Releases: nicolargo/glances
Glances 3.2.7
* Config to disable all plugins by default (or enable an exclusive list) #2089
* Keybind(s) for modifying nice level #2081
* [WEBUI] Reorganize help screen #2037
* Add a Json stdout option #2060
* Improve error message when export error occures
* Improve error message when MQTT error occures
* Change the way core are displayed
* Remove unused key in the process list
* Refactor top menu of the curse interface
* Improve Irix display for the load plugin
Bug corrected:
* In the sensor plugin thresholds in the configuration file should overwrite system ones #2058
* Drive names truncated in Web UI #2055
* Correct issue with CPU label
Documentation and CI:
* Improve makefile help #2078
* Add quote to the update command line (already ok for the installation). Related to #2073
* Make Glances (almost) compliant with REUSE #2042
* Update README for Debian package users
* Update documentation for Docker
* Update docs for new shortcut
* Disable Pyright on the Git actions pipeline
* Refactor comments
* Except datutil import error
* Another dep issue solved in the Alpine Docker + issue in the outdated method
Contributors for this version:
* Nicolargo
* Sylvain MOUQUET
* FastThenLeft
* Jiajie Chen
* dbrennand
* ewuerger
Glances 3.2.5
Enhancement requests:
- Add a Accumulated per program function to the Glances process list needs test new feature plugin/ps #2015
- Including battery and AC adapter health in Glances enhancement new feature #1049
- Display uptime of a docker container enhancement plugin/docker #2004
- Add a code formatter enhancement #1964
Bugs corrected:
- Threading.Event.isSet is deprecated in Python 3.10 #2017
- Fix code scanning alert - Clear-text logging of sensitive information security #2006
- The gpu temperature unit are displayed incorrectly in web ui bug #2002
- Doc for 'alert' Restfull/JSON API response documentation #1994
- Show the spinning state of a disk documentation #1993
- Web server status check endpoint enhancement #1988
- --time parameter being ignored for client/server mode bug #1978
- Amp with pipe do not work documentation #1976
- plugin relies on low rating / malicious site domain bug security #1975
- "N" command freezes/unfreezes the current time instead of show/hide bug #1974
- Missing commands in help "h" screen enhancement needs contributor #1973
- Grafana dashboards not displayed with influxdb2 enhancement needs contributor #1960
- Glances reports different amounts of used memory than free -m or top documentation #1924
- Missing: Help command doesn't have info on TCP Connections bug documentation enhancement needs contributor #1675
- Docstring convention documentation enhancement #940
Thanks for the bug report and the patch: @RazCrimson, @Karthikeyan Singaravelan, @moldavite, @ledwards
Bugs corrected:
- Missing packaging dependency when using pip install #1955
Glances 3.2.4
What's Changed
- Update Debian image to include
by @zmanji in #1927 - Fix typo by @mohamadmansourX in #1932
- Bug Fix: Docker plugin - Network stats not being displayed by @RazCrimson in #1944
- Fix: Docker plugin - Invalid IO stats with Arch Linux by @RazCrimson in #1945
- Update WebUI dependencies by @notFloran in #1948
- is_disabled name fix by @H4ckerxx44 in #1949
- Fix Grafana CPU temperature panel by @NefixEstrada in #1954
New Contributors
- @zmanji made their first contribution in #1927
- @mohamadmansourX made their first contribution in #1932
- @RazCrimson made their first contribution in #1944
- @H4ckerxx44 made their first contribution in #1949
- @NefixEstrada made their first contribution in #1954
Full Changelog: v3.2.3...v3.2.4
Glances 3.2.3
Bugs corrected:
- Docker container monitoring only show half command? #1912
- Processor name getting cut off #1917
- batinfo not in docker image (and in requirements files...) ? #1915
- Glances don't send hostname (tag) to influxdb2 #1913
- Public IP address doesn't display anymore #1910
- Debian Docker images broken with version 3.2.2 #1905
Enhancement requests:
Glances 3.2.2
Version 3.2.2
Bugs corrected:
* [3.2.0/3.2.1] keybinding not working anymore #1904
* InfluxDB/InfluxDB2 Export object has no attribute hostname #1899
Documentation: The "make docs" generate RestFull/API documentation file.
