A small simple single player game in which you fight as an immune cell against the Corona virus among other things. This is originally a project I developed during my studies during a Game Programming module.
You start as an imun cell in a randomly generated world. The player's goal is to get rid of as many viruses as possible. If the viruses touch the player, he loses health, which is visualized on a health bar. If the viruses reach a healthy cell, it is infected and produces more viruses. To fight the viruses, the player can shoot antibodies with the spacebar. These destroy viruses on contact and heal infected cells. Intact/healed cells produce red blood cells, which can heal the player. To add another difficulty, the player can only shoot a limited number of anti-bodies. How many he can still shoot is visualized via a mana bar. This fills up slowly over time, but can also be filled up more quickly with syringes distributed over the entire map.