The information bellow should be include on the commit message.
- Category: what's inside this commit. You can choose between one of these categories:
- feat: feature
- fix: fixing an implemented feature
- docs: additional documentation
- ci: changes on the pipeline
- other categories
- Brief title: a small title about the changes (max 70 characters)
- Brief explanation: a small explanation of these changes (max 140 characters | optional)
If you can't fit all the required information inside these limits, maybe it's a good idea to break your changes into smaller commits to keep the Git history more organized.
You can add that information on the message by either sending the content as parameters on the commit command:
# Commit with a message on a single command
git commit -m "category: Brief title" -m "Brief explanation"
or using an external editor:
# Edit commit message on an external editor
git commit
# Inside the editor, the first line is the
# title and the next lines are the explanation
> category: Brief title
> Brief explanation
git commit -m "feat: Create new model on TypeORM for user" -m "This module will be responsible for keeping information about contacts and user login credentials"
Category and brief title are mandatory. The pre-commit hook won't allow you to commit if the message is not following that pattern.