All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
18.0.2 (2024-07-02)
18.0.1 (2024-07-02)
18.0.0 (2024-07-02)
1.2.11 (2024-07-02)
- collectionGroup support (ba369f2)
- disconnect matching actions without specifying payload (b6e3bb4)
- action dispatched multiple times (6c8647d)
- actionFinishesOn FirstEmit | ObsComplete (3468b7a)
- active connections (e4868bb)
- add connections selector (b5f52fa)
- add paging functionality (9e1c515)
- add setOptions param to write operations (b91721c)
- cancelPrevious 'cancel-if-track-by-changed' (c72d334)
- compat integration and services (89150e5)
- create new page to demo disconnect (2f2e3fe)
- demo of using subcollection (7866972)
- deps ng 12 (1b3f69a)
- deps: angular/fire 6.1.0 (6885163)
- deps: angular/[email protected] (f4c3c08)
- deps: ng 11 (feb2d5d)
- disable network config (cd6a403)
- dispatch stream error (08cde38)
- export doc on NgxsFirestore (81d1fa0)
- expose docRef on NgxsFirestore (939b286)
- idField and FirestoreDataConverter (5950a23)
- include getOptions (af0b842)
- include mapTo, mapFrom, idField options (bb1cce4)
- include metadata field (6f0159b)
- include upsert (62bb6bd)
- integration test (0f67da1)
- make dispatch action error (c481f9f)
- make integration app a pwa (bd25591)
- multi dispatch strategy (70323d7)
- next page and last page (8ba1e61)
- offline fire and forget (803f49c)
- paging (705bd6b)
- public ngxs-firestore state (a234fa8)
- reconnect if no active connections / disconnect based on args (fa2bc4f)
- remove default trackBy payload (9722989)
- return id on upsert (823faa4)
- split in package subfolders (12bd4f7)
- standalone provider (bd41101)
- support multiple paged queries (864b503)
- support state operators (017cd42)
- track connection names (e1f0005)
- udpate connections state model (91d391d)
- update if exists (f2b2723)
- update to ivy and angular/fire 7 and firebase 9 (1068064)
- upgrade to firebase modular version (3f8f6c9)
- use developmentMode option to turn on/off connection tracking (d55df81)
- 'cancel-if-track-by-changed' not completing action (d001c71)
- a null id should not overwrite the payload id (1b86e01)
- a null id should not overwrite the payload id (812b89a)
- action arg on Disconnect (35894d8)
- active conns service (f48cf16)
- add @injectable to support Ivy (be889a6)
- add @Injectable per Ivy upgrade (23bf3f2)
- allow one paging query per service instance (559c942)
- build compat namespace (9ed73ba)
- cancelPrevious action without trackby (6a4ca2a)
- comment disconnect (f7f5707)
- connect event takes action as payload (3f049c6)
- create and delete (58a6774)
- create and upsert should use the idField (0de4c40)
- create$ (1e03085)
- delete metadata before saving (35eddde)
- deps (5a535ce)
- development mode optional (ae35511)
- disableNetwork type (782db24)
- doc$: return undefined if doc doesnt exist (8e5f5eb)
- export from compat public api (1bc659f)
- firestore plugin (e034a70)
- firestore-service: use merge fields on update$ (abf5333)
- get page impl (7963db5)
- git repo (1176e32)
- handle connections in connect service (2276a76)
- handle dispatch action multiple times on same tick (99e3de6)
- handle multiple actions on different ticks (6c0d30c)
- handle trackBy and cancelPrevious scenario (2329a6b)
- implement attach-action with overwrite method (093b338)
- import NgxsActionsExecutingModule (342ae10)
