Download FREE eBook every day from
This crawler automates the following step:
- access to private account
- claim the daily free eBook and weekly Newsletter
- parse title, description and useful information
- download favorite format .pdf .epub .mobi
- download source code and book cover
- upload files to Google Drive, OneDrive or via scp
- store data on Firebase
- notify via Gmail, IFTTT, Join or Pushover (on success and errors)
- schedule daily job on Heroku or with Docker
# upload pdf to googledrive, store data and notify via email
python script/ -c config/prod.cfg -u googledrive -s firebase -n gmail
# download all formats
python script/ --config config/prod.cfg --all
# download only one format: pdf|epub|mobi
python script/ --config config/prod.cfg --type pdf
# download also additional material: source code (if exists) and book cover
python script/ --config config/prod.cfg -t pdf --extras
# equivalent (default is pdf)
python script/ -c config/prod.cfg -e
# download and then upload to Google Drive (given the download url anyone can download it)
python script/ -c config/prod.cfg -t epub --upload googledrive
python script/ --config config/prod.cfg --all --extras --upload googledrive
# download and then upload to OneDrive (given the download url anyone can download it)
python script/ -c config/prod.cfg -t epub --upload onedrive
python script/ --config config/prod.cfg --all --extras --upload onedrive
# download and notify: gmail|ifttt|join|pushover
python script/ -c config/prod.cfg --notify gmail
# only claim book (no downloads):
python script/ -c config/prod.cfg --notify gmail --claimOnly
Before you start you should
- Verify that your currently installed version of Python is 2.x with
python --version
- Clone the repository
git clone
- Install all the dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
(see also virtualenv) - Create a config file
cp config/prod_example.cfg config/prod.cfg
- Change your Packtpub credentials in the config file
Now you should be able to claim and download your first eBook
python script/ --config config/prod.cfg
From the documentation, Google Drive API requires OAuth2.0 for authentication, so to upload files you should:
- Go to Google APIs Console and create a new Google Drive project named PacktpubDrive
- On API manager > Overview menu
- Enable Google Drive API
- On API manager > Credentials menu
- In OAuth consent screen tab set PacktpubDrive as the product name shown to users
- In Credentials tab create credentials of type OAuth client ID and choose Application type Other named PacktpubDriveCredentials
- Click Download JSON and save the file
- Change your Google Drive credentials in the config file
[email protected]
Now you should be able to upload your eBook to Google Drive
python script/ --config config/prod.cfg --upload googledrive
Only the first time you will be prompted to login in a browser which has javascript enabled (no text-based browser) to generate config/auth_token.json
You should also copy and paste in the config the FOLDER_ID, otherwise every time a new folder with the same name will be created.
Documentation: OAuth, Quickstart, example and permissions
From the documentation, OneDrive API requires OAuth2.0 for authentication, so to upload files you should:
- Go to the Microsoft Application Registration Portal.
- When prompted, sign in with your Microsoft account credentials.
- Find My applications and click Add an app.
- Enter PacktpubDrive as the app's name and click Create application.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and check the Live SDK support box.
