- Install neo4j desktop
- Clone this repository
- Collect data to add to your graph using 'ecosyst.ms-api.py'
- Import data into neo4j using 'import-db-neo4j'
- Query and visualize with neo4j Bloom
- Go to ecosyst.ms and choose a project to analyze
Try to find one under 200 mentions for the first try, then go larger
- Find the project's api url by trying out the '/projects/{ecosystem}/{name}' query
- Open your terminal, navigate to the repository directory (or scripts) and run 'ecosyst.ms-api.py' with 'python3'
- Paste the 'Request URL' as the URL of interest; choose y, its more interesting but takes a little longer
- Once this is done you will have a csv file to import into neo4j
Add a local DBMS to your project
- Name it anything, remember the password, press 'create'
- Edit the settings in the 3 dot menu to the right of your DBMS: uncomment 'dbms.security.allow_csv_import_from_file_urls=true'
- Start it and observe the 'Bolt port'
- Open the Browser app
- Open the import folder in your local filesystem
- Copy the csv file created by the 'ecosyst.ms-api.py' script into the import directory
- Copy the contents of 'import-db-neo4j' and paste into the shell in the browser app
- Press the blue play/run button and this will import the rows of the csv as nodes in the graph
- Open neo4j Bloom the same way you opened the neo4j browser from neo4j desktop
- Form your first query in the top left
- Run it and see what happens! you can adjust max node count in setting in the bottom left
- If you add the graph data science plugin to your DBMS back in neo4j desktop, you can use those algorithms to change node size and other exciting things