- jest config and deps (2eeb3f7)
- limit page size at 10000 (e6b6988)
- lint disable no-any (edfa76e)
- lint prefers interface over type (a43bf2b)
- linting error (shadowed type) (4ea9265)
- list component test (7251d87)
- make instance test as instance (e8e7924)
- mulitple actions fired before they emit were not getting completed (14b23ac)
- ngxs-firestore-connect make properties private (5306fb8)
- path (559abc0)
- path (0bd96de)
- provide pageIdService in 'root' (dcb5653)
- query (5942c59)
- redux devtool actions order (00a420c)
- remove ? optional chaning (9b148df)
- remove collectionRef (cb8ecad)
- remove NgxsFirestoreCompatModule (224f094)
- remove unused (edf67ae)
- rename firestore page compat (df852d6)
- run dispatch on next tick (fd81344)
- same action multi dispatch completion handle (8c3c883)
- set redux plugin module (6d8e00a)
- spelling error on ngxsFirestoreConnections (ba009a7)
- stop getting doc once after update (726e885)
- streamId format (f6795b4)
- styles imprts (6c57846)
- test (43abecd)
- throw error when id is empty (ff8a7fa)
- to and trackBy takes action instance (a21aa23)
- typing (5ad61d8)
- typo (e322db6)
- umd modules ids (8b20326)
- use compat imports (4a37704)
- use compat namespace (8f1d42b)
- use generic (2b0a948)
- when connected complete subsequent actions immediately (298530e)
- works (fe0fe7b)
1.2.9 (2024-01-03)
1.2.8 (2023-08-21)
- mulitple actions fired before they emit were not getting completed (14b23ac)
1.2.7 (2023-06-07)
1.2.6 (2023-05-30)
- disableNetwork type (782db24)
1.2.5 (2023-05-30)
- disable network config (cd6a403)
1.2.4 (2023-04-26)
- 'cancel-if-track-by-changed' not completing action (d001c71)
1.2.3 (2023-04-19)
- provide pageIdService in 'root' (dcb5653)
- query (5942c59)
- remove collectionRef (cb8ecad)
- remove NgxsFirestoreCompatModule (224f094)
- styles imprts (6c57846)
1.2.2 (2023-04-04)
1.2.1 (2023-04-04)
1.2.0 (2023-03-26)
- cancelPrevious 'cancel-if-track-by-changed' (c72d334)
- compat integration and services (89150e5)
- include metadata field (6f0159b)
- make integration app a pwa (bd25591)
- split in package subfolders (12bd4f7)
- use developmentMode option to turn on/off connection tracking (d55df81)
- build compat namespace (9ed73ba)
- delete metadata before saving (35eddde)
- development mode optional (ae35511)
- export from compat public api (1bc659f)
- path (559abc0)
- path (0bd96de)
- remove unused (edf67ae)
- rename firestore page compat (df852d6)
- spelling error on ngxsFirestoreConnections (ba009a7)
- umd modules ids (8b20326)
- use compat imports (4a37704)
1.1.0 (2022-11-02)
- upgrade to firebase modular version (3f8f6c9)
1.0.0 (2022-07-08)
- update to ivy and angular/fire 7 and firebase 9 (1068064)
- use compat namespace (8f1d42b)
0.1.36 (2022-03-28)
- include getOptions (af0b842)
0.1.35 (2022-03-15)
- limit page size at 10000 (e6b6988)
0.1.34 (2022-02-14)
- handle trackBy and cancelPrevious scenario (2329a6b)
0.1.33 (2022-02-01)
- next page and last page (8ba1e61)
- paging (705bd6b)
- support multiple paged queries (864b503)
- update if exists (f2b2723)
0.1.32 (2022-01-04)
- deps ng 12 (1b3f69a)
- deps: angular/fire 6.1.0 (6885163)
- deps: angular/[email protected] (f4c3c08)
- deps: ng 11 (feb2d5d)
0.1.31 (2021-07-29)
0.1.30 (2021-05-29)
0.1.29 (2021-02-21)
- add setOptions param to write operations (b91721c)
