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struct2map: Convert golang strutures to a single, flattened map

Primary usecases:

  1. Structures that you may wish to itterate over in an key-value type fashion
  2. Strucutres that you wish to pull data out of without having to write code paths for each value (just use the namespace-like keys to get your data)


func ConvertStruct(obj any, opts ...StructConvertOpts) map[string]any

Takes a structure obj and returns a map[string]any where the map keys are the field names in the structure and the values are the field values or nil on error (ex: empty struct passed; not a struct passed).

The opts argument is a list of optional modifying options you may pass; currently the only supported modifiers are as follows:

	STRUCT_CONVERT_NOOP               // does nothing
	STRUCT_CONVERT_MAPKEY_TOLOWER     // ignores the struct2map tag name (if set) and converts the STRUCT fieldname to lowercase for the map output
	STRUCT_CONVERT_MAPKEY_TOUPPER     // ignores the struct2map tag name (if set) and converts the STRUCT fieldname to UPPERCASE for the map output
	STRUCT_CONVERT_MAPKEY_CAMELCASE   // ignores the struct2map tag name (if set) and converts the STRUCT fieldname to CamelCase for the map output
	STRUCT_CONVERT_MAPKEY_LOWERCAMEL  // ignores the struct2map tag name (if set) and converts the STRUCT fieldname to lowerCamelCase for the map output
	STRUCT_CONVERT_MAPKEY_SNAKE       // ignores the struct2map tag name (if set) and converts the STRUCT fieldname to snake_case for the map output

These modifiers are meant for a case where you cannot decorate a structure with the struct2map tag (see below), for example if the struct is from a third-party library you cannot or do not wish to modify. All of the STRUCT_CONVERT_MAPKEY_* modifier options are BEST EFFORT only AND are MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE to one another; last one passed should win, but please don't pass more than one...


Most of the basic types at this point are supported for the map values, including nested/embedded structures, maps, slices, etc...

Pointers are always dereferenced when storing the values (avoid storing the pointer address).

Only operates on exported fields in the strucuture; non-exported fields are ignored.

Output maps are keyed by either the exported field name directly OR by the use of the struct2map tag to specify a name. If the name is specified as -, then the field is treated as not-exported.

In the case of slices, maps, or other embedded/nested structures, the output maps keys are "namespaced" in the following ways:

  • Structures: The embedded/nested structure name will prepend the inner fields as [parentFieldName].[childFieldName] => value.
  • Maps: Data pulled from maps will appears as [mapFieldName].[mapKeyToString] => [value].
    • A nil pointer map key will ultimately bubble up as the string constant DEFAULT_SUBKEY_STRING wrapped in squre brackets (ex. with no convert options): [emptyKey].
    • If the map key is otherwise unable to be directly converted to a string, we make a best effort via the %v format specifier with fmt.Sprintf.
    • In the event the map key is a float (of any type) or complex64/complex128, the conversion function to string uses the 'g' modifier with a precision of -1 (see notes on and
    • In all cases, these keys are also subject to the conversion options (above).
  • Slices: Data pulled form slices will appear as [sliceFieldName].[sliceIndex] => [value].

As the amount of nesting increases, so does the namespacing; for example:

type someStruct struct {
    TopLevel bool
    InnerStruct anotherStruct

type anotherStruct struct {
    SomeMap map[string]int


testStruct := someStruct{
    TopLevel: true,
    InnerStruct: anotherStruct {
        SomeMap: map[string]int{"test": 1}

outputMap := ConvertStruct(testStruct)

The key for an item on the SomeMap map in the InnerStruct would appear in the output map as the following key: InnerStruct.SomeMap.test => 1.

Additional tag options include (comma-separated, after the name):

  • omitempty - nil-able (and only nil-able) types are not added to the output map if set to nil.
  • ignoreparents - ignores all of the parents (prefixes) above the current position of nested fields, effectively flattening the keys (to a degree; beware of potential output map key conflicts when using this).

For ignoreparents, given the same someStruct example above, if the SomeMap field were to have ignoreparents then it would be keyed as the following in the output map: SomeMap.test => [value] (loss of the InnerStruct prefix).