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File metadata and controls

50 lines (34 loc) · 1.69 KB


Backup a Database

Install MysqlDB to get the mysqldump tool ;-) and then use a full path like /usr/local/mysql/bin/.

mysqldump -h OLDHOST -u OLDUSER -pOLDPASS OLDDATABASE  --column-statistics=0 --set-gtid-purged=OFF | zip > quepid_backup_`date +"%Y_%m_%d"`

Restore a Database

Assuming you have used mysqldump to get a dump, you can restore to dev via:

/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql --verbose --host= --port=3306 -u root -p quepid_development < quepid_prod_2021_03_02.sql

Or if you have a Zip file:

unzip -p | /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql --host= --port=3306 -u root -p quepid_development

DigitalOcean Notes

DigitalOcean has the setting sql_require_primary_key set to true, which conflicts with ActiveRecords schema_migrations table. To get around this, you need to use the API to make it false when loading the data.

curl -X PATCH \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $YOUR_DO_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN" \
  -d '{"config": {"sql_require_primary_key": false}}' \

Emoji Support

Both the scorers and queries tables have columns that support using emojis. To do this, they need a different set of options when creating the tables:

CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin

If your migration add/drops a table, you may need to edit schema.rb to restore that definition. Your tests will fail fortunately ;-). Expect to see ERROR emoji support#test_handles_emoji_in_code (27.86s)