- Cloud Monitoring: Support SLO burn rate. #53710, @itkq
- Schema: Restore "hidden" in LegendDisplayMode. #53925, @academo
- Timeseries: Revert the timezone(s) property name change back to singular. #53926, @academo
- Alerting: Fix links in Microsoft Teams notifications. #54003, @grobinson-grafana
- Alerting: Fix notifications for Microsoft Teams. #53810, @grobinson-grafana
- Alerting: Fix width of Adaptive Cards in Teams notifications. #53996, @grobinson-grafana
- ColorPickerInput: Fix popover in disabled state. #54000, @Clarity-89
- Decimals: Fixes auto decimals to behave the same for positive and negative values. #53960, @JoaoSilvaGrafana
- Loki: Fix unique log row id generation. #53932, @gabor
- Plugins: Fix file extension in development authentication guide. #53838, @pbzona
- TimeSeries: Fix jumping legend issue. #53671, @zoltanbedi
- TimeSeries: Fix memory leak on viz re-init caused by KeyboardPlugin. #53872, @leeoniya
- TimePicker: Fixes relative timerange of less than a day not displaying. #53975, @JoaoSilvaGrafana
- GrafanaUI: Fixes ClipboardButton to always keep multi line content. #53903, @JoaoSilvaGrafana
- API: Allow creating teams with a user defined identifier. #48710, @papagian
- Alerting: Adds interval and For to alert rule details. #53211, @gillesdemey
- Alerting: Extend PUT rule-group route to write the entire rule group rather than top-level fields only. #53078, @alexweav
- Alerting: Use Adaptive Cards in Teams notifications. #53532, @grobinson-grafana
- Azure Monitor: Add Network Insights Dashboard. #50362, @Teddy-Lin
- Chore: Improve logging of unrecoverable errors. #53664, @sakjur
- Correlations: Add UpdateCorrelation HTTP API. #52444, @Elfo404
- Dashboard: Reverted the changes of hiding multi-select and all variable in the datasource picker. #53521, @lpskdl
- Geomap: Add alpha day/night layer. #50201, @ryantxu
- Geomap: Add measuring tools. #51608, @drew08t
- GrafanaUI: Add success state to ClipboardButton. #52069, @evictorero
- Heatmap: Replace the heatmap panel with new implementation. #50229, @ryantxu
- KVStore: Allow empty value in kv_store. #53416, @spinillos
- Prometheus: Promote Azure auth flag to configuration. #53447, @andresmgot
- Reports: Save and update in reports should be transactional. (Enterprise)
- Reports: Set uid when we don't receive it in the query. (Enterprise)
- Search: Display only dashboards in General folder of Search Folder View. #53607, @lpskdl
- Status history/State timeline: Support datalinks. #50226, @jloupdef
- Transform: Add a limit transform. #49291, @josiahg
- Transformations: Add standard deviation and variance reducers. #49753, @selvavm
- API: Fix snapshot responses. #52998, @papagian
- Access Control: Fix permission error during dashboard creation flow. #53214, @IevaVasiljeva
- Access Control: Set permissions for Grafana's test data source. #53247, @IevaVasiljeva
- Alerting: Fix migration failure. #53253, @papagian
- BarGauge: Show empty bar when value, minValue and maxValue are all equal. #53314, @ashharrison90
- Dashboard: Fix color of bold and italics text in panel description tooltip. #53380, @joshhunt
- Loki: Fix passing of query with defaults to code mode. #53646, @ivanahuckova
- Loki: Fix producing correct log volume query for query with comments. #53254, @ivanahuckova
- Loki: Fix showing of unusable labels field in detected fields. #53319, @ivanahuckova
- Reports: Fix inconsistency reports. (Enterprise)
- Tracing: Fix OpenTelemetry Jaeger context propagation. #53269, @zhichli
- Tracing: Fix OpenTelemetry Jaeger context propagation (#53269). #53724, @idafurjes
- [9.1.x] Alerting: AlertingProxy to elevate permissions for request forwarded to data proxy when RBAC enabled. #53679, @yuri-tceretian
Alert notifications to Microsoft Teams now use Adaptive Cards instead of Office 365 Connector Cards. Issue #53532
Starting at 9.1.0, existing heatmap panels will start using a new implementation. This can be disabled by setting the useLegacyHeatmapPanel
feature flag to true. It can be tested on a single dashbobard by adding ?__feature.useLegacyHeatmapPanel=true
to any dashboard URL. Please report any heatmap migration issues.. The most notable changes are:
- Significantly improved rendering performance
- When calculating heatmaps, the buckets are now placed on reasonable borders (1m, 5m, 30s etc)
- Round cells are no longer supported Issue #50229
- API: Migrate CSRF to service and support additional options. #48120, @sakjur
- API: Move swagger definitions to the handlers and rename operations after them. #52643, @papagian
- Access Control: Allow org admins to invite new users. #52894, @IevaVasiljeva
- AccessControl: Check dashboards permission for reports. (Enterprise)
- Alerting: Add config disabled_labels to disable reserved labels. #51832, @JacobsonMT
- Alerting: Add custom templated title to Wecom notifier. #51529, @dingweiqings
- Alerting: Add file provisioning for alert rules. #51635, @JohnnyQQQQ
- Alerting: Add file provisioning for contact points. #51924, @JohnnyQQQQ
- Alerting: Add file provisioning for mute timings. #52936, @JohnnyQQQQ
- Alerting: Add file provisioning for notification policies. #52877, @JohnnyQQQQ
- Alerting: Add file provisioning for text templates. #52952, @JohnnyQQQQ
- Alerting: Add first Grafana reserved label grafana_folder. #50262, @JacobsonMT
- Alerting: Add support for images in Kafka alerts. #50758, @grobinson-grafana
- Alerting: Add support for images in VictorOps alerts. #50759, @grobinson-grafana
- Alerting: Adds contact point template syntax highlighting. #51559, @gillesdemey
- Alerting: Adds visual tokens for templates. #51376, @gillesdemey
- Alerting: Alert rules pagination. #50612, @konrad147
- Alerting: Change alertScreenshotToken to alertImageToken. #50771, @grobinson-grafana
- Alerting: Configure alert manager data source as an external AM. #52081, @konrad147
- Alerting: Do not include button in googlechat notification if URL invalid. #47317, @j6s
- Alerting: Group alert state history by labels and allow filtering. #52784, @gillesdemey
- Alerting: Make ticker to tick at predictable time. #50197, @yuri-tceretian
- Alerting: Persist rule position in the group. #50051, @yuri-tceretian
- Alerting: Prevent evaluation if "for" shorter than "evaluate". #51797, @peterholmberg
- Alerting: Provisioning UI. #50776, @gillesdemey
- Alerting: Rule api to fail update if provisioned rules are affected. #50835, @yuri-tceretian
- Alerting: Scheduler to drop ticks if a rule's evaluation is too slow. #48885, @yuri-tceretian
- Alerting: Show evaluation interval global limit warning. #52942, @konrad147
- Alerting: State manager to use tick time to determine stale states. #50991, @yuri-tceretian
- Alerting: Support for optimistic locking for alert rules. #50274, @yuri-tceretian
- Alerting: Update RBAC for alert rules to consider access to rule as access to group it belongs. #49033, @yuri-tceretian
- Alerting: Update default route groupBy to [grafana_folder, alertname]. #50052, @JacobsonMT
- Alertmanager: Adding SigV4 Authentication to Alertmanager Datasource. #49718, @lewinkedrs
- Analytics: Save all view time dates as UTC. (Enterprise)
- Annotations: Migrate dashboardId to dashboardUID. #52588, @lpskdl
- Auditing: Allow users to have more verbose logs. (Enterprise)
- Auth: Add lookup params for saml and LDAP sync. (Enterprise)
- Auth: Add option for case insensitive login. #49262, @Jguer
- Auth: Case insensitive ids duplicate usagestats. #50724, @eleijonmarck
- Auth: Implement Token URL Auth. #52578, @Jguer
- Auth: Implement Token URL JWT Auth. #52662, @Jguer
- Auth: Lockdown non-editables in frontend when external auth is configured. #52160, @Jguer
- Azure Monitor: Add new dashboard with geo map for app insights test availability. #52494, @jcolladokuri
- Azure Monitor: New template variable editor. #52594, @andresmgot
- Azure Monitor: Restore Metrics query parameters: subscription, resourceGroup, metricNamespace and resourceName. #52897, @andresmgot
- Chore: Add dashboard UID as query parameter of Get annotation endpoint. #52764, @ying-jeanne
- Chore: Remove jest-coverage-badges dep from toolkit. #49883, @zoltanbedi
- Chore: Rename dashboardUID to dashboardUIDs in search endpoint and up…. #52766, @ying-jeanne
- CloudWatch: Add default log groups to config page. #49286, @iwysiu
- CommandPalette: Populate dashboard search when the palette is opened. #51293, @ryantxu
- Core Plugins: Add support for HTTP logger. #46578, @toddtreece
- Correlations: Add CreateCorrelation HTTP API. #51630, @Elfo404
- Correlations: Add DeleteCorrelation HTTP API. #51801, @Elfo404
- Custom branding: Add UI for setting configuration. (Enterprise)
- Custom branding: Add custom branding service (early access). (Enterprise)
- Data Connections: Create a new top-level page. #50018, @leventebalogh
- DataSource: Allow data source plugins to set query default values. #49581, @sunker
- Docs: CSRF add configuration options and documentation for additional headers and origins. #50473, @eleijonmarck
- Elasticsearch: Added
method to add filters in Explore. #52313, @svennergr - Explore: Add ability to include tags in trace to metrics queries. #49433, @connorlindsey
- Explore: Download and upload service graphs for Tempo. #50260, @connorlindsey
- Explore: Make service graph visualization use available vertical space. #50518, @connorlindsey
- Explore: Reset Graph overrides if underlying series changes. #49680, @Elfo404
- Explore: Sort trace process attributes alphabetically. #51261, @connorlindsey
- Frontend Logging: Integrate grafana javascript agent. #50801, @tolzhabayev
- Geomap: Add ability to select a data query filter for each layer. #49966, @mmandrus
- Geomap: Route/path visualization. #43554, @alexanderzobnin
- GeomapPanel: Add base types to data layer options. #50053, @drew08t
- Graph Panel: Add feature toggle that will allow automatic migration to timeseries panel. #50631, @ryantxu
- Graphite: Introduce new query types in annotation editor. #52341, @itsmylife
- Infra: Pass custom headers in resource request. #51291, @aocenas
- Insights: Add RBAC for insights features. (Enterprise)
- Instrumentation: Add more buckets to the HTTP request histogram. #51492, @bergquist
- Instrumentation: Collect database connection stats. #52797, @bergquist
- Instrumentation: Convert some metrics to histograms. #50420, @SuperQ
- Jaeger: Add support for variables. #50500, @joey-grafana
- LDAP: Allow specifying LDAP timeout. #48870, @hannes-256
- LibraryPanels: Require only viewer permissions to use a Library Panel. #50241, @joshhunt
- Licensing: Usage-based billing reporting enhancements. (Enterprise)
- Logs: Handle clicks on legend labels in histogram. #49931, @gabor
- Logs: Improve the color for unknown log level. #52711, @gabor
- Loki/Logs: Make it possible to copy log values to clipboard. #50914, @Seyaji
- Loki: Add hint for pipeline error to query builder. #52134, @ivanahuckova
- Loki: Add hints for level-like labels. #52414, @ivanahuckova
- Loki: Add support for IP label and line filter in query builder. #52658, @ivanahuckova
- Loki: Add unwrap with conversion function to builder. #52639, @ivanahuckova
- Loki: Implement hints for query builder. #51795, @ivanahuckova
- Loki: Move explain section to builder mode. #52879, @ivanahuckova
- Loki: Show label options for unwrap operation. #52810, @ivanahuckova
- Loki: Support json parser with expressions in query builder. #51965, @ivanahuckova
- Navigation: Display
dashboards in theNavbar
. #51038, @ashharrison90 - Node Graph Panel: Add options to configure units and arc colors. #51057, @connorlindsey
- OAuth: Allow role mapping from GitHub and GitLab groups. #52407, @Jguer
- Opentsdb: Add tag values into the opentsdb response. #48672, @xy-man
- OptionsUI: UnitPicker now supports isClearable setting. #51064, @ryantxu
- PanelEdit: Hide multi-/all-select datasource variables in datasource picker. #52142, @eledobleefe
- Piechart: Implements series override -> hide in area for the legend or tooltip. #51297, @daniellee
- Plugin admin: Add a page to show where panel plugins are used in dashboards. #50909, @ryantxu
- Plugins: Add validation for plugin manifest. #52787, @wbrowne
- Prometheus: Move explain section to builder mode. #52935, @itsmylife
- Prometheus: Support 1ms resolution intervals. #44707, @dankeder
- Prometheus: Throw error on direct access. #50162, @aocenas
- RBAC: Add RBAC for query caching. (Enterprise)
- RBAC: Add access control metadata to folder dtos. #51158, @kalleep
- RBAC: Allow app plugins access restriction. #51524, @gamab
- RBAC: Rename alerting roles to match naming convention. #50504, @gamab
- Report: Calculate grid height unit dynamically instead use hardcode values. (Enterprise)
- Reports: Add created column in report_dashboards. (Enterprise)
- Reports: Add dashboard title in all pdf pages. (Enterprise)
- Reports: Allow saving draft reports. (Enterprise)
- Reports: Multiple dashboards improvements. (Enterprise)
- SAML : Support Azure Single Sign Out. (Enterprise)
- SAML: Add NameIDFormat in SP metadata. (Enterprise)
- SAML: Improve debug logs for saml logout. (Enterprise)
- SSE: Add noData type. #51973, @kylebrandt
- Search: Filter punctuation and tokenize camel case. #51165, @FZambia
- Search: Sync state on read for HA consistency. #50152, @FZambia
- Security: Choose Lookup params per auth module (CVE-2022-31107). #52312, @Jguer
- Service Accounts: Managed permissions for service accounts. #51818, @IevaVasiljeva
- Service accounts: Grafana service accounts are enabled by default. #51402, @vtorosyan
- ServiceAccounts: Add Prometheus metrics service. #51831, @Jguer
- ServiceAccounts: Add Service Account Token last used at date. #51446, @Jguer
- SharePDF: Use currently selected variables and time range when generating PDF. (Enterprise)
- Slider: Enforce numeric constraints and styling within the text input. #50905, @drew08t
- State Timeline: Enable support for annotations. #47887, @dprokop
- Table panel: Add multiple data links support to Default, Image and JSONView cells. #51162, @dprokop
- TeamSync: Remove LDAP specific example from team sync. #51368, @Jguer
- TeamSync: Support case insensitive matches and wildcard groups. (Enterprise)
- Tempo: Add context menu to edges. #52396, @joey-grafana
- Tempo: Consider tempo search out of beta and remove beta badge and feature flags. #50030, @connorlindsey
- Tempo: Tempo/Prometheus links select ds in new tab (cmd + click). #52319, @joey-grafana
- Time series panel: Hide axis when series is hidden from the visualization. #51432, @dprokop
- TimeSeries: Add option for symmetrical y axes (align 0). #52555, @leeoniya
- TimeSeries: Add option to match axis color to series color. #51437, @leeoniya
- TimeSeries: Improved constantY rendering parity with Graph (old). #51401, @leeoniya
- Timeseries: Support multiple timezones in x axis. #52424, @ryantxu
- TopNav: Adds new feature toggle for upcoming nav. #51115, @torkelo
- Traces: APM table. #48654, @joey-grafana
- Traces: Add absolute time to span details. #50685, @joey-grafana
- Traces: Add horizontal scroll. #50278, @joey-grafana
- Traces: Consistent span colors for service names. #50782, @joey-grafana
- Traces: Move towards using OTEL naming conventions. #51379, @joey-grafana
- Traces: Span bar label. #50931, @joey-grafana
- Transformations: Add standard deviation and variance reducers. #52769, @ryantxu
- Transforms: Add Join by label transformation. #52670, @ryantxu
- URL: Encode certain special characters. #51806, @L-M-K-B
- ValueMappings: Make value mapping row focusable. #52337, @lpskdl
- Variables: Add 'jsonwithoutquote' formatting options for variables, and format of variable supports pipeline. #51859, @MicroOps-cn
- Variables: Selectively reload panels on URL update. #51003, @toddtreece
- Various Panels: Add ability to toggle legend with keyboard shortcut. #52241, @alyssabull
- API: Fix failing test by initialising legacy guardian when creating folder scenario. #50800, @vicmarbev
- Access control: Show dashboard settings to users who can edit dashboard. #52532, @IevaVasiljeva