Version 3.2.1
Bugs corrected:
* Glances 3.2.0 and influxdb export - Missing network data bug #1893
Enhancement requests:
* Security audit - B411 enhancement (Monkey patch XML RPC Lib) #1025
* Also search glances.conf file in /usr/share/doc/glances/glances.conf #1862
Version 3.2.0
This release is a major version (but minor number because the API did not change). It focus on
CPU consumption. I use Flame profiling
and code optimization to reduce CPU consumption from 20% to 50% depending on your system.
Enhancement and development requests:
* Improve CPU consumption
- Make the refresh rate configurable per plugin #1870
- Add caching for processing username and cmdline
- Correct and improve refresh time method
- Set refresh rate for global CPU percent
- Set the dafault refresh rate of system stats to 60 seconds
- Default refresh time for sensors is refresh rate * 2
- Improve history perf
- Change main curses loop
- Improve Docker client connection
- Update Flame profiling
* Get system sensors temperatures thresholds #1864
* Filter data exported from Docker plugin
* Make the Docker API connection timeout configurable
* Add --issue to Github issue template
* Add release-note in the Makefile
* Add some comments in cpu_percent
* Add some comments to the
* Set minimal version for PSUtil to 5.3.0
* Add comment to default glances.conf file
* Improve code quality #820
* Update WebUI for security vuln
Bugs corrected:
* Quit from help should return to main screen, not exit #1874
* AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'current' #1875
* Merge pull request #1873 from metayan/fix-history-add
* Correct filter
* Correct Flake8 issue in plugins
* Pressing Q to get rid of irq not working #1792
* Spelling correction in docs #1886
* Starting an alias with a number causes a crash #1885
* Network interfaces not applying in web UI #1884
* Docker containers information missing with Docker 20.10.x #1878
* Get system sensors temperatures thresholds #1864
Contibutors for this version:
* Nicolargo
* Markus Pöschl
* Clifford W. Hansen
* Blake
* Yan
Glances 3.2.0
This release is a major version (but minor number because the API did not change). It focus on
CPU consumption. I use Flame profiling
and code optimization to reduce CPU consumption from 20% to 50% depending on your system.
Enhancement and development requests:
* Improve CPU consumption
- Make the refresh rate configurable per plugin #1870
- Add caching for processing username and cmdline
- Correct and improve refresh time method
- Set refresh rate for global CPU percent
- Set the dafault refresh rate of system stats to 60 seconds
- Default refresh time for sensors is refresh rate * 2
- Improve history perf
- Change main curses loop
- Improve Docker client connection
- Update Flame profiling
* Get system sensors temperatures thresholds #1864
* Filter data exported from Docker plugin
* Make the Docker API connection timeout configurable
* Add --issue to Github issue template
* Add release-note in the Makefile
* Add some comments in cpu_percent
* Add some comments to the
* Set minimal version for PSUtil to 5.3.0
* Add comment to default glances.conf file
* Improve code quality #820
* Update WebUI for security vuln
Bugs corrected:
* Quit from help should return to main screen, not exit #1874
* AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'current' #1875
* Merge pull request #1873 from metayan/fix-history-add
* Correct filter
* Correct Flake8 issue in plugins
* Pressing Q to get rid of irq not working #1792
* Spelling correction in docs #1886
* Starting an alias with a number causes a crash #1885
* Network interfaces not applying in web UI #1884
* Docker containers information missing with Docker 20.10.x #1878
* Get system sensors temperatures thresholds #1864
Contibutors for this version:
* Nicolargo
* Markus Pöschl
* Clifford W. Hansen
* Blake
* Yan
Glances 3.1.7
Enhancements and bug corrected:
- Security audit - B411 #1025 (by nicolargo)
