable. This means that the context where glossary terms are valid can be expressed
as elements such as projects, business capabilities, parts of an organization, subject areas, zones and many more.See new type description in model 0360.
Allowing ownership to be expressed as a PersonRole.
Issue #5104 described the problem that the
governance open metadata types allowed owners to be expressed as PersonalProfile or UserIdentity
The properties did not identify if the owner was identified as a GUID or as a qualifiedName.
In 2.10, a new classification for expressing ownership called, not surprisingly, Ownership,
was introduced which allows and type and property name for the owner to be specified with the
owner's identifier. The types for entities such as GovernanceActionType and IncidentReport that include
ownership properties in them have been updated to deprecate these properties in favor of using
the Ownership classification. The AssetOwnership classification is also deprecated.See new type description in model 0445.
Update to Certification relationship.
The Certification relationship supports the identification of the people involved in the certification of an element. 2.10 adds
new attributes to specify the type and property names of the identifier used to identify these people.
This is consistent with the new Ownership classification.See new type descriptions in model 0482.
Update to License relationship.
The License relationship supports the identification of the people involved in the licencing of an element. 2.10 adds
new attributes to specify the type and property names of the identifier used to identify these people.
This is consistent with the new Ownership classification.See new type descriptions in model 0481.
Governance role updates.
The GovernanceOfficer entity now inherits from GovernanceRole rather than PersonRole.
This means it is just another governance role that can be linked with GovernanceResponsibility
definitions. In addition there are new types for different types of owners. These are ComponentOwner
and DataItemOwner.See new type descriptions in model 0445.
Extend the GovernanceResponsibilityAssignment
The GovernanceResponsibilityAssignment relationship identifies the responsibilities for a particular role.
It used to link to a GovernanceRole and in 2.10, it has been updated to link to a PersonRole. This means
that governance responsibilities can be added to any role, such as ProjectManager and CommunityMember,
rather than just specialized governance roles.See new type descriptions in model 0445.
Deprecating the domain attribute in various governance types.
The domain attribute is typed by the GovernanceDomain enum. This provides a fixed list of governance domains.
An extensible mechanism for expressing the governance domain was added in release 2.4 using the
GovernanceDomainDescription entity and the domainIdentifier attribute.
In this release, the use of domain is deprecated in GovernanceDefinition,
GovernanceZone, SubjectAreaDefinition, GovernanceMetric, GovernanceRole and GovernanceOfficer.See new type descriptions in model 0401.
Extensions to governance drivers.
There are now new subtypes of the GovernanceDriver entity called RegulationArticle and
BusinessImperative. It is also possible to link governance drivers using the new
GovernanceDriverLink relationship.See new type descriptions in model 0405.
Update to AssetOrigin classification.
The AssetOrigin classification supports the identification of the origin of an asset. This can be in terms of the
organization, business capability and other values. 2.10 adds new attributes to identify if the
organization or business capability is identified by its GUID or qualifiedName.See new type descriptions in model 0440.
Improve IncidentClassifiers.
If is possible to define multiple sets of IncidentClassifier values that can be
used on IncidentReport entities to help to group and prioritize them. The IncidentClassifier entity
now inherits from Referencable and there is a new classification called IncidentClassifierSet
to mark a Collection entity as containing IncidentClassifier definitions.See new type descriptions in model 0470.
Deprecation of ResponsibilityStaffContact.
The ResponsibilityStaffContact relationship has been deprecated in favor of the
GovernanceResponsibilityAssignment relationship.
New Services for Governance Program OMAS
The APIs defined for Governance Program OMAS have been updated to reflect the changes
to the open metadata types described above. The APIs and client implementations
are in place. The server-side is coming in a future release.
Bug fixes and other updates
Additional Bug Fixes
- Cascaded deletes for entities grouped using the Anchors classification
are now deleting the correct entities. Prior to this release, some entities were
missed and others were deleted incorrectly.
- Cascaded deletes for entities grouped using the Anchors classification
Dependency Updates
For details on both see the commit history in GitHub.
Known Issues
- It is recommended to use a chromium-based browser such as Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge, or Apple Safari for the Egeria React UI. Some parts of the UI experience such as Dino currently experience problems with Firefox. See odpi/egeria-react-ui#96 .
- When running the 'Understanding Platform Services' lab, ensure you run the 'egeria-service-config' notebook first and do not restart the python kernel before running this lab. See #4842 .
- The governance samples currently do not work. See See #5300 and See #5299 for more details
- When logging in to the react UI for the coco pharma lab demo, ensure to use http://myhost.mydomain/coco/login as otherwise the login will not work. see odpi/egeria#41
- A few further UI bugs are noted at #5211 (comment)
Egeria Implementation Status at Release 2.10
Link to Egeria's [Roadmap]( for more details about the
Open Metadata and Governance vision, strategy and content.
Further Help and Support
See the Community Guide.