- Alerting: Fix RegExp matchers in frontend for Silences and other previews. #51726, @joeblubaugh
- Alerting: Fix rule API to accept 0 duration of field
. #50992, @yuri-tceretian - Alerting: Increase alert rule operation perf by replacing subquery with threshold calculation. #53069, @alexweav
- Barchart Panel: Fix threshold colors changing when data is refreshed. #52038, @mingozh
- Dashboard: Fix iteration property change triggering unsaved changes warning. #51272, @torkelo
- Dashboards: Disable variable pickers for snapshots. #52827, @joshhunt
- Elasticsearch: Always use fixed_interval. #50297, @gabor
- Geomap: Fix tooltip offset bug. #52627, @drew08t
- Geomap: Update with template variable change. #52007, @drew08t
- Loki: Fix adding of multiple label filters when parser. #52335, @ivanahuckova
- Loki: Fix support of ad-hoc filters for specific queries. #51232, @ivanahuckova
- Navigation: Hide
/Starred items
from navbar when unauthenticated. #53051, @ashharrison90 - PasswordReset: Enforce password length check on password reset request. #51005, @asymness
- Prometheus: Fix integer overflow in rate interval calculation on 32-bit architectures. #51508, @andreasgerstmayr
- Search: Fix indexing - re-index after initial provisioning. #50959, @FZambia
- Slider: Fixes styling of marker dots. #52678, @torkelo
- Tracing: Fix links to traces in Explore. #50113, @connorlindsey
Some swagger operations and responses have been renamed to match the respective handler names in order to better highlight their relation. If you use the Swagger specification for generating code, you have to re-generate it and make the necessary adjustments. Issue #52643
The following metrics have been converted to histograms:
- grafana_datasource_request_total
- grafana_datasource_request_duration_seconds
- grafana_datasource_response_size_bytes
- grafana_datasource_request_in_flight
- grafana_plugin_request_duration_milliseconds
- grafana_alerting_rule_evaluation_duration_seconds Issue #50420
In Elasticsearch versions 7.x, to specify the interval-value we used the interval
property. In Grafana 9.1.0 we switched to use the fixed_interval
property. This makes it to be the same as in Elasticsearch versions 8.x, also this provides a more consistent experience, fixed_interval
is a better match to Grafana's time invervals. For most situations this will not cause any visible change to query results. Issue #50297
Labels prefixed with grafana_
are reserved by Grafana for special use. If a manually configured label is added beginning with grafana_
it may be overwritten in case of collision.
The current list of labels created by Grafana and available for use anywhere manually configured labels are:
| Label | Description | | -------------- | ----------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- | | grafana_folder | Title of the folder containing the alert. | Issue #50262 |
In Prometheus, browser access mode was deprecated in Grafana 7.4.0 and removed in 9.0.0. If you used this mode, please switch to server access mode on the datasource configuration page. Issue #50162
- Dropdown: New dropdown component. #52684, @torkelo
- Grafana/UI: Add ColorPickerInput component. #52222, @Clarity-89
- Plugins: Validate root URLs when signing private plugins via grafana-toolkit. #51968, @wbrowne
- CloudMonitoring: Remove link setting for SLO queries. #53031, @andresmgot
- Access Control: Allow org admins to invite new users to their organization. #52904, @IevaVasiljeva
- Grafana/toolkit: Fix incorrect image and font generation for plugin builds. #52927, @academo
- Prometheus: Fix adding of multiple values for regex operator. #52978, @ivanahuckova
- UI/Card: Fix card items always having pointer cursor. #52809, @gillesdemey
- Access control: Show dashboard settings to users who can edit dashboard. #52535, @grafanabot
- Alerting: Allow the webhook notifier to support a custom Authorization header. #52515, @gotjosh
- Chore: Upgrade to Go version 1.17.12. #52523, @sakjur
- Plugins: Add signature wildcard globbing for dedicated private plugin type. #52163, @wbrowne
- Prometheus: Don't show errors from unsuccessful API checks like rules or exemplar checks. #52193, @darrenjaneczek
- Access control: Allow organisation admins to add existing users to org (#51668). #52553, @vtorosyan
- Alerting: Fix alert panel instance-based rules filtering. #52583, @konrad147
- Apps: Fixes navigation between different app plugin pages. #52571, @torkelo
- Cloudwatch: Upgrade grafana-aws-sdk to fix auth issue with secret keys. #52420, @sarahzinger
- Grafana/toolkit: Fix incorrect image and font generation for plugin builds. #52661, @academo
- Loki: Fix
show context
not working in some occasions. #52458, @svennergr - RBAC: Fix permissions on dashboards and folders created by anonymous users. #52615, @gamab
- Browse/Search: Make browser back work properly when visiting Browse or search. #52271, @torkelo
- Logs: Improve getLogRowContext API. #52130, @gabor
- Loki: Improve handling of empty responses. #52397, @gabor
- Plugins: Always validate root URL if specified in signature manfiest. #52332, @wbrowne
- Preferences: Get home dashboard from teams. #52225, @sakjur
- SQLStore: Support Upserting multiple rows. #52228, @joeblubaugh
- Traces: Add more template variables in Tempo & Zipkin. #52306, @joey-grafana
- Traces: Remove serviceMap feature flag. #52375, @joey-grafana
- Access Control: Fix missing folder permissions. #52410, @IevaVasiljeva
- Access control: Fix org user removal for OSS users. #52473, @IevaVasiljeva
- Alerting: Fix Slack notification preview. #50230, @ekrucio
- Alerting: Fix Slack push notifications. #52391, @grobinson-grafana
- Alerting: Fixes slack push notifications. #50267, @jgillick
- Alerting: Preserve new-lines from custom email templates in rendered email. #52253, @alexweav
- Insights: Fix dashboard and data source insights pages. (Enterprise)
- Log: Fix text logging for unsupported types. #51306, @papagian
- Loki: Fix incorrect TopK value type in query builder. #52226, @ivanahuckova
- Access Control: Allow dashboard admins to query org users. #51652, @IevaVasiljeva
- Access control: Allow organisation admins to add existing users to org. #51668, @IevaVasiljeva
- Alerting: Add method to provisioning API for obtaining a group and its rules. #51761, @alexweav
- Alerting: Add method to provisioning API for obtaining a group and its rules. #51398, @alexweav
- Alerting: Allow filtering of contact points by name. #51933, @alexweav
- Alerting: Disable /api/admin/pause-all-alerts with Unified Alerting. #51895, @joeblubaugh
- Analytics: Add total queries and cached queries in usage insights logs. (Enterprise)
- Annotations: Use point marker for short time range annotations. #51520, @codeincarnate
- AzureMonitor: Update UI to experimental package. #52123, @asimpson
- AzureMonitor: Update resource and namespace metadata. #52030, @despian
- CloudWatch: Remove simplejson in favor of 'encoding/json'. #51062, @asimpson
- DashboardRow: Collapse shortcut prevent to move the collapsed rows. #51589, @ivanortegaalba
- Insights: Add dashboard UID to exported logs. (Enterprise)
- Navigation: Highlight active nav item when Grafana is served from subpath. #51767, @kianelbo
- Plugins: InfluxDB datasource - set epoch query param value as "ms". #51651, @itsmylife
- Plugins: InfluxDB update time range query. #51833, @itsmylife
- StateTimeline: Try to sort time field. #51569, @zoltanbedi
- API: Do not validate/save legacy alerts when saving a dashboard if legacy alerting is disabled. #51883, @papagian
- Access Control: Fix missing folder permissions. #52153, @IevaVasiljeva
- Alerting: Add method to reset notification policy tree back to the default. #51934, @alexweav
- Alerting: Fix Teams notifier not failing on 200 response with error. #52254, @JacobsonMT
- Alerting: Fix bug where state did not change between Alerting and Error. #52204, @grobinson-grafana
- Alerting: Fix consistency errors in OpenAPI documentation. #51935, @alexweav
- Alerting: Fix normalization of alert states for panel annotations. #51637, @gillesdemey
- Alerting: Provisioning API respects global rule quota. #52180, @alexweav
- CSRF: Fix additional headers option. #50629, @sakjur
- Chore: Bump parse-url to 6.0.2 to fix security vulnerabilities. #51796, @jackw
- Chore: Fix CVE-2020-7753. #51752, @jackw
- Chore: Fix CVE-2021-3807. #51753, @jackw
- Chore: Fix CVE-2021-3918. #51745, @jackw
- Chore: Fix CVE-2021-43138. #51751, @jackw
- Chore: Fix CVE-2022-0155. #51755, @jackw
- Custom Branding: Fix login logo size. (Enterprise)
- Dashboard: Fixes tooltip issue with TimePicker and Setting buttons. #51836, @torkelo
- Dashboard: Prevent unnecessary scrollbar when viewing single panel. #52122, @lpskdl
- Logs: Fixed wrapping log lines from detected fields. #52108, @svennergr
- Loki: Add missing operators in label filter expression. #51880, @ivanahuckova
- Loki: Fix error when changing operations with different parameters. #51779, @svennergr
- Loki: Fix suggesting of correct operations in query builder. #52034, @ivanahuckova
- Plugins: InfluxDB variable interpolation fix. #51917, @itsmylife
- Plugins: InfluxDB variable interpolation fix for influxdbBackendMigration feature flag. #51624, @itsmylife
- Reports: Fix line breaks in message. (Enterprise)
- Reports: Fix saving report formats. (Enterprise)
- SQLstore: Fix fetching an inexistent playlist. #51962, @papagian
- Security: Fixes for CVE-2022-31107 and CVE-2022-31097. #52279, @kminehart
- Snapshots: Fix deleting external snapshots when using RBAC. #51897, @idafurjes
- Table: Fix scrollbar being hidden by pagination. #51501, @zoltanbedi
- Templating: Changing between variables with the same name now correctly triggers a dashboard refresh. #51490, @ashharrison90
- Time series panel: Fix an issue with stacks being not complete due to the incorrect data frame length. #51910, @dprokop
- [v9.0.x] Snapshots: Fix deleting external snapshots when using RBAC (#51897). #51904, @idafurjes
- Alerting: Add support for images in Pushover alerts. #51372, @grobinson-grafana
- Alerting: Don't stop the migration when alert rule tags are invalid. #51253, @gotjosh
- Alerting: Don't stop the migration when alert rule tags are invalid (…. #51341, @gotjosh
- Alerting: Skip the default data source if incompatible. #51452, @gillesdemey
- AzureMonitor: Parse non-fatal errors for Logs. #51320, @andresmgot
- OAuth: Restore debug log behavior. #51244, @Jguer
- Plugins: Improved handling of symlinks. #51324, @marefr
- Alerting: Code-gen parsing of URL parameters and fix related bugs. #51353, @alexweav
- Alerting: Code-gen parsing of URL parameters and fix related bugs. #50731, @alexweav
- Annotations: Fix annotation autocomplete causing panels to crash. #51164, @ashharrison90
- Barchart: Fix warning not showing. #51190, @joshhunt
- CloudWatch: Enable custom session duration in AWS plugin auth. #51322, @sunker
- Dashboards: Fixes issue with the initial panel layout counting as an unsaved change. #51315, @JoaoSilvaGrafana
- Plugins: Use a Grafana specific SDK logger implementation for core plugins. #51229, @marefr
- Search: Fix pagination in the new search page. #51366, @ArturWierzbicki
- Alerting: Add support for image annotation in Alertmanager alerts. #50686, @grobinson-grafana
- Alerting: Add support for images in SensuGo alerts. #50718, @grobinson-grafana
- Alerting: Add support for images in Threema alerts. #50734, @grobinson-grafana
- Alerting: Adds Mimir to Alertmanager data source implementation. #50943, @gillesdemey
- Alerting: Invalid setting of enabled for unified alerting should return error. #49876, @grobinson-grafana
- AzureMonitor: Clean namespace when changing the resource. #50311, @andresmgot
- AzureMonitor: Update supported namespaces and filter resources by the right type. #50788, @andresmgot
- CLI: Allow relative symlinks in zip archives when installing plugins. #50537, @marefr
- Dashboard: Don't show unsaved changes modal for automatic schema changes. #50822, @torkelo
- Dashboard: Unsaved changes warning should not trigger when only pluginVersion has changed. #50677, @torkelo
- Expression: Execute hidden expressions. #50636, @yesoreyeram
- Geomap: Support showing tooltip content on click (not just hover). #50985, @ryantxu
- Heatmap: Remove alpha flag from new heatmap panel. #50733, @ryantxu
- Instrumentation: Define handlers for requests that are not handled with named handlers. #50613, @bergquist
- Log Panel: Improve log row hover contrast and visibility. #50908, @Seyaji
- Logs: Handle backend-mode errors in histogram. #50535, @gabor
- Loki: Do not show histogram for instant queries. #50711, @gabor
- Loki: Handle data source configs with path in the url. #50971, @gabor
- Loki: Handle invalid query type values. #50755, @gabor
- OAuth: Redirect to login if no oauth module is found or if module is not configured. #50661, @kalleep
- OptionsUI: Move internal options editors out of @grafana/ui. #50739, @ryantxu
- Prometheus: Don't show undefined for step in collapsed options in query editor when value is "auto". #50511, @aocenas
- Prometheus: Show query patterns in all editor modes for Prometheus and Loki. #50263, @ivanahuckova
- Tempo: Add link to Tempo Search with node service selected. #49776, @joey-grafana
- Time Series Panel: Add Null Filling and "No Value" Support. #50907, @codeincarnate
- TimeSeries: Add an option to set legend width. #49126, @bobrik
- Timeseries: Improve cursor Y sync behavior. #50740, @ryantxu
- Traces: Do not use red in span colors as this looks like an error. #50074, @joey-grafana
- Alerting: Fix AM config overwrite when SQLite db is locked during sync. #50951, @JacobsonMT
- Alerting: Fix alert instances filtering for prom rules. #50850, @konrad147
- Alerting: Fix alert rule page crashing when datasource contained URL unsafe characters. #51105, @gillesdemey
- Alerting: Fix automatically select newly created folder option. #50949, @gillesdemey
- Alerting: Fix removal of notification policy without labels matchers. #50678, @konrad147
- CloudWatch: Allow hidden queries to be executed in case an ID is provided. #50987, @sunker
- Dashboard: Prevent non-repeating panels being dropped from repeated rows when collapsed/expanded. #50764, @ashharrison90
- Dashboards: Fix folder picker not showing correct results when typing too fast. #50303, @joshhunt
- Datasource: Prevent panic when proxying for non-existing data source. #50667, @wbrowne
- Explore: Fix log context scroll to bottom. #50600, @ivanahuckova
- Explore: Revert "Remove support for compact format URLs (#49350)". #50873, @gelicia
- Expressions: Fixes dashboard schema migration issue that casued Expression datasource to be set on panel level. #50945, @torkelo
- Formatting: Fixes valueFormats for a value of 0. #50719, @JoaoSilvaGrafana
- GrafanaData: Fix week start for non-English browsers. #50582, @AgnesToulet
- LibraryPanel: Resizing a library panel to 6x3 no longer crashes the dashboard on startup. #50400, @ashharrison90
- LogRow: Fix placement of icon. #51010, @ivanahuckova
- Loki: Fix bug in labels framing. #51015, @gabor
- Loki: Fix issues with using query patterns. #50414, @ivanahuckova
- Loki: Fix showing of duplicated label values in dropdown in query builder. #50680, @ivanahuckova
- MSSQL: Fix ParseFloat error. #50815, @zoltanbedi
- Panels: Fixes issue with showing 'Cannot visualize data' when query returned 0 rows. #50485, @torkelo
- Playlists: Disable Create Playlist buttons for users with viewer role. #50840, @asymness
- Plugins: Fix typo in plugin data frames documentation. #50554, @osisoft-mbishop
- Prometheus: Fix body not being included in resource calls if they are POST. #50833, @aocenas
- RolePicker: Fix submenu position on horizontal space overflow. #50769, @Clarity-89
- Tracing: Fix trace links in traces panel. #50028, @connorlindsey
Support for compact Explore URLs is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Until then, when navigating to Explore using the deprecated format the URLs are automatically converted. If you have existing links pointing to Explore update them using the format generated by Explore upon navigation.
