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Data Structures with Domain Roles

Some provided data structures are designed to work with specific domain configurations. These restrictions optimize their implementation, but failing to respect them may compromise safety properties. These limitations are clearly indicated in the documentation and often reflected in the name of the data structure itself. For instance, a single-consumer queue must have only one domain performing pop operations at any given time.

Example: Single_prod_single_cons_queue

As the name suggests, a Single_prod_single_cons_queue is designed to be used with exactly one domain performing push operations (the producer) and one domain performing pop operations (the consumer) at the same time. If multiple domains attempt to push (or pop) simultaneously, it will break the queue’s safety guarantees and likely lead to unexpected behavior.

Here’s an example of what happens when the queue is misused by giving it an inappropriate alias:

module Queue = Saturn.Single_prod_single_cons_queue

In this case, each domain will attempt to push 10 times in parallel:

let work id barrier q =
  Barrier.await barrier;
  for i = 0 to 9 do
    Queue.try_push q id |> ignore

Our test function initializes the queue and creates two domains that simultaneously attempt to push:

let test () =
  let q = Queue.create ~size_exponent:5 in
  let barrier = Barrier.create 2 in
  let d1 = Domain.spawn (fun () -> work 1 barrier q) in
  let d2 = Domain.spawn (fun () -> work 2 barrier q) in
  Domain.join d1;
  Domain.join d2;

To inspect the contents of the queue after the test, we define a function that extracts all elements into a list:

let get_content q =
  let rec loop acc =
    match Queue.pop_opt q with
    | None -> acc
    | Some a -> loop (a :: acc)
  List.rev (loop [])

Let’s run the test:

test () |> get_content;;
- : int list = [2; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 2]


The resulting queue contains only 11 elements, despite both domains attempting to push 10 times each. This happens because the implementation assumes that only one domain will perform push operations at any time. Without this assumption, the implementation would need to add synchronization mechanisms, which are intentionally omitted for performance reasons. Consequently, bad interleaving of operations occurs, leading to lost pushes.


This example highlights the importance of adhering to the intended usage of data structures. While these restrictions allow for highly optimized implementations, misusing the data structure—such as having multiple producers or consumers in this case—can lead to unpredictable bugs. Always refer to the documentation and use the appropriate data structure for your concurrency needs to ensure both correctness and performance.