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πŸ“– My summaries and notes for Computer Science, Mathematics and more science relevant contents. For my CS undergraduate career, redirect to the repository "Unilife-CS".


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Lux: My Computing Science Study Voyage

Table of Contents


LeetCode Problems & Solutions

LL : Linked list
Problems Languages & Notes Labels
🟒 0001. Two Sum C
🟒 0027. Remove Element Python
🟒 0035. Search Insert Position Python
🟠 0050. Pow(x, n) C
🟒 0058. Length of Last Word C
🟠 0061. Rotate List C LL
🟒 0070. Climbing Stairs Java
🟠 0074. Search a 2D Matrix Python
🟠 0075. Sort Colors C
🟒 0083. Remove Duplicates from Sorted List C LL
🟒 0121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock C
🟒 0125. Valid Palindrome C
🟒 0136. Single Number C
🟒 0141. Linked List Cycle C LL
🟒 0175. Combine Two Tables SQL
🟠 0176. Second Highest Salary SQL
🟠 0177. Nth Highest Salary SQL
🟒 0181. Employees Earning More Than Their Managers SQL
🟒 0203. Remove Linked List Elements C LL
🟒 0206. Reverse Linked List C LL
🟠 0237. Delete Node in a Linked List C LL
🟒 0263. Ugly Number C
🟒 0283. Move Zeroes C
🟠 0289. Game of Life Java
🟒 0292. Nim Game C
🟒 0326. Power of Three C
🟒 0344. Reverse String C Python
🟒 0345. Reverse Vowels of a String C
🟒 0485. Max Consecutive Ones C
🟒 0495. Teemo Attacking C Python
🟒 0541. Reverse String II C
🟒 0577. Employee Bonus SQL
🟒 0595. Big Countries SQL
🟒 0704. Binary Search Python
🟒 0709. To Lower Case C
🟒 0836. Rectangle Overlap C Python Java
🟒 0876. Middle of the Linked List C LL
🟠 0877. Stone Game C
🟒 1119. Remove Vowels from a String C
🟒 1137. N-th Tribonacci Number Java
🟠 1227. Airplane Seat Assignment Probability C Python
🟠 1265. Print Immutable Linked List in Reverse C LL Recursion
🟒 1290. Convert Binary Number in a Linked List to Integer C LL
🟒 1342. Number of Steps to Reduce a Number to Zero C
🟒 1350. Students With Invalid Departments SQL
🟒 1480. Running Sum of 1d Array C
🟒 1486. XOR Operation in an Array C
🟒 1512. Number of Good Pairs C
🟒 1528. Shuffle String C
🟒 1672. Richest Customer Wealth Python
🟒 1683. Invalid Tweets SQL
🟒 1716. Calculate Money in LeetCode Bank C
🟒 1757. Recyclable and Low Fat Products SQL
🟒 1929. Concatenation of Array C Python
🟒 1935. Maximum Number of Words You Can Type Python
🟒 1952. Three Divisors C Python Java
🌟 LeetCode Discussion Page
🟒 2278. Percentage of Letter in String C
🟒 2879. Display the First Three Rows Python: Pandas Time Waster

Computer Science

COMP - Algorithms & Programming Techniques

COMP - Data Structures

COMP - Rabbit's Python Tutorials (Data Aspect)

COMP - Programming Fundamentals

Markdown Notes

  • 1. "Hello World!"
    • 1.2 The First C Program
    • 1.3 #include <...>
    • 1.4 Why Do We Need the "stdio.h"?
    • 1.5 What Is the "printf(...)"?
    • 1.6 Main Function
  • 2. C Foundations
    • 2.1 Basic Data Types
    • 2.2 If Statements
    • 2.3 Loop Statements
    • 2.4 Switch, continue And break
    • 2.5 Struct
  • 3. Functions in C Standard Libraries
  • 4. Pointers and Addresses
    • 4.1 A Pointer Example
    • 4.2 Demonstrations
    • 4.3 No Dangling Pointer
  • 5. Multiple Files and Arguments
  • 6. Arrays and Strings
  • 7. Linked Lists
  • 8. Two ADTs
    • 8.1 Stacks
    • 8.2 Queues

Others CS-related Short Notes


MATH - Information, Codes and Ciphers

PDF Notes LaTeX Source

  • Chapter 1. Introduction
  • Chapter 2. Error Detecting and Correcting Codes
  • Chapter 3. Compression Coding
  • Chapter 4. Information Theory
  • Chapter 5. Algebra and Number Theory
  • Chapter 6. Algebraic Coding
  • Chapter 7. Cryptography (Ciphers)


PHYS - Introduction to Astronomy

Markdown Notes

  • 1.1 Introduction to Astronomy
  • 1.2 Introduction to Astrobiology
  • 1.3 Key Concepts
  • 1.4 Techniques of Astronomy
  • 2.1 The Solar System
  • 2.2 The Earth - Evolution of a habitable planet
  • 2.3 Exploring the Solar System
  • 2.4 Habitability in the Solar System
  • 3.1 What is Life?
  • 3.2 The History of Life on Earth
  • 3.3 The Origin of Life
  • 3.4 Life in the Solar System
  • 4.1 Our Star, The Sun
  • 4.2 Properties and Evolution of Stars
  • 4.3 Extrasolar Planets
  • 4.4 Habitability and Life on Exoplanets
  • 5.1 Our Milky Way Galaxy
  • 5.2 Recycling of Material in the Galaxy
  • 5.3 Galaxies and their Evolution
  • 5.4 Cosmology


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πŸ“– My summaries and notes for Computer Science, Mathematics and more science relevant contents. For my CS undergraduate career, redirect to the repository "Unilife-CS".








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