You can identify a compact URL by its format. Compact URLs have the left (and optionally right) url parameter as an array of strings, for example &left=["now-1h","now"...]
. The standard explore URLs follow a key/value pattern, for example &left={"datasource":"test"...}
. Please be sure to check your dashboards for any hardcoded links to Explore and update them to the standard URL pattern. Issue #50873
- API: Add GET /api/annotations/:annotationId endpoint. #47739, @scottbock
- API: Add endpoint for updating a data source by its UID. #49396, @papagian
- AccessControl: Add enterprise only setting for rbac permission cache. #49006, @kalleep
- AccessControl: Document basic roles changes and provisioning V2. #48910, @gamab
- AccessControl: Enable RBAC by default. #48813, @IevaVasiljeva
- AddDataSourceConfig: Remove deprecated checkHealth prop. #50296, @kaydelaney
- Alerting: Add Image URLs to Microsoft Teams notifier. #49385, @joeblubaugh
- Alerting: Add RBAC actions and role for provisioning API routes. #50459, @yuri-tceretian
- Alerting: Add Screenshot URLs to Pagerduty Notifier. #49377, @joeblubaugh
- Alerting: Add a "Reason" to Alert Instances to show underlying cause of state. #49259, @joeblubaugh
- Alerting: Add a general screenshot service and alerting-specific image service. #49293, @joeblubaugh
- Alerting: Add image url or file attachment to email notifications. #49381, @joeblubaugh
- Alerting: Add image_urls to OpsGenie notification details. #49379, @joeblubaugh
- Alerting: Add notification policy flow chart. #49405, @peterholmberg
- Alerting: Attach image URL to alerts in Webhook notifier format. #49378, @joeblubaugh
- Alerting: Attach image URLs or upload files to Discord notifications. #49439, @alexweav
- Alerting: Attach image URLs to Google Chat notifications. #49445, @alexweav
- Alerting: Attach screenshot data to Unified Alerting notifications. #49374, @joeblubaugh
- Alerting: Create folder for alerting when start from the scratch. #48866, @yuri-tceretian
- Alerting: Modify alertmanager endpoints for proxying using the datasource UID. #47978, @papagian
- Alerting: Modify endpoint for testing a datasource rule using the UID. #48070, @papagian
- Alerting: Modify prometheus endpoints for proxying using the datasource UID. #48052, @papagian
- Alerting: State Manager takes screenshots. #49338, @joeblubaugh
- Alerting: Use UID scope for folders authorization. #48970, @yuri-tceretian
- Alerting: modify ruler endpoints for proxying using the datasource UID. #48046, @papagian
- Angular: Adds back two angular directives that are still used by remaining angular bits and plugins. #50380, @torkelo
- Azure Monitor: Add Resource Picker to Metrics Queries. #49029, @sarahzinger
- Azure Monitor: Add search feature to resource picker. #48234, @sarahzinger
- AzureMonitor: Add support for selecting multiple options when using the equals and not equals dimension filters. #48650, @aangelisc
- AzureMonitor: Remove deprecated code. #48328, @andresmgot
- Build: Change names to PascalCase to match. #48949, @zuchka
- Chore: Remove deprecated DataSourceAPI methods. #49313, @ifrost
- Chore: Upgrade typescript to 4.6.4. #49016, @kaydelaney
- Cloud Monitoring: Use new annotation API. #49026, @kevinwcyu
- CloudMonitoring: Allow to set a custom value or disable graph_period. #48646, @andresmgot
- CloudWatch: Add generic filter component to variable editor. #47907, @iwysiu
- CloudWatch: Added missing AWS/AppRunner metrics. #49174, @Aton-Kish
- CloudWatch: Enable support for dynamic labels with migrated alias patterns. #49173, @sunker
- Cloudwatch: Pass label in deep link. #49160, @sunker
- Cloudwatch: Use new annotation API. #48102, @sunker
- Dashboard: Validate dashboards against schema on save. #48252, @sdboyer
- DashboardPickerByID: Add option to exclude dashboards. #49211, @Clarity-89
- DashboardPickerById: Add optionLabel prop. #47556, @Clarity-89
- Dashboards: Display values of 0 with the configured decimal places. #48155, @wx1322
- Data: Remove deprecated types and functions from valueMappings. #50035, @kaydelaney
- Elasticsearch: Remove browser access mode. #49014, @gabor
- Elasticsearch: Remove support for versions after their end of the life (<7.10.0). #48715, @ivanahuckova
- Encryption: Add support for multiple data keys per day. #47765, @joanlopez
- Encryption: Enable envelope encryption by default. #49301, @joanlopez
- Explore: Remove support for legacy, compact format URLs. #49350, @gelicia
- Explore: Skip Angular error handling when Angular support is disabled. #49311, @ifrost
- Explore: simplify support for multiple query editors. #48701, @Elfo404
- FeatureToggles: Support changing feature toggles with URL parameters. #50275, @ryantxu
- FileUpload: Make component accessible by keyboard navigation. #47497, @tolzhabayev
- Formatting: Make SI number formats more robust. #50117, @kaydelaney
- Graph: Deprecate Graph (old) and make it no longer a visualization option for new panels. #48034, @torkelo
- IconButton: IconButtons are now correctly aligned in Safari. #48759, @ashharrison90
- Logger: Enable new logging format by default. #47584, @ying-jeanne
- Loki: Add more query patterns. #50248, @ivanahuckova
- Loki: Enable new visual query builder by default. #48346, @ivanahuckova
- Loki: use the same dataframe-format for both live and normal queries. #47153, @gabor
- OAuth: Make allowed email domain case insensitive. #49252, @Jguer
- Panels: Use the No value option when showing the no data message. #47675, @torkelo
- Plugins: Remove plugin list panel. #46914, @tolzhabayev
- Query History: Enable new query history by default. #49407, @ifrost
- QueryEditorRow: Show query errors next to query in a consistent way across Grafana. #47613, @torkelo
- SAML: Implement Name Templates for assertion_attribute_name option. #48022, @mmandrus
- Service accounts: Do not display service accounts assigned to team. #48995, @eleijonmarck
- Settings: Use Grafana Azure SDK to pass Azure env vars for external plugins. #48954, @kostrse
- Shortcuts: Add shortcut to show shortcuts to the list of shortcuts. #48395, @ivanahuckova
- Traces Panel: Add new Traces Panel visualization. #47534, @joey-grafana
- Traces: Filter by service/span name and operation in Tempo and Jaeger. #48209, @joey-grafana
- Transformations: Allow more complex regex expressions in
Rename by regex
. #48179, @ashharrison90 - grafana/ui: Add default type="button" to . #48183, @axelavargas
- Alerting: Fix database unavailable removes rules from scheduler. #49874, @grobinson-grafana
- AzureMonitor: Fix auto-selection of time-grain for metrics. #49278, @aangelisc
- DataSources: Fixes issue with expressions not being queried. #50446, @JoaoSilvaGrafana
- GraphNG: Fix thresholds by color not following data update. #48571, @zoltanbedi
- Jaeger: Update operations dropdown. #49329, @joey-grafana
- Login: Fix mismatching label on auth_module in user list. #49177, @Jguer
- Playlists: Save button now correctly creates a new playlist. #50381, @ashharrison90
- RBAC: Fix migrations running in the wrong order causing inheritance problem in enterprise. #50452, @gamab
- RBAC: Fix migrations running into the wrong order. (Enterprise)
- ServiceAccounts: Add identifiable token prefix to service account tokens. #49011, @Jguer
- Traces: Fix missing CopyButton on KeyValueTables and overlapping of panels. #49271, @svennergr
The @grafana/ui
package helper function selectOptionInTest
used in frontend tests has been removed as it caused testing libraries to be bundled in the production code of Grafana. If you were using this helper function in your tests please update your code accordingly:
// before
import { selectOptionInTest } from '@grafana/ui';
// ...test usage
await selectOptionInTest(selectEl, 'Option 2');
// after
import { select } from 'react-select-event';
// ...test usage
await select(selectEl, 'Option 2', { container: document.body });
Issue #50442
Removed deprecated checkHealth
prop from the @grafana/e2e
config. Previously this value defaulted to false
, and has not been used in end-to-end tests since Grafana 8.0.3. Issue #50296
Removes the deprecated LegacyBaseMap
, LegacyValueMapping
, LegacyValueMap
, and LegacyRangeMap
types, and getMappedValue
function from grafana-data. Migration is as follows:
Old | New |
LegacyBaseMap |
MappingType |
LegacyValueMapping |
ValueMapping |
LegacyValueMap |
ValueMap |
LegacyRangeMap |
RangeMap |
getMappedValue |
getValueMappingResult |
This change fixes a bug in Grafana where intermittent failure of database, network between Grafana and the database, or error in querying the database would cause all alert rules to be unscheduled in Grafana. Following this change scheduled alert rules are not updated unless the query is successful.
The get_alert_rules_duration_seconds
metric has been renamed to schedule_query_alert_rules_duration_seconds
. Issue #49874
Any secret (data sources credential, alert manager credential, etc, etc) created or modified with Grafana v9.0 won't be decryptable from any previous version (by default) because the way encrypted secrets are stored into the database has changed. Although secrets created or modified with previous versions will still be decryptable by Grafana v9.0.
If required, although generally discouraged, the
feature toggle can be enabled to keep envelope encryption disabled once updating to Grafana v9.0. -
In case of need to rollback to an earlier version of Grafana (i.e. Grafana v8.x) for any reason, after being created or modified any secret with Grafana v9.0, the
feature toggle will need to be enabled to keep backwards compatibility (only fromv8.3.x
a bit unstable, from8.5.x
stable). -
As a final attempt to deal with issues related with the aforementioned situations, the
grafana-cli admin secrets-migration rollback
command has been designed to move back all the Grafana secrets encrypted with envelope encryption to legacy encryption. So, after running that command it should be safe to disable envelope encryption and/or roll back to a previous version of Grafana. -
Alternatively or complementarily to all the points above, backing up the Grafana database before updating could be a good idea to prevent disasters (although the risk of getting some secrets corrupted only applies to those updates/created with after updating to Grafana v9.0). Issue #49301
According to the dynamic labels documentation, you can use up to five dynamic values per label. There’s currently no such restriction in the alias pattern system, so if more than 5 patterns are being used the GetMetricData API will return an error.
Dynamic labels only allow ${LABEL} to be used once per query. There’s no such restriction in the alias pattern system, so in case more than 1 is being used the GetMetricData API will return an error.
When no alias is provided by the user, Grafana will no longer fallback with custom rules for naming the legend.