- Return to Release Notes
License: CC BY 4.0,
Copyright Contributors to the ODPi Egeria project.
Release 2.9
Release 2.9 (May 2021)
Release 2.9 adds:
- Changes to metadata types
- Changes to building Egeria on Windows
Details of these and other changes are in the sections that follow.
Description of Changes
Metadata Types
- The UserProfileManager, UserAccessDirectory and MasterDataManager classification for Referenceables has been added
to model 0056 Asset Managers. - A new relationship called ActionTarget to link a To Do to the elements that need work has been added
to model 0137 Actions for People. - A new attribute called filterExpression has been added to the Port entity in
model 0217 Ports. - A new classification called PrimaryCategory has been added to
model 0335 Primary Category. - A new classification called GovernanceMeasurements has been added to
model 0450 Governance Rollout. - The RelationalColumnType entity in
model 0534 Relational Schema.
only allows for a column to be primitive. It could be a literal, enum or external and so this type has been deprecated
and the appropriate schema types should be used directly.
Building Egeria on Windows
To build Egeria on Windows you should use Windows Subsystem for Linux Version 2 or above & install an
appropriate Linux distribution.
Egeria should then be built & run within this environment.
IDEs such as IntelliJ and VSCode support editing and code management within the Windows GUI alongside build and execution in Linux.
See PR #5084 for more information.
Bug fixes and other updates
- Additional Bug Fixes
- Dependency Updates
For details on both see the commit history in GitHub.
Known Issues
- It is recommended to use a chromium-based browser such as Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge, or Apple Safari for the Egeria React UI. Some parts of the UI experience such as Dino currently experience problems with Firefox. See odpi/egeria-react-ui#96 .
- When running the 'Understanding Platform Services' lab, ensure you run the 'egeria-service-config' notebook first and do not restart the python kernel before running this lab. See #4842 .
Egeria Implementation Status at Release 2.9
Link to Egeria's Roadmap for more details about the
Open Metadata and Governance vision, strategy and content.
Further Help and Support
See the Community Guide.
- Return to Release Notes
License: CC BY 4.0,
Copyright Contributors to the ODPi Egeria project.
Release 2.8
Release 2.8 (April 2021)
Release 2.8 adds:
- New support for event and property filtering for the open metadata server security connector
- Changes to metadata types
- New performance workbench for the CTS (technical preview)
- New interface for retrieving the complete history of a single metadata instance
- Splitting of CTS results into multiple smaller files
Details of these and other changes are in the sections that follow.
Description of Changes
Updates to the Open Metadata Security Connector
Before this release, the repository services support 3 filtering points for managing events for the OMRS Cohort Topic.
- Should an event be sent to the cohort
- Should an event be retrieved from the cohort
- Should a received event be stored in the local repository
These filtering points are set up in the configuration document of the server.
It is possible to specify rules to determine which types of events and which types of metadata elements are filtered out.
However this configuration provides no control to allow filtering of events for specific instances.
This release extends the metadata server security connector so it can be called at these same filter points.
This will be through optional interfaces that the security connector can choose to implement.
If the current rules are set up, they will still be executed. This change complements the existing filtering.
The server security connector also implements the repository security interface called when metadata is being
added/updated/deleted/retrieved through the APIs. Extending the security connector for event filtering means that it can make consistent decisions on the sharing of metadata through the cohorts and through the APIs.
Configuring the server security connector
Configuring the server security connector will not change with this feature.
If the connector needs custom attributes to select rule sets etc, these can be specified in the configuration properties.
Implementing the server security connector
The security server connector will have two new interfaces that it can implement: one for the cohort events and one for saving events to the local repository.
The event interface will have two methods, one for sending and one for receiving. The parameters will include the cohort name and the event contents. It can return the event unchanged, return a modified event (eg with sensitive content removed) or return null to say that the event is filtered out.
The event saving interface will receive the instance header and can return a boolean to indicate if the local repository should store it. If true is returned, the refresh event sequence is initiated. The repository connector then has the ultimate choice when the refreshed instance is returned from the home repository as to whether to store it or not.
There is a single instance of the connector in the server so it is able to maintain counts and cache rules etc. It can also be implemented as a facade to a proprietary service.
More information on the security connector can be found
on this page:
Metadata Types
Updates to the location types in model 0025:
- Add the mapProjection property to the FixedLocation classification
- Change the address property to networkAddress in the CyberLocation classification
- Deprecated HostLocation in favor of the AssetLocation relationship
Deprecate the RuntimeForProcess relationship since it is superfluous - use ServerAssetUse since
Application is a SoftwareServerCapability.
See model 0045. -
Replace the deployedImplementationType property with the businessCapabilityType in the BusinessCapability
since it is a more descriptive name.
See model 0440.
Performance workbench
The performance workbench intends to test the response time of all repository (metadata collection) methods for the
technology under test. The volume of the test can be easily configured to also test scalability.