- GPU temperature not shown in webview #1849 (by nicolargo)
- Remove shell=True for actions (following Bandit issue report) #1851 (by nicolargo)
- Replace Travis by Github action #1850 (by nicolargo)
- '/api/3/processlist/pid/3936'use this api can't get right info,all messy code #1828 (by nicolargo)
- Refactor the way importants stats are displayed #1826 (by nicolargo)
- Re-apply the Add hide option to sensors plugin #1596 PR (by nicolargo)
- Smart plugin error while start glances as root #1806 (by nicolargo)
- Plugin quicklook takes more than one seconds to update #1820 (by nicolargo)
- Replace Pystache by Chevron 2/2 See #1817 (by nicolargo)
- Doc. No SMART screenshot. #1799 (by nicolargo)
Glances 3.1.6
Enhancements and new features:
* Kill a process from the Curses interface #1444
* Manual refresh on F5 in the Curses interface #1753
* Hide function in sensors section #1590
* Enhancement Request: .conf parameter for AMP #1690
* Password for Web/Browser mode #1674
* Unable to connect to Influxdb 2.0 #1776
* ci: fix release process and improve build speeds #1782
* Cache cpuinfo output #1700
* sort by clicking improvements and bug #1578
* Allow embedded AMP python script to be placed in a configurable location #1734
* Add attributes to stdout/stdout-csv plugins #1733
* Do not shorten container names #1723
Bugs corrected:
* Version tag for docker image packaging #1754
* Unusual characters in cmdline cause lines to disappear and corrupt the display #1692
* UnicodeDecodeError on any command with a utf8 character in its name #1676
* Docker image is not up to date install #1662
* Add option to set the strftime format #1785
* fix: docker dev build contains all optional requirements #1779
* GPU information is incomplete via web #1697
* [WebUI] Fix display of null values for GPU plugin #1773
* crash on startup on Illumos when no swap is configured #1767
* Glances crashes with 2 GPUS bug #1683
* [Feature Request] Filter Docker containers#1748
* Error with IP Plugin : object has no attribute #1528
* docker-compose #1760
* [WebUI] Fix sort by disk io #1759
* Connection to MQTT server failst #1705
* Misleading image tag latest-arm needs contributor packaging #1419
* Docker nicolargo/glances:latest missing arm builds? #1746
* Alpine image is broken packaging #1744
* RIP Alpine? needs contributor packaging #1741
* Manpage improvement documentation #1743
* Make build reproducible packaging #1740
* Automated multiarch builds for docker #1716
* web ui of glances is not coming #1721
* fixing command in json.rst #1724
* Fix container rss value #1722
* Alpine Image is broken needs test packaging #1720
* Fix gpu plugin to handle multiple gpus with different reporting capabilities bug #1634
Glances 3.1.5
Enhancements and new features:
Enhancement: RSS for containers enhancement #1694
exports: support rabbitmq amqps enhancement #1687
Quick Look missing CPU Infos enhancement #1685
Add amqps protocol suppport for rabbitmq export #1688
Select host in Grafana json #1684
Value for free disk space is counterintuative on ext file systems enhancement #644
Bugs corrected:
Can't start server: unexpected keyword argument 'address' bug enhancement #1693
class AmpsList method _build_amps_list() Windows fail (glances/ bug #1689
Fix grammar in sensors documentation #1681
Reflect "used percent" user disk space for [fs] alert #1680
Bug: [fs] plugin needs to reflect user disk space usage needs test #1658
Fixed formatting on FS example #1673
Missing temperature documentation #1664
Wiki page for starting as a service documentation #1661
How to start glances with --username option on syetemd? documentation #1657
tests using /etc/glances/glances.conf from already installed version bug #1654
Unittests: Use sys.executable instead of hardcoding the python interpreter #1655
Glances should not phone home install #1646
Add lighttpd reverse proxy config to the wiki documentation #1643
Undefined name 'i' in plugins/ bug #1635