Rake migrate db
Migrate card side:
heroku run rake cardsetup:card_side_to_json
- ENV: removed AWS_BUCKET_NAME, only using S3_BUCKET_NAME
- ENV: removed STRIPE_KEY, only using STRIPE_PUB (& STRIPE_SECRET)
- Upgrade stack:
- BUILDPACKS - see README for required buildpacks (now in app.json)
- Upgrade stack:
- Upgrade Database to Pro
- ENV: add GTM_ENVIRONMENT_PARAMS (see gtm_helper.rb)
- DEV: '>m_auth=n553XLcYVrmY05MZ2RjQyA>m_preview=env-5>m_cookies_win=x'
- LIVE: '>m_auth=Vu4BC2LBqiawRiIX2VOn4g>m_preview=env-2>m_cookies_win=x'
Upgrade ActiveCampaign Gem
- Force Lob API version. Allows us to test new version before upgrading Lob account.
- Update Lob Gem to 5.0 and API to latest
- Add GDPR webhooks & tables.
- Remove future send_date from Admin tool's sample postcard dispatcher. New API plans don't support it.
- Fix app re-install (make sure that all Shops have correct value for uninstalled_at)
- Hotfix
- new last_month calculation was wrong because we were only counting open orders
- postcards/index api was sorting by updated_at. changed to created_at to be less confusing
- added missing include in uninstalled job
- Hotfix - New way of checking ShopifyAPI::Customer.default_address in orders/create webhook was broken.
- Comprehensive Admin Tool Improvements:
- Navigation
- Edit: Subscription Quantity, Shop Credits, Card Order Sending Enable
- Send Sample Postcard
- Cancel Postcards
- Material Design Skin
- Add name and size tag to ActiveCampaign subscribers
- Add subscribers to Customer list in ActiveCampaign
- Background task install jobs (ActiveCampaign Subscribe + Slack Notify)
- Bump default send_delay to 1 week
- Add Data Importer Library (not yet hooked up)
- Cap last_month value to # orders in case of import. (+remove synchronous call from install)
- Add Ember Metrics for Google Tag Manager & Intercom ('booted' in GTM)
- Get ActiveAdmin working (internal admin panel).
- Change from Discounts API to Price Rules API (db:migrate + rake price_rules:make_discounts_negative)
Deployment: db:migrate rake price_rules:make_discounts_negative deploy matching client v1.2.0
- Track coupons even if they weren't entered as upper case
- Update oauth scopes. Remove unneeded writes, write_price_rules and write_marketing_events.
- Make S3 filename sanitization more robust
- Fix price filtering to use total_price instead of total_line_items_price
- Update shopify_app gem and handle webhooks with active job
- Strip
from S3 filenames to prevent blank postcards