More information is available in the workbench's documentation.
Instance history interface
Two new (optional) methods have been introduced to the metadata collection interface:
Both methods take the GUID of the instance for which to retrieve history, an optional range of times between which to
retrieve the historical versions (or if both are null
to retrieve all historical versions), and a set of paging
If not implemented by a repository, these will simply throw FunctionNotSupported
exceptions by default
to indicate that they are not implemented.
CTS results output
Up to this release, the detailed results of a CTS run could only be be retrieved by pulling a huge
(100's of MB) file across the REST interface for the CTS. Aside from not typically working with most REST clients
(like Postman), this had the additional impact of a sudden huge hit on the JVM heap to serialize such a large JSON
structure (immediately grabbing ~1GB of the heap).
While this old interface still exists for backwards compatibility, the new default interface provided in this release
allows users to pull down just an overall summary of the results separately from the full detailed results, and the
detailed results are now broken down into separate files by profile and test case: each of which can therefore be
retrieved individually.
(So, for example, if you see from the summary that only 1-2 profiles are not conformant, you can retrieve just the
details for those profiles rather than all details.)
Changes to deployment of the Polymer based UI
In previous releases, a zuul router component was used within the UI server chassis to route requests
for static content to a separate server.
In this release any routing needs to be setup externally, for example by placing a nginx proxy in front of both the ui
chassis and static content server. This is now done by our docker-compose environment & helm charts so to access
the UI you need to go to the nginx proxy. Further summary information can be found in the documentation for those assets.
Bug fixes and other updates
- Additional Bug Fixes
- Dependency Updates
For details on both see the commit history in GitHub.
Known Issues
- It is recommended to use a chromium-based browser such as Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge, or Apple Safari for the Egeria React UI. Some parts of the UI experience such as Dino currently experience problems with Firefox. See odpi/egeria-react-ui#96 .
- Egeria source code currently fails to build on Windows natively. Please use Linux, MacOS, or compile under WSL/WSL2 on Windows. See #4917
- Several Java samples fail (governance, admin) - #4656, #4662, #4056
- The React UI used by the helm charts and compose is based on react UI release 2.7.0 due to layout issues found with 2.8.0. See #5022
- The platform services notebook may fail to query servers correctly. See #5023
- The building a data catalog notebook may fail if run quickly. See #2688
- The data curation notebook is incomplete and still being developed. The final steps may fail to work in a container environment. See #5021
Egeria Implementation Status at Release 2.8
Link to Egeria's Roadmap for more details about the
Open Metadata and Governance vision, strategy and content.
Further Help and Support
As part of the Linux AI & Data Foundation, our slack channels have moved to the LF AI & Data Slack workspace, and our mailing lists can now be found at
Continue to use these resources, along with GitHub to report bugs or ask questions.
- Return to Release Notes
License: CC BY 4.0,
Copyright Contributors to the ODPi Egeria project.
Release 2.7
Release 2.7 (March 2021)
Release 2.7 adds:
- Performance improvements in the graph repo
- Changes to metadata types
- Changes to the distribution process
Details of these and other changes are in the sections that follow.
Description of Changes
Build & Release changes
- Previously release maven artifacts have been pushed to JCenter (in addition to Maven Central), and snapshots have been pushed to As of 2.7 this no longer occurs and release and snapshots are pushed only to Maven Central.
- Due to the above, maven artifacts may be signed by a different user to previously (and this may change in a future release).
Performance Improvements
- Release 2.7 includes performance improvements to the graph repository's search methods, which select an efficient query strategy based on the properties and type filters supplied to the search.
Metadata Types
- We have removed overloaded properties that existed at multiple levels in a type definition: for example, length was defined both on SchemaAttribute and again on RelationalColumn (which is a subtype of SchemaAttribute). This change removes them from being defined again the lower level (RelationalColumn in this example); however, the property itself will still be available at the lower level due to inheriting it from the supertype.
Bug fixes and other updates
- Additional Bug Fixes
- Dependency Updates
For details on both see the commit history in GitHub.
Known Issues
- It is recommended to use a chromium-based browser such as Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge, or Apple Safari for the Egeria React UI. Some parts of the UI experience such as Dino currently experience problems with Firefox. See odpi/egeria-react-ui#96 .
- When running the 'Understanding Platform Services' lab, ensure you run the 'egeria-service-config' notebook first and do not restart the python kernel before running this lab. See #4842 .
Egeria Implementation Status at Release 2.7
Link to Egeria's Roadmap for more details about the
Open Metadata and Governance vision, strategy and content.
Further Help and Support
As part of the Linux AI & Data Foundation, our slack channels have moved to the LF AI & Data Slack workspace, and our mailing lists can now be found at
Continue to use these resources, along with GitHub to report bugs or ask questions.
- Return to Release Notes
License: CC BY 4.0,
Copyright Contributors to the ODPi Egeria project.