0.1.28 (2021-01-31)
- demo of using subcollection (7866972)
0.1.27 (2020-11-19)
0.1.26 (2020-11-19)
0.1.25 (2020-11-19)
- a null id should not overwrite the payload id (812b89a)
0.1.24 (2020-11-16)
- create and upsert should use the idField (0de4c40)
0.1.23 (2020-11-16)
- doc$: return undefined if doc doesnt exist (8e5f5eb)
0.1.22 (2020-10-27)
- idField and FirestoreDataConverter (5950a23)
- include mapTo, mapFrom, idField options (bb1cce4)
- offline fire and forget (803f49c)
- remove ? optional chaning (9b148df)
0.1.21 (2020-10-27)
- remove default trackBy payload (9722989)
0.1.20 (2020-10-26)
0.1.19 (2020-10-26)
0.1.18 (2020-10-26)
- cancelPrevious action without trackby (6a4ca2a)
0.1.17 (2020-09-24)
- typing (5ad61d8)
0.1.16 (2020-09-24)
- create$ (1e03085)
0.1.15 (2020-09-24)
- create$ (1e03085)
0.1.14 (2020-09-24)
0.1.13 (2020-09-16)
- firestore-service: use merge fields on update$ (abf5333)
0.1.12 (2020-09-03)
0.1.11 (2020-08-16)
- return id on upsert (823faa4)
0.1.10 (2020-08-16)
- export doc on NgxsFirestore (81d1fa0)
0.1.9 (2020-08-16)
- expose docRef on NgxsFirestore (939b286)
0.1.8 (2020-08-02)
0.1.7 (2020-07-24)
0.1.6 (2020-07-24)
- add connections selector (b5f52fa)
- public ngxs-firestore state (a234fa8)
- udpate connections state model (91d391d)
- import NgxsActionsExecutingModule (342ae10)
- ngxs-firestore-connect make properties private (5306fb8)
- same action multi dispatch completion handle (8c3c883)
- throw error when id is empty (ff8a7fa)
- when connected complete subsequent actions immediately (298530e)
- action dispatched multiple times (6c8647d)
- actionFinishesOn FirstEmit | ObsComplete (3468b7a)
- active connections (e4868bb)
- add connections selector (b5f52fa)
- create new page to demo disconnect (2f2e3fe)
- include upsert (62bb6bd)
- multi dispatch strategy (70323d7)
- public ngxs-firestore state (a234fa8)
- reconnect if no active connections / disconnect based on args (fa2bc4f)
- support state operators (017cd42)
- track connection names (e1f0005)
- udpate connections state model (91d391d)
- action arg on Disconnect (35894d8)
- active conns service (f48cf16)
- add @injectable to support Ivy (be889a6)
- add @Injectable per Ivy upgrade (23bf3f2)
- comment disconnect (f7f5707)
- connect event takes action as payload (3f049c6)
- create and delete (58a6774)
- firestore plugin (e034a70)
- git repo (1176e32)
- handle connections in connect service (2276a76)
- handle dispatch action multiple times on same tick (99e3de6)
- handle multiple actions on different ticks (6c0d30c)
- implement attach-action with overwrite method (093b338)
- import NgxsActionsExecutingModule (342ae10)
- lint disable no-any (edfa76e)
- lint prefers interface over type (a43bf2b)
- list component test (7251d87)
- make instance test as instance (e8e7924)
- ngxs-firestore-connect make properties private (5306fb8)
- redux devtool actions order (00a420c)
- run dispatch on next tick (fd81344)
- same action multi dispatch completion handle (8c3c883)
- set redux plugin module (6d8e00a)
- stop getting doc once after update (726e885)
- streamId format (f6795b4)
- test (43abecd)
- throw error when id is empty (ff8a7fa)
- to and trackBy takes action instance (a21aa23)
- typo (e322db6)
- use generic (2b0a948)
- when connected complete subsequent actions immediately (298530e)
- works (fe0fe7b)