Planka is an OSS alternative to Trello that you can host yourself, and this is a Helm Chart to make it easier to deploy to K8s.
Shoutout to this issue who have been asking for this Helm Chart.
By using the Bitnami chart for PostgreSQL, there is an issue where once deployed, if trying to use a different password then it will be ignored as the Persistant Volume (PV) will already exist with the previous password. See warning from Bitnami below:
Warning! Setting a password will be ignored on new installation in the case when previous Posgresql release was deleted through the helm command. In that case, old PVC will have an old password, and setting it through helm won't take effect. Deleting persistent volumes (PVs) will solve the issue. Refer to issue 2061 for more details
If you want to fully uninstall this chart including the data, follow these steps from the Bitnami Chart's docs.
If you just want to spin up an instance using help, please see these docs. If you want to make changes to the chart locally, and deploy them, see the below section.
The basic usage of the chart can be found below:
git clone
cd planka/charts/planka
helm dependency build
export SECRETKEY=$(openssl rand -hex 64)
helm install planka . --set secretkey=$SECRETKEY \
--set admin_email="[email protected]" \
--set admin_password="demo" \
--set admin_name="Demo Demo" \
--set admin_username="demo"
NOTE: The command
openssl rand -hex 64
is needed to create a random hexadecimal key for planka. On Windows you can use Git Bash to run that command.
To access Planka you can port forward using the following command:
kubectl port-forward $POD_NAME 3000:1337
To access Planka externally you can use the following configuration
# HTTP only
helm install planka . --set secretkey=$SECRETKEY \
--set admin_email="[email protected]" \
--set admin_password="demo" \
--set admin_name="Demo Demo" \
--set admin_username="demo" \
--set ingress.enabled=true \
--set ingress.hosts[0] \
helm install planka . --set secretkey=$SECRETKEY \
--set admin_email="[email protected]" \
--set admin_password="demo" \
--set admin_name="Demo Demo" \
--set admin_username="demo" \
--set ingress.enabled=true \
--set ingress.hosts[0] \
--set ingress.tls[0].secretName=planka-tls \
--set ingress.tls[0].hosts[0] \
or create a values.yaml file like:
secretkey: "<InsertSecretKey>"
# The admin section needs to be present for new instances of Planka, after the first start you can remove the lines starting with admin_. If you want the admin user to be unchangeable admin_email: has to stay
# After changing the config you have to run ```helm upgrade planka . -f values.yaml```
# Admin user
admin_email: "[email protected]" # Do not remove if you want to prevent this user from being edited/deleted
admin_password: "demo"
admin_name: "Demo Demo"
admin_username: "demo"
# Admin user
# Ingress
enabled: true
- host:
- path: /
pathType: ImplementationSpecific
# Needed for HTTPS
- secretName: planka-tls # existing TLS secret in k8s
helm install planka . -f values.yaml
If you want to host Planka for more than just playing around with, you might want to do the following things:
- Create a
with your config, as this will make applying upgrades much easier in the future. - Create your
once and store it either in a secure vault, or in yourvalues.yaml
file so it will be the same for upgrading in the future. - Specify a password for
as there have been issues with the postgresql chart generating new passwords locking you out of the data you've already stored. (see this issue)
Any questions or concerns, raise an issue.