In case a search expression is being used and no data is returned, Grafana will no longer expand dimension values, for instance when using a multi-valued template variable or star wildcard
in the dimension value field. Ref grafana#20729 -
Time series might be displayed in a different order. Using for example the dynamic label
, might have the consequence that the time series are returned in a different order compared to when the alias pattern{{metric}}
is used
Issue #49173
In Elasticsearch, browser access mode was deprecated in grafana 7.4.0 and removed in 9.0.0. If you used this mode, please switch to server access mode on the datasource configuration page. Issue #49014
Environment variables passed from Grafana to external Azure plugins have been renamed:
There are no known plugins which were relying on these variables. Moving forward plugins should read Azure settings only via Grafana Azure SDK which properly handles old and new environment variables. Issue #48954
Removes support for for ElasticSearch versions after their end-of-life, currently versions < 7.10.0. To continue to use ElasticSearch data source, upgrade ElasticSearch to version 7.10.0+. Issue #48715
Application Insights and Insight Analytics queries in Azure Monitor were deprecated in Grafana 8.0 and finally removed in 9.0. Deprecated queries will no longer be executed. Please refer to the documentation for more information about this change.
Issue #48328
grafana/ui: Button now specifies a default type="button"
The Button
component provided by @grafana/ui now specifies a default type="button"
when no type is provided. In previous versions, if the attribute was not specified for buttons associated with a <form>
the default value was submit
per the specification
You can preserve the old behavior by explicitly setting the type attribute: <Button type="submit" />
Github Issue #41863. Issue #48183
The Rename by regex
transformation has been improved to allow global patterns of the form /<stringToReplace>/g
. Depending on the regex match used, this may cause some transformations to behave slightly differently. You can guarantee the same behaviour as before by wrapping the match
string in forward slashes (/
), e.g. (.*)
would become /(.*)/
Issue #48179
<Select />
menus will now portal to the document body by default. This is to give more consistent behaviour when positioning and overlaying. If you were setting menuShouldPortal={true}
before you can safely remove that prop and behaviour will be the same. If you weren't explicitly setting that prop, there should be no visible changes in behaviour but your tests may need updating. Please see the original PR (grafana#36398) for migration guides. If you were setting menuShouldPortal={false}
this will continue to prevent the menu from portalling.
Issue #48176
Grafana alerting endpoint prefixed with api/v1/rule/test
that tests a rule against a Corte/Loki data source now expects the data source UID as a path parameter instead of the data source numeric identifier. Issue #48070
Grafana alerting endpoints prefixed with api/prometheus/
that proxy requests to a Cortex/Loki data source now expect the data source UID as a path parameter instead of the data source numeric identifier. Issue #48052
Grafana alerting endpoints prefixed with api/ruler/
that proxy requests to a Cortex/Loki data source now expect the data source UID as a path parameter instead of the data source numeric identifier. Issue #48046
Grafana alerting endpoints prefixed with api/alertmanager/
that proxy requests to an Alertmanager now expect the data source UID as a path parameter instead of the data source numeric identifier. Issue #47978
The format of log messages have been updated, lvl
is now level
and eror
and dbug
has been replaced with error
and debug
. The precision of timestamps has been increased. To smooth the transition, it is possible to opt-out of the new log format by enabling the feature toggle oldlog
. This option will be removed in a future minor release. Issue #47584
In the Loki data source, the dataframe format used to represent Loki logs-data has been changed to a more efficient format. The query-result is represented by a single dataframe with a "labels" column, instead of the separate dataframes for every labels-value. When displaying such data in explore, or in a logs-panel in the dashboard will continue to work without changes, but if the data was loaded into a different dashboard-panel, or Transforms were used, adjustments may be necessary. For example, if you used the "labels to fields" transformation with the logs data, please switch to the "extract fields" transformation. Issue #47153
, setExploreMetricsQueryField
and setExploreLogsQueryField
are now deprecated and will be removed in a future release. If you need to set a different query editor for Explore, conditionally render based on props.app
in your regular query editor. Please refer to https://grafana.com/docs/grafana/latest/developers/plugins/add-support-for-explore-queries/ for more information.
Issue #48701
- Chore: Remove react-testing-lib from bundles. #50442, @jackw
- Select: Portal menu by default. #48176, @ashharrison90
- Alerting: Add provenance guard to config api. #50147, @JohnnyQQQQ
- Alerting: Make folder filter clearable in Alert list panel. #50093, @peterholmberg
- Alerting: Provisioning API - Alert rules. #47930, @JohnnyQQQQ
- Alerting: Remove Image Upload code from Slack notifier. #50062, @joeblubaugh
- Alerting: Remove double quotes from matchers. #50038, @gotjosh
- Cloudwatch: Dynamic labels autocomplete. #49794, @sunker
- Datasource: Remove deprecated max_idle_connections_per_host setting. #49948, @marefr
- Datasource: Remove support for unencrypted passwords. #49987, @marefr
- Dependencies: Update to Golang version
. #50253, @dsotirakis - Loki: Run query when pressing Enter on line-filters. #49913, @svennergr
- Metrics: Remove support for using summaries instead of histogram for HTTP instrumentation. #49985, @bergquist
- Plugins: Remove deprecated /api/tsdb/query metrics endpoint. #49916, @wbrowne
- Plugins: Support headers field for check health. #49930, @marefr
- Prometheus/Loki: Add raw query and syntax highlight in explain mode. #50070, @aocenas
- Prometheus: Migrate metadata queries to use resource calls. #49921, @srclosson
- RBAC: Make RBAC action names more consistent. #49730, @IevaVasiljeva
- RBAC: Make RBAC action names more consistent. (Enterprise)
- Settings: Sunset non-duration based login lifetime config. #49944, @sakjur
- [9.0.x] Alerting: Update alert rule diff to not see difference between nil and empty map. #50198, @yuri-tceretian
- Alerting: Fix alert list panel showing firing alerts with no instances. #50069, @gillesdemey
- Alerting: Fix notification policy "Override grouping" form save. #50031, @JacobsonMT
- Alerting: Remove double quotes from matchers. #50046, @alexweav
- Alerting: Use correct permission scope for external AM updates. #50159, @gillesdemey
- Datasource: Fix allowed cookies to be forwarded as header to backend datasources. #49541, @marefr
- Licensing: Fix trial expiration warning. (Enterprise)
- Loki: Fix uncaught errors if
contains special characters. #49887, @svennergr - Prometheus: Fix aligning of labels of exemplars after backend migration. #49924, @aocenas
- SharePDF: Fix repeated datasource variables in PDF. (Enterprise)
- State Timeline: Fix Null Value Filling and Value Transformation. #50054, @codeincarnate
- Usage stats: Divide collection into multiple functions to isolate failures. #49928, @sakjur
Removes support for storing/using datasource password
and basicAuthPassword
unencrypted which was deprecated in Grafana v8.1.0. Please use secureJsonData.password
and secureJsonData.basicAuthPassword
. Issue #49987
Removes the option to instrument HTTP request in Grafana using summaries instead of histograms. Issue #49985
Removes support for deprecated dataproxy.max_idle_connections_per_host setting. Please use max_idle_connections instead. Issue #49948
Removes the deprecated getFormStyles
function from grafana-ui.
Prefer using GrafanaTheme2
and the useStyles2
hook. Issue #49945
The configuration options auth.login_maximum_inactive_lifetime_days
and auth.login_maximum_lifetime_days
were deprecated in Grafana v7.2.0 and have now been removed. Use login_maximum_inactive_lifetime_duration
and login_maximum_lifetime_duration
to customize the maximum lifetime of a login session. Issue #49944
Removed the deprecated isFocused
and isInvalid
props from the InlineLabel
component. These props haven't done anything for a while, so migration is just a matter of removing the props. Issue #49929
Removed the deprecated onColorChange
prop from ColorPicker
. Moving forward the onChange
prop should be used. Issue #49923
API has been removed. Use /api/ds/query instead.
Issue #49916
and onClipboardError
APIs have been changed such that the callback's argument is just the text that's been copied rather than the old ClipboardEvent
Migration should just be a matter of going from
{/*other props... */}
onClipboardCopy={(e) => {
console.log(`Text "${e.text}" was copied!`);
{/* other props... */}
onClipboardCopy={(copiedText) => {
console.log(`Text "${copiedText}" was copied!`);
Issue #49847
The following RBAC action renames have been carried out:
-> replaced byusers.read
We've added a migration from the old action names to the new names and have updated our documentation. But you will have to update any scripts and provisioning files that are using the old action names. Issue #49730
The following RBAC action renames have been carried out:
We've added a migration from the old action names to the new names and have updated our documentation. But you will have to update any scripts and provisioning files that are using the old action names. Issue #3372
- UI: Remove deprecated getFormStyles function. #49945, @kaydelaney
- InlineLabel: Remove deprecated props. #49929, @kaydelaney
- ColorPicker: Remove deprecated onColorChange prop. #49923, @kaydelaney
- ClipboardButton: Simplify callbacks. #49847, @kaydelaney
- Alerting: Add legacy indicator to navbar. #49511, @peterholmberg
- Alerting: Add templated subject config to email notifier. #49742, @JacobsonMT
- Alerting: Enable Unified Alerting for open source and enterprise. #49834, @grobinson-grafana
- Alerting: Make alertmanager datasource stable. #49485, @gillesdemey
- Angular: Remove deprecated angular modal support and libs. #49781, @torkelo
- AuthProxy: Remove deprecated ldap_sync_ttl setting. #49902, @kalleep
- Build: Enable long term caching for frontend assets. #47625, @jackw
- Chore: Remove deprecated TextDisplayOptions export. #49705, @kaydelaney
- Chore: Remove deprecated
prop from IconButton. #49715, @kaydelaney - Chore: Remove usage of deprecated getColorForTheme function. #49519, @kaydelaney
- DatePicker: Add minDate prop. #49503, @alexanderzobnin
- Notification history: Enable by default. #49502, @ashharrison90
- Prometheus: Add pluginVersion to query. #49414, @toddtreece
- Prometheus: Enable prometheusStreamingJSONParser by default. #49475, @toddtreece
- Prometheus: Predefined scopes for Azure authentication. #49557, @kostrse
- Prometheus: Streaming JSON parser performance improvements. #48792, @toddtreece
- ValueMapping: Add support for regex replacement over multiple lines. #49607, @ashharrison90
- Accessibility: Pressing escape in a Modal or DashboardSettings correctly closes the overlay. #49500, @ashharrison90
- Alerting: Validate alert notification UID length. #45546, @wbrowne
- BackendSrv: Throw an error when fetching an invalid JSON. #47493, @leventebalogh
- Fix: Timeseries migration regex override. #49629, @zoltanbedi
- Loki: Fix unwrap parsing in query builder. #49732, @ivanahuckova
- Navigation: Position hamburger menu correctly in mobile view. #49603, @ashharrison90
- PanelEditor: Fixes issue with Table view and multi data frames. #49854, @JoaoSilvaGrafana
- Preferences: Fix updating of preferences for Navbar and Query History. #49677, @ivanahuckova
- TimeRange: Fixes issue when zooming out on a timerange with timespan 0. #49622, @JoaoSilvaGrafana
- Variables: Fixes DS variables not being correctly used in panel queries. #49323, @JoaoSilvaGrafana
Drop support for deprecated setting ldap_sync_ttl under [auth.proxy] Only sync_ttl will work from now on Issue #49902
Removes support for deprecated heading
and description
props. Moving forward, the Card.Heading
and Card.Description
components should be used. Issue #49885
Removes the deprecated link
variant from the Button
To migrate, replace any usage of variant="link"
with fill="text"
. Issue #49843
Removes the deprecated surface
prop from the IconButton
component. This prop hasn't actually done anything for a while, so it should be safe to just remove any instances of its usage.
Issue #49715
Removes the deprecated TextDisplayOptions
export from @grafana/data
in favor of VizTextDisplayOptions
from @grafana/schema
. To migrate, just replace usage of TextDisplayOptions
with VizTextDisplayOptions
. Issue #49705
Removed support for the deprecated getColorForTheme(color: string, theme: GrafanaTheme)
function in favor of the
theme.visualization.getColorByName(color: string)
method. The output of this method is identical to the removed function, so migration should just be a matter of rewriting calls of getColorForTheme(myColor, myTheme)
to myTheme.visualization.getColorByName(myColor)
Issue #49519
In the Prometheus data source, for consistency and performance reasons, we changed how we represent NaN
(not a number) values received from Prometheus. In the past versions, we converted these to null
in the frontend (for dashboard and explore), and kept as NaN
in the alerting path. Starting with this version, we will always keep it as NaN
. This change should be mostly invisible for the users. Issue #49475
Plugins using custom Webpack configs could potentially break due to the changes between webpack@4 and webpack@5. Please refer to the official migration guide for assistance.
Webpack 5 does not include polyfills for node.js core modules by default (e.g. buffer
, stream
, os
). This can result in failed builds for plugins. If polyfills are required it is recommended to create a custom webpack config in the root of the plugin repo and add the required fallbacks:
// webpack.config.js
module.exports.getWebpackConfig = (config, options) => ({
resolve: {
fallback: {
os: require.resolve('os-browserify/browser'),
stream: require.resolve('stream-browserify'),
timers: require.resolve('timers-browserify'),
Please refer to the webpack build error messages or the official migration guide for assistance with fallbacks.
Which issue(s) this PR fixes:
Fixes #
Special notes for your reviewer:
It does not bump the following dependencies to the very latest due to the latest versions being ES modules:
- ora
- globby
- execa
- chalk Issue #47826
We have changed the internals of backendSrv.fetch()
to throw an error when the response is an incorrect JSON.
// PREVIOUSLY: this was returning with an empty object {} - in case the response is an invalid JSON
return await getBackendSrv().post(`${API_ROOT}/${id}/install`);
// AFTER THIS CHANGE: the following will throw an error - in case the response is an invalid JSON
return await getBackendSrv().post(`${API_ROOT}/${id}/install`);
When is the response handled as JSON?
- If the response has the
"Content-Type: application/json"
header, OR - If the backendSrv options (
) specify the response as JSON:{ responseType: 'json' }
How does it work after this change?
- In case it is recognised as a JSON response and the response is empty, it returns an empty object
- In case it is recognised as a JSON response and it has formatting errors, it throws an error
How to migrate?
