Releases: newrelic/developer-website
Releases · newrelic/developer-website
1.10.0 (2020-08-06)
Bug Fixes
- upgrade @mdx-js/mdx from 1.6.6 to 1.6.7 (93dd1ea)
- upgrade eslint-plugin-react-hooks from 4.0.6 to 4.0.7 (a38450d)
- upgrade gatsby-plugin-mdx from 1.2.22 to 1.2.25 (2911b72)
- upgrade react-shadow from 18.1.2 to 18.2.4 (bd8e741)
- upgrade SDK shown in docs (4513c91)
- setup way to add tags to the current document (da938cf)
1.9.0 (2020-08-03)
Bug Fixes
- allow relative urls for resources (beba6cb)
- dynamically update tag and link depending on context (c9f1ee7)
- pass pageContext to each module in related content (d7e7033)
- removed external link adding to gatsby (15e26a6)
- render external icon for related links that navigate outside of the site (6eb5fd3)
- shadow feather icon set to append external link icon (b8a823a)
- update RelatedContent to handle resources specified in frontmatter (bcc0096)
1.8.0 (2020-07-30)
Bug Fixes
- add prop type for page prop (ef316b3)
- fix mobile nav styles when mobile nav is open (a6f668a)
- keep grid gap when on single column (571e1bf)
- migrate the rest of the layout styles to emotion (cee2d25)
- spacing on footer (38e304f)
- use align-self: start instead of wrapping div (71309ea)
- use to instead of href for podcasts link (06fe20d)
- use Video component from theme in mdx (1a8eb4d)
- widen the main layout by 100px (9d049e6)
- add a usePageContext hook (a78d3d8)
- add border around right rail component (fdcfd2b)
- add dynamic layout value (7e3e092)
- add page layout context (fc8ec18)
- Add the related content sidebar to the main page (749427a)
- create a PageLayout component (2e6f488)
- create a related content component (1d183b9)
- hide the related content on a mobile layout (f0d65d1)
- move related content to bottom of content when on smaller screens (c76eca1)
- move the content area into a grid (48da4d9)
- move the related content area to the guide template (1f7b2d5)
- remove PageTitle component (44659b7)
- use dynamic breakpoint for side by side component based on layout (c0277d9)
- use PageLayout for ApiReferenceTemplate (11d156e)
- use PageLayout for ComponentReferenceTemplate (027a893)
- use PageLayout for developer champion page (37b7d0b)
- use PageLayout for index page (b9a5fc8)
- use PageLayout for OverviewTemplate (9e0c007)
- use PageLayout for podcasts page (3f706f1)
- use PageLayout in GuideTemplate (0643661)