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Contributing to nidaqmx

Contributions to nidaqmx are welcome from all!

nidaqmx is managed via git, with the canonical upstream repository hosted on GitHub.

nidaqmx follows a pull-request model for development. If you wish to contribute, you will need to create a GitHub account, fork this project, push a branch with your changes to your project, and then submit a pull request.

See GitHub's official documentation for more details.

Getting Started

To contribute to this project, it is recommended that you follow these steps:

  1. Ensure you have poetry installed
  2. Fork the repository on GitHub.
  3. Install nidaqmx dependencies using poetry install
  4. Run the regression tests on your system (see Testing section). At this point, if any tests fail, do not begin development. Try to investigate these failures. If you're unable to do so, report an issue through our GitHub issues page.
  5. Write new tests that demonstrate your bug or feature. Ensure that these new tests fail.
  6. Make your change.
  7. Once the necessary changes are done, update the auto-generated code using poetry run python src/codegen --dest generated/nidaqmx. This will ensure that the latest files are present in the generated folder.

    Note The codegen scripts require Python 3.9 or later.

  8. Run all the regression tests again (including the tests you just added), and confirm that they all pass.
  9. Run poetry run ni-python-styleguide lint to check that the updated code follows NI's Python coding conventions. If this reports errors, first run poetry run ni-python-styleguide fix in order to sort imports and format the code with Black, then manually fix any remaining errors.
  10. Run poetry run mypy to statically type-check the updated code.
  11. Send a GitHub Pull Request to the main repository's master branch. GitHub Pull Requests are the expected method of code collaboration on this project.


In order to be able to run the nidaqmx regression tests, your setup should meet the following minimum requirements:

  • Setup has a machine with NI-DAQmx or the NI-DAQmx Runtime installed.
    • Currently the minimum supported NI-DAQmx version to run all tests is 21.3.
  • Machine has a supported version of CPython or PyPy installed.
  • Machine has poetry installed.
  • (recommended) Machine has an X Series DAQ device (e.g. PCIe-6363 or USB-6351) connected to it.
    • You can still run the tests without a physical X Series DAQ device, but some tests will be skipped.

Before running the regression tests, import the appropriate NI MAX configuration files:

  • tests\max_config\nidaqmxMaxConfig.ini: Contains custom scales, global channels, simulated devices, and tasks used by many regression tests.
    • Note: On Linux, use tests\max_config\linux\nidaqmxMaxConfig.ini to avoid importing an unsupported device.
  • tests\max_config\examplesMaxConfig.ini: Contains simulated devices used by the example programs. Importing this file is optional. It is used to run a subset of the example programs as test cases.

Refer to this KB article for details on how to import a MAX configuration.

To run the nidaqmx regression tests in a specific version of Python, run the following command in the root of the distribution:

$ poetry run pytest

To run the regression tests in all Python interpreters supported by nidaqmx, run the following commands in the root of the distribution:

$ poetry run tox

This requires you to have all the Python interpreters supported by nidaqmx installed on your machine.

Building Documentation

To build the documentation install the optional docs packages and run sphinx. For example:

$ poetry install -E docs
$ poetry run sphinx-build -b html docs docs\_build

Branching Policy

Active development for the next release occurs on the master branch.

During finalization, we create a release branch (e.g. releases/1.2) in order to control which changes target the imminent release vs. the next release after that. Changes that are intended for both the imminent release and subsequent releases should be made in the master branch and cherry-picked into the release branch. Changes that only apply to the imminent release (such as version numbers) may be made directly in the release branch.

Release Process

  1. Ensure your git HEAD is at the latest version of the master or appropriate releases/* branch with no pending changes.
  2. Note the version currently being released by running:
    $ poetry version
  3. Run tests on every supported Python version. Refer to Testing section for details.
  4. Build the documentation and spot check the output. Refer to Building Documentation section for details. Note that nidaqmx-python @ has been configured to automatically update when the tagged GitHub release has been created. That can be verified once that has been completed.
  5. Publish nidaqmx to pypi by running:
    $ poetry publish --build -u __token__ -p <pypi-token>
    • Note: It is easy to accidentally copy a non-displayable character in your PyPI token. It can be useful to bounce it into an editor that strips that.
  6. Create a release on GitHub, attaching the source at the latest commit as follows:
    • Tag: Create a new tag matching the version being released.
    • Release Title: The version being released.
    • Description: Contents of the for the version being released.
  7. Create a PR to update the version of nidaqmx
    • Update pyproject.toml version by running:
      $ poetry version [patch|minor|major|<semver>]
      • Note: For <semver> we prefer to use 0.0.0-devX style versions rather than the alpha versions you get from use a poetry version bump rule, like prepatch.
    • Add a section to for the new version with empty subsections.

Updating gRPC stubs when the .proto file is modified

The generated\nidaqmx\_stubs directory contains the auto-generated Python files based on the NI-DAQmx protobuf (.proto) file.

The latest NI-DAQmx .proto file is available in the grpc-device GitHub repo. Manually download and overwrite the .proto file under the location codegen\protos\nidaqmx.proto.

Run poetry run python src/codegen --dest generated/nidaqmx. This will ensure that the latest stub files are present in the generated\nidaqmx\_stubs folder.

Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO)

Developer's Certificate of Origin 1.1

By making a contribution to this project, I certify that:

(a) The contribution was created in whole or in part by me and I have the right to submit it under the open source license indicated in the file; or

(b) The contribution is based upon previous work that, to the best of my knowledge, is covered under an appropriate open source license and I have the right under that license to submit that work with modifications, whether created in whole or in part by me, under the same open source license (unless I am permitted to submit under a different license), as indicated in the file; or

(c) The contribution was provided directly to me by some other person who certified (a), (b) or (c) and I have not modified it.

(d) I understand and agree that this project and the contribution are public and that a record of the contribution (including all personal information I submit with it, including my sign-off) is maintained indefinitely and may be redistributed consistent with this project or the open source license(s) involved.

(taken from

See LICENSE for details about how nidaqmx is licensed.