Make sure to handle possible errors on the callsite where using backendSrv.fetch()
(or any other backendSrv
methods). Issue #47493
- UI/Card: Remove deprecated props. #49885, @kaydelaney
- UI/Button: Remove deprecated "link" variant. #49843, @kaydelaney
- Toolkit: Bump dependencies. #47826, @jackw
- AccessControl: Add setting for permission cache. (Enterprise)
- AccessControl: Check dashboard permissions for reports. (Enterprise)
- Auth: Remove grafana ui dependency to the aws sdk. #43559, @sunker
- BasicRoles: Add API endpoint to reset basic roles permissions to factory. (Enterprise)
- LDAP Mapping: Allow Grafana Admin mapping without org role. #37189, @krzysdabro
- Licensing: Only enforce total number of users. (Enterprise)
- Loki: do not convert NaN to null. #45389, @gabor
- Report: API support for multiple dashboards. (Enterprise)
- Report: Support sending embedded image in the report email. (Enterprise)
- Report: UI for multiple dashboards. (Enterprise)
- Reporting: Remove redundant empty attachment when export to CSV is enabled. (Enterprise)
- SAML: Implement Name Templates for assertion_attribute_name option. (Enterprise)
- SSE/Alerting: Support prom instant vector responses. #44865, @kylebrandt
- Tracing: Add trace to metrics config behind feature toggle. #46298, @connorlindsey
- Fix: Prevent automatic parsing of string data types to numbers. #46035, @joshhunt
- Prometheus: Fix inconsistent labels in exemplars resulting in marshal json error. #46135, @hanjm
In the Loki data source, for consistency and performance reasons, we changed how we represent NaN
(not a number) values received from Loki. In the past versions, we converted these to null
in the frontend (for dashboard and explore), and kept as NaN
in the alerting path. Starting with this version, we will always keep it as NaN
. This change should be mostly invisible for the users. Issue #45389
The dependency to grafana/aws-sdk is moved from grafana/ui to the plugin. This means that any plugin that use SIGV4 auth need to pass a SIGV4 editor component as a prop to the DataSourceHttpSettings
component. Issue #43559
- Dashboard: Fixes random scrolling on time range change. #50379, @torkelo
- Security: Fixes minor code scanning security warnings in old vendored javascript libs. #50382, @torkelo
- Azure Monitor: Include datasource ref when interpolating variables. #49543, @kevinwcyu
- CloudWatch: Add multi-value template variable support for log group names in logs query builder. #49737, @kevinwcyu
- Cloudwatch: Add template variable query function for listing log groups. #50100, @yaelleC
- Alerting: Do not overwrite existing alert rule condition. #49920, @gillesdemey
- Alerting: Remove double quotes from matchers. #50044, @alexweav
- Alerting: Remove disabled flag for data source when migrating alerts. #48559, @yuri-tceretian
- Alerting: Show notification tab of legacy alerting only to editor. #49624, @yuri-tceretian
- Alerting: Update migration to migrate only alerts that belong to existing org\dashboard. #49192, @yuri-tceretian
- AzureMonitor: Do not quote variables when a custom "All" variable option is used. #49428, @andresmgot
- AzureMonitor: Update allowed namespaces. #48468, @jcolladokuri
- CloudMonitor: Correctly encode default project response. #49510, @aangelisc
- Cloudwatch: Add support for new AWS/RDS EBS* metrics. #48798, @szymonpk
- InfluxDB: Use backend for influxDB by default via feature toggle. #48453, @yesoreyeram
- Legend: Use correct unit for percent and count calculations. #49004, @dprokop
- LokI: use millisecond steps in Grafana 8.5.x. #48630, @gabor
- Plugins: Introduce HTTP 207 Multi Status response to api/ds/query. #48550, @wbrowne
- Reporting: Improve PDF file size using grid layout. (Enterprise)
- Transformations: Add an All Unique Values Reducer. #48653, @josiahg
- Transformers: avoid error when the ExtractFields source field is missing. #49368, @wardbekker
- [v8.5.x] Alerting: Update migration to migrate only alerts that belong to existing org\dashboard. #49199, @grafanabot
- [v8.5.x] Reporting: Improve PDF file size using grid layout. (Enterprise)
- Alerting: Allow disabling override timings for notification policies. #48648, @gillesdemey
- Alerting: Allow serving images from custom url path. #49022, @gillesdemey
- Alerting: Apply Custom Headers to datasource queries. #47860, @joeblubaugh
- Alerting: Fix RBAC actions for notification policies. #49185, @yuri-tceretian
- Alerting: Fix access to alerts for viewer with editor permissions when RBAC is disabled. #49270, @yuri-tceretian
- Alerting: Fix anonymous access to alerting. #49203, @yuri-tceretian
- Alerting: correctly show all alerts in a folder. #48684, @gillesdemey
- AzureMonitor: Fixes metric definition for Azure Storage queue/file/blob/table resources. #49101, @aangelisc
- Dashboard: Fix dashboard update permission check. #48746, @IevaVasiljeva
- DashboardExport: Fix exporting and importing dashboards where query data source ended up as incorrect. #48410, @torkelo
- FileUpload: clicking the
Upload file
button now opens the modal correctly. #48766, @ashharrison90 - GrafanaUI: Fix color of links in error Tooltips in light theme. #49327, @joshhunt
- LibraryPanels: Fix library panels not connecting properly in imported dashboards. #49161, @joshhunt
- Loki: Improve unpack parser handling. #49074, @gabor
- RolePicker: Fix menu position on smaller screens. #48429, @Clarity-89
- TimeRange: Fixes updating time range from url and browser history. #48657, @torkelo
- TimeSeries: Fix detection & rendering of sparse datapoints. #48841, @leeoniya
- Timeseries: Fix outside range stale state. #49633, @ryantxu
- Tooltip: Fix links not legible in Tooltips when using light theme. #48748, @joshhunt
- Tooltip: Sort decimals using standard numeric compare. #49084, @dprokop
- Transforms: Labels to fields, fix label picker layout. #49304, @torkelo
- Variables: Fixes issue with data source variables not updating queries with variable. #49478, @torkelo
- [v8.5.x] Alerting: Fix RBAC actions for notification policies (#49185). #49348, @yuri-tceretian
- [v8.5.x] Alerting: Fix access to alerts for viewer with editor permissions when RBAC is disabled. #49427, @konrad147
- [v8.5.x] Alerting: Fix anonymous access to alerting. #49268, @yuri-tceretian
For a data source query made via /api/ds/query :
- If the
feature is enabled and- The data source response has an error set as part of the
, the resulting HTTP status code is now207 Multi Status
instead of400 Bad gateway
- The data source response has an error set as part of the
- If the
feature is not enabled and- The data source response has an error set as part of the
, the resulting HTTP status code is400 Bad Request
(no breaking change) --> Issue #48550
- The data source response has an error set as part of the
- Alerting: Add safeguard for migrations that might cause dataloss. #48526, @JohnnyQQQQ
- AzureMonitor: Add support for not equals and startsWith operators when creating Azure Metrics dimension filters. #48077, @aangelisc
- Elasticsearch: Add deprecation notice for < 7.10 versions. #48506, @ivanahuckova
- Traces: Filter by service/span name and operation in Tempo and Jaeger. #48209, @joey-grafana
- AzureAd Oauth: Fix strictMode to reject users without an assigned role. #48474, @kyschouv
- CloudWatch: Fix variable query tag migration. #48587, @iwysiu
- Plugins: Ensure catching all appropriate 4xx api/ds/query scenarios. #47565, @wbrowne
- Azure Monitor: Fix space character encoding for metrics query link to Azure Portal. #48139, @kevinwcyu
- CloudWatch: Prevent log groups from being removed on query change. #47994, @asimpson
- Cloudwatch: Fix template variables in variable queries. #48140, @iwysiu
- Explore: Prevent direct access to explore if disabled via feature toggle. #47714, @Elfo404
- InfluxDB: Fixes invalid no data alerts. #48295, @yesoreyeram
- Navigation: Prevent navbar briefly showing on login. #47968, @ashharrison90
- Plugins Catalog: Fix styling of hyperlinks. #48196, @marefr
- Table: Fix filter crashes table. #48258, @zoltanbedi
- TimeSeries: Properly stack series with missing datapoints. #48321, @leeoniya
- Alerting: Add contact points provisioning API. #47197, @JohnnyQQQQ
- Alerting: Add resolved count to notification title when both firing and resolved present. #46697, @JacobsonMT
- Alerting: Alert rule should wait For duration when execution error state is Alerting. #47052, @grobinson-grafana
- Alerting: Classic conditions can now display multiple values. #46971, @gotjosh
- Alerting: Display query from grafana-managed alert rules on
. #45969, @gotjosh - Alerting: Enhance support for arbitrary group names in managed alerts. #47785, @gillesdemey
- Alerting: add field for custom slack endpoint. #45751, @nathanrodman
- Azure Monitor : Adding json formatting of error messages in Panel Header Corner and Inspect Error Tab. #44877, @yaelleC
- Azure Monitor: Add 2 more Curated Dashboards for VM Insights. #45187, @jcolladokuri
- CloudWatch: Handle new error codes for MetricInsights. #47033, @Gabrielopesantos
- Dashboards: show changes in save dialog. #46557, @ryantxu
- DataSource: Default data source is no longer a persisted state but just the default data source for new panels. #45132, @torkelo
- DataSourcePlugin API: Allow queries import when changing data source type. #47435, @dprokop
- Explore: Remove return to panel button. #45018, @gelicia
- Explore: allow users to save Explore state to a new panel in a new dashboard. #45148, @Elfo404
- Instrumentation: Proxy status code correction and various improvements. #47473, @marefr
- Logging: Introduce feature toggle to activate gokit/log format. #47336, @ying-jeanne
- NewsPanel: Add support for Atom feeds. #45390, @kaydelaney
- Plugins: Add deprecation notice for /api/tsdb/query endpoint. #45238, @wbrowne
- Plugins: Adding support for traceID field to accept variables. #45559, @vinisdl
- PostgreSQL: __unixEpochGroup to support arithmetic expression as argument. #46764, @s0nik42
- Profile/Help: Expose option to disable profile section and help menu. #46308, @cameronwaterman
- Prometheus: Enable new visual query builder by default. #46634, @torkelo
- SAML: Allow disabling of SAML signups. #47481, @mmandrus
- SAML: Allow disabling of SAML signups. (Enterprise)
- Table: New pagination option. #45732, @zoltanbedi
- TablePanel: Add cell inspect option. #45620, @dprokop
- Tempo / Trace Viewer: Support Span Links in Trace Viewer. #45632, @Shachi16
- Tempo: Download span references in data inspector. #47074, @connorlindsey
- Tempo: Separate trace to logs and loki search datasource config. #46655, @connorlindsey
- Trace View: Show number of child spans. #44393, @tharun208
- Transformations: Support escaped characters in key-value pair parsing. #47901, @aangelisc
- Azure Monitor: Bug Fix for incorrect variable cascading for template variables. #47478, @jcolladokuri
- CloudWatch: List all metrics properly in SQL autocomplete. #45898, @sunker
- CloudWatch: Run query on blur in logs query field. #47454, @fridgepoet
- Dashboard: Template variables are now correctly persisted when clicking breadcrumb links. #46790, @ashharrison90
- DashboardPage: Remember scroll position when coming back panel edit / view panel. #47639, @torkelo
- Panel Edit: Options search now works correctly when a logarithmic scale option is set. #47927, @ashharrison90
- Postgres: Return tables with hyphenated schemes. #45754, @zuchka
- Table panel: Fix horizontal scrolling when pagination is enabled. #47776, @dprokop
- Variables: Ensure variables in query params are correctly recognised. #47049, @ashharrison90
- Variables: Fix crash when changing query variable datasource. #44957, @joshhunt
- Visualizations: Stack negative-valued series downwards. #47373, @leeoniya
For a proxied request, e.g. Grafana's datasource or plugin proxy:
- If the request is cancelled, e.g. from the browser/by the client, the HTTP status code is now
499 Client closed request
instead of502 Bad gateway
- If the request times out, e.g. takes longer time than allowed, the HTTP status code is now
504 Gateway timeout
instead of502 Bad gateway
. Issue #47473
The change in behavior is that negative-valued series are now stacked downwards from 0 (in their own stacks), rather than downwards from the top of the positive stacks. We now automatically group stacks by Draw style, Line interpolation, and Bar alignment, making it impossible to stack bars on top of lines, or smooth lines on top of stepped lines. Issue #47373
The meaning of the default data source has now changed from being a persisted property in a panel. Before when you selected the default data source for a panel and later changed the default data source to another data source it would change all panels who were configured to use the default data source. From now on the default data source is just the default for new panels and changing the default will not impact any currently saved dashboards. Issue #45132
The Tooltip component provided by @grafana/ui
is no longer automatically interactive (that is you can hover onto it and click a link or select text). It will from now on by default close automatically when you mouse out from the trigger element. To make tooltips behave like before set the new interactive
property to true.