- Change your OneDrive credentials in the config file
- Copy your Application Id into the config file to onedrive.client_id
- Click Generate New Password and copy the password shown into the config file to onedrive.client_secret
- Click Add Platform and select Web
- Enter http://localhost:8080/ as the Redirect URL
- Click Save at the bottom of the page
Now you should be able to upload your eBook to OneDrive
python script/ --config config/prod.cfg --upload onedrive
Only the first time you will be prompted to login in a browser which has javascript enabled (no text-based browser) to generate config/session.onedrive.pickle
Documentation: Registration, Python API
To upload your eBook via scp
on a remote server update the configs
Now you should be able to upload your eBook
python script/ --config config/prod.cfg --upload scp
- the destination folder
on the remote server must exists in advance - the option
--upload scp
is incompatible with--store
Create a new Firebase project, copy the database secret from your settings
and update the configs
Now you should be able to store your eBook details on Firebase
python script/ --config config/prod.cfg --upload googledrive --store firebase
To send a notification via email using Gmail you should:
- Allow "less secure apps" and "DisplayUnlockCaptcha" on your account
- Troubleshoot sign-in problems and examples
- Change your Gmail credentials in the config file
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected],[email protected]
Now you should be able to notify your accounts
python script/ --config config/prod.cfg --notify gmail
- Get an account on IFTTT
- Go to your Maker settings and activate the channel
- Create a new applet using the Maker service with the trigger "Receive a web request" and the event name "packtpub-crawler"
- Change your IFTTT key in the config file
Now you should be able to trigger the applet
python script/ --config config/prod.cfg --notify ifttt
Value mappings:
- value1: title
- value2: description
- value3: landing page URL
- Get the Join Chrome extension and/or App
- You can find your device ids here
- (Optional) You can use multiple devices or groups (group.all,,, group.windows10,, group.tablet, group.pc) separated by comma
- Change your Join credentials in the config file
Now you should be able to trigger the event
python script/ --config config/prod.cfg --notify join
- Get your USER_KEY
- Create a new application
- (Optional) Add an icon
- Change your pushover credentials in the config file
Create a new branch
git checkout -b heroku-scheduler
Update the .gitignore
and commit your changes
# remove
# add
Create, config and deploy the scheduler
heroku login
# create a new app
heroku create APP_NAME --region eu
# or if you already have an existing app
heroku git:remote -a APP_NAME
# deploy your app
git push -u heroku heroku-scheduler:master
heroku ps:scale clock=1
# useful commands
heroku ps
heroku logs --ps clock.1
heroku logs --tail
heroku run bash
Update script/
with your own preferences.
More info about Heroku Scheduler, Clock Processes, Add-on and APScheduler
Build your image
docker build -t niqdev/packtpub-crawler:2.4.0 .
Run manually
docker run \
--rm \
--name my-packtpub-crawler \
niqdev/packtpub-crawler:2.4.0 \
python script/ --config config/prod.cfg
Run scheduled crawler in background
docker run \
--detach \
--name my-packtpub-crawler \
# useful commands
docker exec -i -t my-packtpub-crawler bash
docker logs -f my-packtpub-crawler
Alternatively you can pull from Docker Hub this fork
docker pull kuchy/packtpub-crawler
Add this to your crontab to run the job daily at 9 AM:
crontab -e
00 09 * * * cd PATH_TO_PROJECT/packtpub-crawler && /usr/bin/python script/ --config config/prod.cfg >> /tmp/packtpub.log 2>&1
Create two files in /etc/systemd/system:
- packtpub-crawler.service
Description=run packtpub-crawler
ExecStart=/usr/bin/python2.7 PATH_TO_PROJECT/packtpub-crawler/script/ -c config/prod.cfg
- packtpub-crawler.timer
Description=Runs packtpub-crawler every day at 7
OnCalendar=*-*-* 07:00:00
Enable the script with sudo systemctl enable packtpub_crawler.timer
You can test the service with sudo systemctl start packtpub_crawler.timer
and see the output with sudo journalctl -u packtpub_crawler.service -f
The script downloads also the free ebooks from the weekly packtpub newsletter.
The URL is generated by a Google Apps Script which parses all the mails.
You can get the code here, if you want to see the actual script, please clone the spreadsheet and go to Tools > Script editor...
To use your own source, modify in the config
The URL should point to a file containing only the URL (no semicolons, HTML, JSON, etc).
You can also clone the spreadsheet to use your own Gmail account. Subscribe to the newsletter (on the bottom of the page) and create a filter to tag your mails accordingly.
- ImportError: No module named paramiko
Install paramiko with sudo -H pip install paramiko --ignore-installed
- Failed building wheel for cryptography
Install missing dependencies as described here
# install pip + setuptools
curl | python -
# upgrade pip
pip install -U pip
# install virtualenv globally
sudo pip install virtualenv
# create virtualenv
virtualenv env
# activate virtualenv
source env/bin/activate
# verify virtualenv
which python
python --version
# deactivate virtualenv
Run a simple static server with
node dev/server.js
and test the crawler with
python script/ --dev --config config/dev.cfg --all
This project is just a Proof of Concept and not intended for any illegal usage. I'm not responsible for any damage or abuse, use it at your own risk.