Issue #45053
API has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use /api/ds/query instead. Issue #45238
- Card: Increase clickable area when meta items are present. #47935, @ashharrison90
- Loki: Fix operator description propup from being shortened. #46575, @glintik
- Tooltips: Make tooltips non interactive by default. #45053, @torkelo
- Add config option to enable/disable reporting. (Enterprise)
- Alerting: Accurately set value for prom-compatible APIs. #47216, @gotjosh
- Alerting: Provisioning API - Notification Policies. #46755, @alexweav
- Alerting: Notification URL points to alert view page instead of alert edit page. #47752, @joeblubaugh
- Analytics: Enable grafana and plugin update checks to be operated independently. #46352, @wbrowne
- Azure Monitor: Add support for multiple template variables in resource picker. #46215, @sarahzinger
- Caching: Add separate TTL for resources cache. (Enterprise)
- Caching: add support for TLS configuration for Redis Cluster. (Enterprise)
- NewsPanel: Remove Use Proxy option and update documentation with recommendations. #47189, @joshhunt
- OAuth: Sync GitHub OAuth user name to Grafana if it's set. #45438, @pallxk
When user is using Github OAuth, GitHub login is showed as both Grafana login and name. Now the GitHub name is showed as Grafana name, and GitHub login is showed as Grafana Login. Issue #45438
The meaning of the default data source has now changed from being a persisted property in a panel. Before when you selected the default data source for a panel and later changed the default data source to another data source it would change all panels who were configured to use the default data source. From now on the default data source is just the default for new panels and changing the default will not impact any currently saved dashboards. Issue #45132
- Security: Fixes for CVE-2022-31107 and CVE-2022-31097. #52218, @IevaVasiljeva
- CloudWatch: Added missing MemoryDB Namespace metrics. #47290, @james-deee
- Histogram Panel: Take decimal into consideration. #47330, @mdvictor
- TimeSeries: Sort tooltip values based on raw values. #46738, @dprokop
- API: Include userId, orgId, uname in request logging middleware. #47183, @marefr
- Elasticsearch: Respect maxConcurrentShardRequests datasource setting. #47120, @alexandrst88
- Security: Fixes CVE-2022-24812. For more information, see our blog
- Instrumentation: Make backend plugin metrics endpoints available with optional authentication. #46467, @marefr
- Table panel: Show datalinks for cell display modes JSON View and Gauge derivates. #46020, @mdvictor
- Azure Monitor: Small bug fixes for Resource Picker. #46665, @sarahzinger
- Logger: Use specified format for file logger. #46970, @sakjur
- Logs: Handle missing fields in dataframes better. #46963, @gabor
- ManageDashboards: Fix error when deleting all dashboards from folder view. #46877, @joshhunt
- Loki: Add unpack to autocomplete suggestions (#44623). #46573, @glintik
- Plugins: allow using both Function and Class components for app plugins. #46148, @leventebalogh
- TimeSeries: Add migration for Graph panel's transform series override. #46577, @dprokop
- TimeSeries: Preserve null/undefined values when performing negative y transform. #46584, @dprokop
- CloudWatch: Use default http client from aws-sdk-go. #46370, @sunker
- Dashboards: Fixes repeating by row and no refresh. #46565, @torkelo
- Gauge: Fixes blank viz when data link exists and orientation was horizontal. #46335, @torkelo
- Search: sort results correctly when using postgres. #46466, @xlson
- TagsInput: fix tags remove button accessibility issues. #46254, @Elfo404
- TextPanel: Sanitize after markdown has been rendered to html. #46166, @ashharrison90
- Alerting: Grafana uses > instead of >= when checking the For duration. #46010
- Alerting: Use expanded labels in dashboard annotations. #45726, @grobinson-grafana
- Logs: Escape windows newline into single newline. #45771, @perosb
- Alerting: Fix use of > instead of >= when checking the For duration. #46011, @grobinson-grafana
- Azure Monitor: Fixes broken log queries that use workspace. #45820, @sunker
- CloudWatch: Remove error message when using multi-valued template vars in region field. #45886, @sunker
- Middleware: Fix IPv6 host parsing in CSRF check. #45911, @ying-jeanne
- ClipboardButton: Use a fallback when the Clipboard API is unavailable. #45831, @ashharrison90
- OAuth: Add setting to skip org assignment for external users. #34834, @baez90
- Tracing: Add option to map tag names to log label names in trace to logs settings. #45178, @connorlindsey
- Cloudwatch: Add support for AWS/PrivateLink* metrics and dimensions. #45515, @szymonpk
- Configuration: Add ability to customize okta login button name and icon. #44079, @DanCech
- Tempo: Switch out Select with AsyncSelect component to get loading state in Tempo Search. #45110, @CatPerry
- Alerting: Fix migrations by making send_alerts_to field nullable. #45572, @santihernandezc
- API: Extract OpenAPI specification from source code using go-swagger. #40528, @papagian
- AccessControl: Disable user remove and user update roles when they do not have the permissions. #43429, @Jguer
- AccessControl: Provisioning for teams. #43767, @gamab
- API: Add usage stats preview endpoint. #43899, @Jguer
- Alerting: Move slow queries in the scheduler to another goroutine. #44423, @grobinson-grafana
- Alerting: Use time.Ticker instead of alerting.Ticker in ngalert. #44395, @grobinson-grafana
- Alerting: add custom grouping to Alert Panel. #44559, @gillesdemey
- Analytics: Add user id tracking to google analytics. #42763, @autoric
- Angular: Add AngularJS plugin support deprecation plan to docs site. #45149, @torkelo
- Auth: implement auto_sign_up for auth.jwt. #43502, @sakjur
- Azure Monitor Logs: Order subscriptions in resource picker by name. #45228, @sunker
- Azure monitor Logs: Optimize data fetching in resource picker. #44549, @sunker
- AzureMonitor: Filter list of resources by resourceType. #43522, @andresmgot
- BarChart: color by field, x time field, bar radius, label skipping. #43257, @leeoniya
- Chore: Implement OpenTelemetry in Grafana. #42674, @idafurjes
- Cloud Monitoring: Adds metric type to Metric drop down options. #43268, @tw1nk
- CloudWatch: Add Data Lifecycle Manager metrics and dimension. #43310, @ilyastoli
- CloudWatch: Add Missing Elasticache Host-level metrics. #43455, @dhendo
- CloudWatch: Add all ElastiCache Redis Metrics. #43336, @siavashs
- CloudWatch: Add new AWS/ES metrics. #43034, @sunker
- Cloudwatch: Add syntax highlighting and autocomplete for "Metric Search". #43985, @sarahzinger
- Explore: Support custom display label for exemplar links for Prometheus datasource. #42732, @JokerQueue
- Hotkeys: Make time range absolute/permanent. #43802, @davkal
- Playlists: Enable sharing direct links to playlists. #44161, @ashharrison90
- SQLStore: Prevent concurrent migrations. #44101, @papagian
- SSE: Add Mode to drop NaN/Inf/Null in Reduction operations. #43583, @kylebrandt
- Setting: Support configuring feature toggles with bools instead of just passing an array. #43326, @bergquist
- TimeSeries: Add support for negative Y and constant transform. #44774, @dprokop
- Transformations: Add 'JSON' field type to ConvertFieldTypeTransformer. #42624, @sd2k
- Auth: Guarantee consistency of signed SigV4 headers. #45054, @wbrowne
- CloudWatch: Fix MetricName resetting on Namespace change. #44165, @yaelleC
- Cloudwatch : Fixed resetting metric name when changing namespace in Metric Query. #44612, @yaelleC
- Explore: Avoid locking timepicker when range is inverted. #44790, @Elfo404
- Instrumentation: Fix HTTP request instrumentation of authentication failures. #44234, @marefr
- LibraryPanels: Prevent long descriptions and names from obscuring the delete button. #45190, @zuchka
- OAuth: Fix parsing of ID token if header contains non-string value. #44159, @marefr
- Panel Edit: Visualization search now works correctly with special characters. #45137, @ashharrison90
- Provisioning: Fix duplicate validation when multiple organizations have been configured. #44151, @marefr
- QueryField: Fix issue with undo history when suggestion is inserted (#28656). #39114, @glintik
- TablePanel: Do not prefix columns with frame name if multiple frames and override active. #45174, @mdvictor
AngularJS plugin support is now in a deprecated state, meaning it will be removed in a future release. Currently, that is planned for version 10 (in 2023). The documentation site has an article with more details on why, when, and how. Issue #45149
- Alerting: Support WeCom as a contact point type. #40975, @smallpath
- Alerting: UI for mute timings. #41578, @nathanrodman
- Alerting: add settings for peer reconnection in HA mode. #42300, @JohnnyQQQQ
- Auth: implement auto_sign_up for auth.jwt. #37040, @Roguelazer
- Dashboard: Add Show unknown variables toggle to dashboard settings. #41854, @hugohaggmark
- Instrumentation: Logger migration from log15 to gokit/log. #41636, @ying-jeanne
- MSSQL: Change regex to validate Provider connection string. #40248, @ianselmi
- MSSQL: Configuration of certificate verification for TLS connection. #31865, @mortenaa
- Middleware: Don't require HTTPS for HSTS headers to be emitted. #35147, @alexmv
- Navigation: Implement Keyboard Navigation. #41618, @axelavargas
- News: Reload feed when changing the time range or refreshing. #42217, @ashharrison90
- UI/Plot: Implement keyboard controls for plot cursor. #42244, @kaydelaney
- Provisioning: Ensure that the default value for orgID is set when provisioning datasources to be deleted. #44244, @filewalkwithme
- Cloud Monitoring: Reduce request size when listing labels. #44365, @mtanda
- Explore: Show scalar data result in a table instead of graph. #44362, @tharun208
- Snapshots: Updates the default external snapshot server URL. #44563, @DanCech
- Table: Makes footer not overlap table content. #44210, @dprokop
- Tempo: Add request histogram to service graph datalink. #44671, @connorlindsey
- Tempo: Add time range to tempo search query behind a feature flag. #43811, @connorlindsey
- Tempo: Auto-clear results when changing query type. #44390, @connorlindsey
- Tempo: Display start time in search results as relative time. #44568, @tharun208
- CloudMonitoring: Fix resource labels in query editor. #44550, @iwysiu
- Cursor sync: Apply the settings without saving the dashboard. #44270, @dprokop
- LibraryPanels: Fix for Error while cleaning library panels. #45033, @hugohaggmark
- Logs Panel: fix timestamp parsing for string dates without timezone. #44664, @Elfo404
- Prometheus: Fix some of the alerting queries that use reduce/math operation. #44380, @ivanahuckova
- TablePanel: Fix ad-hoc variables not working on default datasources. #44314, @joshhunt
- Text Panel: Fix alignment of elements. #44313, @ashharrison90
- Variables: Fix for constant variables in self referencing links. #44631, @hugohaggmark
- Security: Fixes CVE-2022-21702. For more information, see our blog
- Security: Fixes CVE-2022-21703. For more information, see our blog
- Security: Fixes CVE-2022-21713. For more information, see our blog
- Alerting: Allow configuration of non-ready alertmanagers. #43063, @alexweav
- Alerting: Allow customization of Google chat message. #43568, @alexweav
- Alerting: Allow customization of Google chat message (#43568). #43723, @alexweav
- AppPlugins: Support app plugins with only default nav. #43016, @torkelo
- InfluxDB: InfluxQL: query editor: skip fields in metadata queries. #42543, @gabor
- Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL: Cancel in-flight SQL query if user cancels query in grafana. #43890, @mdvictor
- Prometheus: Forward oauth tokens after prometheus datasource migration. #43686, @MasslessParticle
- Azure Monitor: Bug fix for variable interpolations in metrics dropdowns. #43251, @sarahzinger
- Azure Monitor: Improved error messages for variable queries. #43213, @sunker
- CloudMonitoring: Fixes broken variable queries that use group bys. #43914, @sunker
- Configuration: You can now see your expired API keys if you have no active ones. #42452, @ashharrison90
- Elasticsearch: Fix handling multiple datalinks for a single field. #44029, @Elfo404
- Export: Fix error being thrown when exporting dashboards using query variables that reference the default datasource. #44034, @ashharrison90
- ImportDashboard: Fixes issue with importing dashboard and name ending up in uid. #43451, @torkelo
- Login: Page no longer overflows on mobile. #43739, @ashharrison90
- Plugins: Set backend metadata property for core plugins. #43349, @marefr
- Prometheus: Fill missing steps with null values. #43622, @ivanahuckova
- Prometheus: Fix interpolation of $__rate_interval variable. #44035, @ivanahuckova
- Prometheus: Interpolate variables with curly brackets syntax. #42927, @ivanahuckova
- Prometheus: Respect the http-method data source setting. #42753, @gabor
- Table: Fixes issue with field config applied to wrong fields when hiding columns. #43376, @torkelo
- Toolkit: Fix bug with rootUrls not being properly parsed when signing a private plugin. #43014, @dessen-xu
- Variables: Fix so data source variables are added to adhoc configuration. #43881, @hugohaggmark
- Toolkit: Revert build config so tslib is bundled with plugins to prevent plugins from crashing. #43556, @mckn
- BarChart: Use new data error view component to show actions in panel edit. #42474, @torkelo
- CloudMonitor: Iterate over pageToken for resources. #42546, @iwysiu
- Macaron: Prevent WriteHeader invalid HTTP status code panic. #42973, @bergquist
- AnnoListPanel: Fix interpolation of variables in tags. #42318, @francoisdtm
- CloudWatch: Allow queries to have no dimensions specified. #42800, @sunker
- CloudWatch: Fix broken queries for users migrating from 8.2.4/8.2.5 to 8.3.0. #42611, @sunker
- CloudWatch: Make sure MatchExact flag gets the right value. #42621, @sunker
- Dashboards: Fix so that empty folders can be deleted from the manage dashboards/folders page. #42527, @ashharrison90
- InfluxDB: Improve handling of metadata query errors in InfluxQL. #42500, @gabor
- Loki: Fix adding of ad hoc filters for queries with parser and line_format expressions. #42590, @ivanahuckova
- Prometheus: Fix running of exemplar queries for non-histogram metrics. #42749, @ivanahuckova
- Prometheus: Interpolate template variables in interval. #42637, @ivanahuckova
- StateTimeline: Fix toolitp not showing when for frames with multiple fields. #42741, @dprokop
- TraceView: Fix virtualized scrolling when trace view is opened in right pane in Explore. #42480, @autoric
- Variables: Fix repeating panels for on time range changed variables. #42828, @hugohaggmark
- Variables: Fix so queryparam option works for scoped variables. #42742, @hugohaggmark
- Security: Fixes CVE-2021-43813 and CVE-2021-43815. For more information, see our [blog](https://grafana.com/blog/2021/12/10/grafana-8.3.2-and-7.5.12-released-with-moderate-severity-security-fix/
- Security: Fixes CVE-2021-43798. For more information, see our blog
- Alerting: Prevent folders from being deleted when they contain alerts. #42307, @peterholmberg
- Alerting: Show full preview value in tooltip. #42445, @peterholmberg
- BarGauge: Limit title width when name is really long. #42346, @torkelo
- CloudMonitoring: Avoid to escape regexps in filters. #41961, @andresmgot
- CloudWatch: Add support for AWS Metric Insights. #42487, @sunker
- TooltipPlugin: Remove other panels' shared tooltip in edit panel. #42187, @mdvictor
- Visualizations: Limit y label width to 40% of visualization width. #42350, @torkelo
- Alerting: Clear alerting rule evaluation errors after intermittent failures. #42386, @gotjosh
- Alerting: Fix refresh on legacy Alert List panel. #42322, @peterholmberg
- Dashboard: Fix queries for panels with non-integer widths. #42420, @gabor
- Explore: Fix url update inconsistency. #42288, @gabor
- Prometheus: Fix range variables interpolation for time ranges smaller than 1 second. #42242, @ivanahuckova
- ValueMappings: Fixes issue with regex value mapping that only sets color. #42311, @torkelo
- Alerting: Create DatasourceError alert if evaluation returns error. #41869, @gerobinson
- Alerting: Make Unified Alerting enabled by default for those who do not use legacy alerting. #42200, @armandgrillet
- Alerting: Support mute timings configuration through the api for the embedded alert manager. #41533, @JohnnyQQQQ
- CloudWatch: Add missing AWS/Events metrics. #42164, @n2N8Z
- Docs: Add easier to find deprecation notices to certain data sources and to the changelog. #41938, @gabor
- Plugins Catalog: Enable install controls based on the pluginAdminEnabled flag. #41686, @leventebalogh
- Query caching: Increase max_value_mb default to 10. (Enterprise)
- Table: Add space between values for the DefaultCell. #42246, @kirederik
- Table: Add space between values on JSONViewCell. #42156, @kirederik
- Tracing: Make query editors available in dashboard for Tempo and Zipkin. #41974, @ivanahuckova
- AccessControl: Renamed
roles, removedfixed:orgs:reader
introduced in beta1. #42049, @gamab - Azure Monitor: Add trap focus for modals in grafana/ui and other small a11y fixes for Azure Monitor. #41449, @sarahzinger
- CodeEditor: Prevent suggestions from being clipped. #42120, @kaydelaney
- Dashboard: Fix cache timeout persistence. #42204, @hugohaggmark
- Datasource: Fix stable sort order of query responses. #41868, @marefr
- Explore: Fix error in query history when removing last item. #42179, @gabor
- Logs: Fix requesting of older logs when flipped order. #41966, @ivanahuckova
- Prometheus: Fix running of health check query based on access mode. #42189, @ivanahuckova
- TextPanel: Fix suggestions for existing panels. #42195, @hugohaggmark
- Tracing: Fix incorrect indentations due to reoccurring spanIDs. #41919, @ivanahuckova
- Tracing: Show start time of trace with milliseconds precision. #42132, @ivanahuckova
- Variables: Make renamed or missing variable section expandable. #41964, @hugohaggmark
Starting with Grafana v8.3.0, if you have not explicitly disabled unified alerting and do not have legacy alerts set up you are automatically "migrated" to Grafana 8 Alerting.
A migration from legacy to Grafana 8 Alerting will never incur a data loss, as the previous data is kept around for rollback purposes. However, going from Grafana 8 Alerting to legacy alerting will delete all the data created for Grafana 8 Alerting. It is recommended that you backup your database before attempting a migration between systems.
If unclear, please verify the table below:
[alerting][enabled] |
[unified_alerting][enabled] |
With Existing Legacy Alerts | Result |
true |
true |
N/A | Error |
true |
false |
N/A | Legacy Alerting |
true |
not set | Yes | Legacy Alerting |
true |
not set | No | Grafana 8 Alerting |
not set | true |
N/A | Grafana 8 Alerting |
not set | false |
N/A | Legacy Alerting |
not set | not set | Yes | Legacy Alerting |
not set | not set | No | Grafana 8 Alerting |
false |
true |
N/A | Grafana 8 Alerting |
false |
false |
N/A | Alerting disabled |
false |
not set | N/A | Grafana 8 Alerting |
N/A in the "With Existing Legacy Alerts" column means that it does not matter if you have legacy alerts or not. Issue #42200
In Grafana 8.3.0-beta2 we changed how alert rules that use Keep Last State
for If execution error or timeout
are upgraded from Legacy Alerting to Grafana 8 alerting. In 8.3.0-beta1 and earlier, alert rules with Keep Last State
for If execution error or timeout
were changed to Alerting
when upgrading from Legacy Alerting to Grafana 8 alerting. However, in 8.3.0-beta2 these alert rules are now upgraded to a new option called Error
. With this option, on encountering an error evaluating an alert rule, Grafana creates a special alert called DatasourceError
with the rule_uid
and ref_id
as labels and an annotation called Error
with the error message. Issue #41869
The access mode "browser" is deprecated in the following data sources and will be removed in a later release:
- Prometheus
- InfluxDB
- Elasticsearch Issue #41938
- Select: Select menus now properly scroll during keyboard navigation. #41917, @ashharrison90
- AccessControl: Apply role-based access control to licensing. (Enterprise)
- Alerting: Add UI for contact point testing with custom annotations and labels. #40491, @nathanrodman
- Alerting: Make alert state indicator in panel header work with Grafana 8 alerts. #38713, @domasx2
- Alerting: Option for Discord notifier to use webhook name. #40463, @Skyebold
- Annotations: Deprecate AnnotationsSrv. #39631, @hugohaggmark
- Auditing: Add audit logs for unified alerting endpoints. (Enterprise)
- Auditing: Add endpoints (plugins, datasources, library elements). (Enterprise)
- Auth: Omit all base64 paddings in JWT tokens for the JWT auth. #35602, @gillg
- Azure Monitor: Clean up fields when editing Metrics. #41762, @andresmgot
- AzureMonitor: Add new starter dashboards. #39876, @jcolladokuri
- AzureMonitor: Add starter dashboard for app monitoring with Application Insights. #40725, @jcolladokuri
- Barchart/Time series: Allow x axis label. #41142, @oscarkilhed
- CLI: Improve error handling for installing plugins. #41257, @marefr
- CloudMonitoring: Migrate to use backend plugin SDK contracts. #38650, @idafurjes
- CloudWatch Logs: Add retry strategy for hitting max concurrent queries. #39290, @aocenas
- CloudWatch: Add AWS RoboMaker metrics and dimension. #41450, @ilyastoli
- CloudWatch: Add AWS Transfer metrics and dimension. #41168, @ilyastoli
- Dashboard: replace datasource name with a reference object. #33817, @ryantxu
- Dashboards: Show logs on time series when hovering. #40110, @ryantxu
- Elasticsearch: Add support for Elasticsearch 8.0 (Beta). #41729, @Elfo404
- Elasticsearch: Add time zone setting to Date Histogram aggregation. #40882, @Elfo404
- Elasticsearch: Enable full range log volume histogram. #41202, @ifrost
- Elasticsearch: Full range logs volume. #40700, @ifrost
- Explore: Allow changing the graph type. #40522, @gabor
- Explore: Show ANSI colors when highlighting matched words in the logs panel. #40971, @oliverfrye
- Graph(old) panel: Listen to events from Time series panel. #41033, @zoltanbedi
- Import: Load gcom dashboards from URL. #41799, @ashharrison90
- LibraryPanels: Improves export and import of library panels between orgs. #39214, @hugohaggmark
- OAuth: Support PKCE. #39948, @sakjur
- Panel edit: Overrides now highlight correctly when searching. #41684, @ashharrison90
- PanelEdit: Display drag indicators on draggable sections. #41711, @ashharrison90
- Plugins: Refactor Plugin Management. #40477, @wbrowne
- Prometheus: Add custom query parameters when creating PromLink url. #41213, @Ian-Yy
- Prometheus: Remove limits on metrics, labels, and values in Metrics Browser. #40660, @autoric
- StateTimeline: Share cursor with rest of the panels. #41038, @zoltanbedi
- Tempo: Add error details when json upload fails. #41803, @aocenas
- Tempo: Add filtering for service graph query. #41162, @aocenas
- Tempo: Add links to nodes in Service Graph pointing to Prometheus metrics. #41135, @aocenas
- Time series/Bar chart panel: Add ability to sort series via legend. #40226, @zoltanbedi
- TimeSeries: Allow multiple axes for the same unit. #41635, @dprokop
- TraceView: Allow span links defined on dataFrame. #40563, @aocenas
- Transformations: Support a rows mode in labels to fields. #41020, @ryantxu
- ValueMappings: Don't apply field config defaults to time fields. #41132, @torkelo
- Variables: Only update panels that are impacted by variable change. #39420, @hugohaggmark
- API: Fix dashboard quota limit for imports. #41495, @yangkb09
- Alerting: Fix rule editor issues with Azure Monitor data source. #41317, @domasx2
- Azure monitor: Make sure alert rule editor is not enabled when template variables are being used. #41335, @sunker
- CloudMonitoring: Fix annotation queries. #41529, @sunker
- CodeEditor: Trigger the latest getSuggestions() passed to CodeEditor. #40544, @DukeManh
- Dashboard: Remove the current panel from the list of options in the Dashboard datasource. #41826, @ashharrison90
- Encryption: Fix decrypting secrets in alerting migration. #41061, @undef1nd
- InfluxDB: Fix corner case where index is too large in ALIAS field. #41562, @gabor
- NavBar: Order App plugins alphabetically. #40078, @ashharrison90
- NodeGraph: Fix zooming sensitivity on touchpads. #40718, @aocenas
- Plugins: Add OAuth pass-through logic to api/ds/query endpoint. #41352, @wbrowne
- Snapshots: Fix panel inspector for snapshot data. #41530, @joshhunt
- Tempo: Fix basic auth password reset on adding tag. #41808, @aocenas
- ValueMapping: Fixes issue with regex mappings. #41515, @mcdee
- Security: Fixes CVE-2021-43798. For more information, see our blog
- Security: Upgrade Docker base image to Alpine 3.14.3. #42061, @dsotirakis
- Security: Upgrade Go to 1.17.2. #42427, @idafurjes
- Alerting: Fix a bug where the metric in the evaluation string was not correctly populated. #41731, @JohnnyQQQQ
- Alerting: Fix no data behaviour in Legacy Alerting for alert rules using the AND operator. #41305, @gerobinson
- CloudMonitoring: Ignore min and max aggregation in MQL queries. #41302, @sunker
- Dashboards: 'Copy' is no longer added to new dashboard titles. #41344, @joshhunt
- DataProxy: Fix overriding response body when response is a WebSocket upgrade. #41364, @marefr
- Elasticsearch: Use field configured in query editor as field for date_histogram aggregations. #41258, @Elfo404
- Explore: Fix running queries without a datasource property set. #40805, @Elfo404
- InfluxDB: Fix numeric aliases in queries. #41531, @gabor
- Plugins: Ensure consistent plugin settings list response. #41346, @wbrowne
- Tempo: Fix validation of float durations. #41400, @ivanahuckova
- Tracing: Correct tags for each span are shown. #41473, @ivanahuckova
In Grafana 8.2.5 and later, this change fixes a bug in the evaluation of alert rules when using the AND operator to compare two or more conditions. In Grafana 8.2.4 and earlier such alert rules would evaluate to OK
if at least one, but not all, conditions returned no data. This change fixes that bug such that in Grafana 8.2.5 these alert rules now evaluate to No Data
If an alert should evaluate to OK
when one or all conditions return No Data
then this can be done via changing If no data or all values are null
to OK
. However, this will not preserve the old behaviour in 8.2.4 where an alert will be OK
if at least one, but not all, conditions return no data and then No Data
if all conditions return No Data
. Issue #41305
- Security: Fixes CVE-2021-41244. For more information, see our blog
- Security: Fixes CVE-2021-41174. For more information, see our blog
- Annotations: We have improved tag search performance. #40567, @ashharrison90
- Application: You can now configure an error-template title. #40310, @benrubson
- AzureMonitor: We removed a restriction from the resource filter query. #40690, @andresmgot
- Caching: Make cache size metric collection optional. (Enterprise)
- Packaging: We removed the ProcSubset option in systemd. This option prevented Grafana from starting in LXC environments. #40339, @kminehart
- Prometheus: We removed the autocomplete limit for metrics. #39363, @ivanahuckova
- Request interceptor: Allow MSSQL's named instances. (Enterprise)
- Table: We improved the styling of the type icons to make them more distinct from column / field name. #40596, @torkelo
- ValueMappings: You can now use value mapping in stat, gauge, bar gauge, and pie chart visualizations. #40612, @torkelo
- Alerting: Fix panic when Slack's API sends unexpected response. #40721, @santihernandezc
- Alerting: The Create Alert button now appears on the dashboard panel when you are working with a default datasource. #40334, @domasx2
- Explore: We fixed the problem where the Explore log panel disappears when an Elasticsearch logs query returns no results. #40217, @Elfo404
- Graph: You can now see annotation descriptions on hover. #40581, @axelavargas
- Logs: The system now uses the JSON parser only if the line is parsed to an object. #40507, @ivanahuckova
- Prometheus: We fixed the issue where the system did not reuse TCP connections when querying from Grafana Alerting. #40349, @kminehart
- Prometheus: We fixed the problem that resulted in an error when a user created a query with a $__interval min step. #40525, @ivanahuckova
- RowsToFields: We fixed the issue where the system was not properly interpreting number values. #40580, @torkelo
- Scale: We fixed how the system handles NaN percent when data min = data max. #40622, @torkelo
- Table panel: You can now create a filter that includes special characters. #40458, @dprokop
- Dashboard: Fix rendering of repeating panels. #39991, @hugohaggmark
- Datasources: Fix deletion of data source if plugin is not found. #40095, @jackw
- Packaging: Remove systemcallfilters sections from systemd unit files. #40176, @kminehart
- Prometheus: Add Headers to HTTP client options. #40214, @dsotirakis
- AWS: Updated AWS authentication documentation. #39236, @sunker
- Alerting: Added support Alertmanager data source for upstream Prometheus AM implementation. #39775, @domasx2
- Alerting: Allows more characters in label names so notifications are sent. #38629, @gotjosh
- Alerting: Get alert rules for a dashboard or a panel using /api/v1/rules endpoints. #39476, @gerobinson
- Annotations: Improved rendering performance of event markers. #39984, @torkelo
- CloudWatch Logs: Skip caching for log queries. #39860, @aocenas
- Explore: Added an opt-in configuration for Node Graph in Jaeger, Zipkin, and Tempo. #39958, @connorlindsey
- Packaging: Add stricter systemd unit options. #38109, @erdnaxe
- Prometheus: Metrics browser can now handle label values with special characters. #39713, @gabor
- CodeEditor: Ensure that we trigger the latest onSave callback provided to the component. #39835, @mckn
- DashboardList/AlertList: Fix for missing All folder value. #39772, @hugohaggmark
- In Grafana v8.2.0, this change can prevent the
service from starting on older versions of systemd, present on Ubuntu 18.04 and slightly older versions of Debian. If running one of those versions, please wait until v8.2.1 is released before upgrading. If you still want to upgrade or have already ugpraded, a simple fix is available here: grafana#40162 (comment) Issue #38109
- AccessControl: Document new permissions restricting data source access. #39091, @gamab
- TimePicker: Add fiscal years and search to time picker. #39073, @oscarkilhed
- Alerting: Added support for Unified Alerting with Grafana HA. #37920, @gotjosh
- Alerting: Added support for tune rule evaluation using configuration options. #35623, @papagian
- Alerting: Cleanups alertmanager namespace from key-value store when disabling Grafana 8 alerts. #39554, @papagian
- Alerting: Remove
feature toggle and introduce two new settings for enabling Grafana 8 alerts and disabling them for specific organisations. #38746, @papagian - CloudWatch: Introduced new math expression where it is necessary to specify the period field. #39458, @sunker
- InfluxDB: Added support for $__interval and $__interval_ms in Flux queries for alerting. #38889, @gabor
- InfluxDB: Flux queries can use more precise start and end timestamps with nanosecond-precision. #39415, @gabor
- Plugins Catalog: Make the catalog the default way to interact with plugins. #39779, @leventebalogh
- Prometheus: Removed autocomplete limit for metrics. #39363, @ivanahuckova
- Alerting: Fixed an issue where the edit page crashes if you tried to preview an alert without a condition set. #39659, @peterholmberg
- Alerting: Fixed rules migration to keep existing Grafana 8 alert rules. #39541, @yuri-tceretian
- Alerting: Fixed the silence file content generated during migration. #39557, @papagian
- Analytics: Fixed an issue related to interaction event propagation in Azure Application Insights. #39752, @sunker
- BarGauge: Fixed an issue where the cell color was lit even though there was no data. #39574, @ashharrison90
- BarGauge: Improved handling of streaming data. #39737, @ashharrison90
- CloudMonitoring: Fixed INT64 label unmarshal error. #39441, @bspellmeyer
- ConfirmModal: Fixes confirm button focus on modal open. #39328, @torkelo
- Dashboard: Add option to generate short URL for variables with values containing spaces. #39552, @hugohaggmark
- Explore: No longer hides errors containing refId property. #39504, @Elfo404
- Fixed an issue that produced State timeline panel tooltip error when data was not in sync. #39438, @zoltanbedi
- InfluxDB: InfluxQL query editor is set to always use resultFormat. #39330, @gabor
- Loki: Fixed creating context query for logs with parsed labels. #39648, @ivanahuckova
- PageToolbar: Fixed alignment of titles. #39572, @ashharrison90
- Plugins Catalog: Update to the list of available panels after an install, update or uninstall. #39293, @leventebalogh
- TimeSeries: Fixed an issue where the shared cursor was not showing when hovering over in old Graph panel. #39738, @zoltanbedi
- Variables: Fixed issues related to change of focus or refresh pages when pressing enter in a text box variable input. #39666, @hugohaggmark
- Variables: Panel no longer crash when using the adhoc variable in data links. #39546, @hugohaggmark
Grafana v8.2.0-beta1 caused data loss for users having enabled ngalert
in 8.0.x - 8.1.x and created alerts using the new alerting system. This issue is now fixed except if the deployment has multiple organizations and the feature flag was enabled in the previous version (8.0.x - 8.1.x).
In this scenario (upgrade from 8.0.x - 8.1.x with multiple organizations and ngalert
enabled to 8.2.0-beta2), the migration will assign existing notification policies and contact points to the first organization and then apply the default alertmanager configuration to all organizations. This will effectively reset notification policies for all organizations. Issue #39541
feature toggle it has been deprecated it will be removed in a future release. To enable Grafana 8 alerts, modify your configuration and:
- in the
section set theenabled
property totrue
- in the
section set theenabled
property tofalse
Issue #38746
- AccessControl: Introduce new permissions to restrict access for reloading provisioning configuration. #38906, @vtorosyan
- Admin: Update license page UI. (Enterprise)
- Alerting: Add UI to edit Cortex/Loki namespace, group names, and group evaluation interval. #38543, @domasx2
- Alerting: Add a Test button to test contact point. #37475, @domasx2
- Alerting: Allow creating/editing recording rules for Loki and Cortex. #38064, @domasx2
- Alerting: Metrics should have the label
instead ofuser
. #39353, @gotjosh - Alerting: Sort notification channels by name to make them easier to locate. #37426, @jstangroome
- Alerting: Support org level isolation of notification configuration. #37414, @papagian
- AzureMonitor: Add data links to deep link to Azure Portal Azure Resource Graph. #35591, @shuotli
- AzureMonitor: Add support for annotations from Azure Monitor Metrics and Azure Resource Graph services. #37633, @joshhunt
- AzureMonitor: Show error message when subscriptions request fails in ConfigEditor. #37837, @joshhunt
- Chore: Update to Golang 1.16.7. #38604, @dsotirakis
- CloudWatch Logs: Add link to X-Ray data source for trace IDs in logs. #39135, @aocenas
- CloudWatch Logs: Disable query path using websockets (Live) feature. #39231, @aocenas
- CloudWatch/Logs: Don't group dataframes for non time series queries. #37998, @aocenas
- Cloudwatch: Migrate queries that use multiple stats to one query per stat. #36925, @sunker
- Dashboard: Keep live timeseries moving left (v2). #37769, @ryantxu
- Datasources: Introduce
for datasource responses. #38962, @dsotirakis - Explore: Add filter by trace or span ID to
trace to logs
feature. #38943, @connorlindsey - Explore: Download traces as JSON in Explore Inspector. #38614, @connorlindsey
- Explore: Reuse Dashboard's QueryRows component. #38942, @Elfo404
- Explore: Support custom display label for derived fields buttons for Loki datasource. #37273, @connorlindsey
- Grafana UI: Update monaco-related dependencies. #39027, @gabor
- Graphite: Deprecate browser access mode. #38783, @ifrost
- InfluxDB: Improve handling of intervals in alerting. #37588, @gabor
- InfluxDB: InfluxQL query editor: Handle unusual characters in tag values better. #39170, @gabor
- Introduce "monitored queries" service. (Enterprise)
- Jaeger: Add ability to upload JSON file for trace data. #37205, @zoltanbedi
- LibraryElements: Enable specifying UID for new and existing library elements. #39019, @hugohaggmark
- LibraryPanels: Remove library panel icon from the panel header so you can no longer tell that a panel is a library panel from the dashboard view. #38749, @hugohaggmark
- Logs panel: Scroll to the bottom on page refresh when sorting in ascending order. #37634, @ivanahuckova
- Loki: Add fuzzy search to label browser. #36864, @connorlindsey
- Navigation: Implement active state for items in the Sidemenu. #39030, @ashharrison90
- Packaging: Add stricter systemd unit options. #38109, @erdnaxe
- Packaging: Update PID file location from
. #35739, @MichaIng - Plugins: Add Hide OAuth Forward config option. #36306, @wbrowne
- Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL: Add setting to limit the maximum number of rows processed. #38986, @marefr
- Prometheus: Add browser access mode deprecation warning. #37578, @ivanahuckova
- Prometheus: Add interpolation for built-in-time variables to backend. #39051, @ivanahuckova
- Recorded Queries: Finish rest API endpoints. (Enterprise)
- Reporting: enable creating reports from dashboard. (Enterprise)
- Tempo: Add ability to upload trace data in JSON format. #37407, @zoltanbedi
- TimeSeries/XYChart: Allow grid lines visibility control in XYChart and TimeSeries panels. #38502, @dprokop
- Transformations: Convert field types to time string number or boolean. #38517, @nikki-kiga
- Usage Insights: Support writing events to Grafana's log. (Enterprise)
- Value mappings: Add regular-expression based value mapping. #38931, @mcdee
- Zipkin: Add ability to upload trace JSON. #37483, @zoltanbedi
- Admin: Prevent user from deleting user's current/active organization. #38056, @idafurjes
- LibraryPanels: Fix library panel getting saved in the dashboard's folder. #38978, @hugohaggmark
- OAuth: Make generic teams URL and JMES path configurable. #37233, @djairhogeuens
- QueryEditor: Fix broken copy-paste for mouse middle-click (#39117). #39117, @glintik
- Thresholds: Fix undefined color in "Add threshold". #39113, @glintik
- Timeseries: Add wide-to-long, and fix multi-frame output. #38670, @ryantxu
- TooltipPlugin: Fix behavior of Shared Crosshair when Tooltip is set to All. #37285, @nikki-kiga
The monaco-editor
dependency in grafana-ui
has been updated to a newer version (0.27.0
), which is not completely backward compatible with the old version (0.21.2
). The backward incompatible changes are fairly small, but they do exist, so if your code accesses the raw monaco-objects through the grafana-ui
package, please check the monaco-editor changelog and apply any necessary changes. Issue #39027
The mandatory css
prop in grafana/ui
components has been removed.
Previous versions of grafana/ui
components were typed incorrectly due to a dependency mismatch between emotion 10 and 11 causing a css
prop to be added to components that extended react types.
Issue #38078
Grafana v8.2 fixed an issue with org isolation for notification configuration but to fix this Grafana will now re-run the migration from old alerting and this will cause complete removal of all new alert rules and notification configurations. This data loss is not something we find acceptable and are working on ways to mitigate it. So in the meantime, if you are an early adopter of unified alerting please wait with trying v8.2 beta. Issue #37414
Panel queries and/or annotation queries that used more than one statistic will be converted into one query/annotation per statistic. In case an alerting rule was based on a query row that had more than one statistic, it would now be based only on the first statistic for that query row. New alerting rules will not be created for migrated queries. Please note that in most cases it would not make sense to have an alerting rule that is based on multiple statistics anyway. Issue #36925
in datasource APIs ( used to highlight logs while editing queries) has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
interface for query editors has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use QueryEditorProps
instead. Issue #38942
- Security: Fixes CVE-2021-43798. For more information, see our blog
- Alerting: Fix alerts with evaluation interval more than 30 seconds resolving before notification. #39513, @gerobinson
- Elasticsearch/Prometheus: Fix usage of proper SigV4 service namespace. #39439, @marefr
- Security: Fixes CVE-2021-39226. For more information, see our blog
- Explore: Ensure logs volume bar colors match legend colors. #39072, @ifrost
- LDAP: Search all DNs for users. #38891, @sakjur
- Alerting: Fix notification channel migration. #38983, @papagian
- Annotations: Fix blank panels for queries with unknown data sources. #39017, @hugohaggmark
- BarChart: Fix stale values and x axis labels. #39188, @leeoniya
- Graph: Make old graph panel thresholds work even if ngalert is enabled. #38918, @domasx2
- InfluxDB: Fix regex to identify
as separator. #39185, @dsotirakis - LibraryPanels: Fix update issues related to library panels in rows. #38963, @hugohaggmark
- Variables: Fix variables not updating inside a Panel when the preceding Row uses "Repeat For". #38935, @axelavargas
- Alerting: Fix alert flapping in the internal alertmanager. #38648, @gotjosh
- Alerting: Fix request handler failed to convert dataframe "results" to plugins.DataTimeSeriesSlice: input frame is not recognized as a time series. #38587, @idafurjes
- Dashboard: Fix UIDs are not preserved when importing/creating dashboards thru importing .json file. #38659, @axelavargas
- Dashboard: Forces panel re-render when exiting panel edit. #38913, @hugohaggmark
- Dashboard: Prevent folder from changing when navigating to general settings. #38103, @hugohaggmark
- Docker: Force use of libcrypto1.1 and libssl1.1 versions to fix CVE-2021-3711. #38585, @dsotirakis
- Elasticsearch: Fix metric names for alert queries. #38546, @dsotirakis
- Elasticsearch: Limit Histogram field parameter to numeric values. #38631, @Elfo404
- Elasticsearch: Prevent pipeline aggregations to show up in terms order by options. #38448, @Elfo404
- LibraryPanels: Prevent duplicate repeated panels from being created. #38804, @hugohaggmark
- Loki: Fix ad-hoc filter in dashboard when used with parser. #38542, @ivanahuckova
- Plugins: Track signed files + add warn log for plugin assets which are not signed. #38938, @wbrowne
- Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL: Fix region annotations not displayed correctly. #38936, @marefr
- Prometheus: Fix validate selector in metrics browser. #38921, @ivanahuckova
- Security: Fix stylesheet injection vulnerability #38432, @idafurjes. Big thanks to Tobias Hamann and Lauritz Holtmann of usd AG for reporting this issue.
- Security: Fix short URL vulnerability #38436, @idafurjes. Big thanks to Tobias Hamann and Lauritz Holtmann of usd AG for reporting this issue.
- AzureMonitor: Add support for PostgreSQL and MySQL Flexible Servers. #38075, @joshhunt
- Datasource: Change HTTP status code for failed datasource health check to 400. #37895, @stephaniehingtgen
- Explore: Add span duration to left panel in trace viewer. #37806, @connorlindsey
- Plugins: Use file extension allowlist when serving plugin assets instead of checking for UNIX executable. #37688, @wbrowne
- Profiling: Add support for binding pprof server to custom network interfaces. #36580, @cinaglia
- Search: Make search icon keyboard navigable. #37865, @tskarhed
- Template variables: Keyboard navigation improvements. #38001, @tskarhed
- Tooltip: Display ms within minute time range. #37569, @nikki-kiga
- Alerting: Fix saving LINE contact point. #37744, @xy-man
- Alerting: Fix saving LINE contact point. #37718, @xy-man
- Annotations: Fix alerting annotation coloring. #37412, @kylebrandt
- Annotations: Alert annotations are now visible in the correct Panel. #37959, @hugohaggmark
- Auth: Hide SigV4 config UI and disable middleware when its config flag is disabled. #37293, @wbrowne
- Dashboard: Prevent incorrect panel layout by comparing window width against theme breakpoints. #37868, @ashharrison90
- Elasticsearch: Fix metric names for alert queries. #37871, @dsotirakis
- Explore: Fix showing of full log context. #37442, @ivanahuckova
- PanelEdit: Fix 'Actual' size by passing the correct panel size to Das…. #37885, @ashharrison90
- Plugins: Fix TLS datasource settings. #37797, @wbrowne
- Variables: Fix issue with empty drop downs on navigation. #37776, @hugohaggmark
- Variables: Fix URL util converting
. #37402, @simPod
- Toolkit: Fix matchMedia not found error. #37643, @zoltanbedi
- CloudWatch Logs: Fix crash when no region is selected. #37639, @aocenas
- Reporting: Fix timezone parsing for scheduler. (Enterprise)
- Alerting: Deduplicate receivers during migration. #36812, @codesome
- ColorPicker: Display colors as RGBA. #37231, @nikki-kiga
- Encryption: Add support for multiple encryption algorithms (aes-gcm). (Enterprise)
- Select: Make portalling the menu opt-in, but opt-in everywhere. #37501, @ashharrison90
- TeamSync: Batch team synchronization. (Enterprise)
- TimeRangePicker: Improve accessibility. #36912, @tskarhed
- Annotations: Correct annotations that are displayed upon page refresh. #37496, @axelavargas
- Annotations: Fix Enabled button that disappeared from Grafana v8.0.6. #37454, @axelavargas
- Annotations: Fix data source template variable that was not available for annotations. #37506, @axelavargas
- AzureMonitor: Fix annotations query editor that does not load. #37476, @torkelo
- Geomap: Fix scale calculations. #37375, @ryantxu
- GraphNG: Fix y-axis autosizing. #37464, @leeoniya
- Live: Display stream rate and fix duplicate channels in list response. #37365, @FZambia
- Loki: Update labels in log browser when time range changes. #37520, @ivanahuckova
- Loki: Update labels in log browser when time range changes in dashboard. #37541, @ivanahuckova
- NGAlert: Send resolve signal to alertmanager on alerting -> Normal. #37363, @kylebrandt
- PasswordField: Prevent a password from being displayed when you click the Enter button. #37444, @tskarhed
- Renderer: Remove debug.log file when Grafana is stopped. #37367, @AgnesToulet
- Security: Update dependencies to fix CVE-2021-36222. #37546, @ying-jeanne
- Alerting: Support label matcher syntax in alert rule list filter. #36408, @nathanrodman
- IconButton: Put tooltip text as aria-label. #36760, @tskarhed
- Live: Experimental HA with Redis. #36787, @FZambia
- UI: FileDropzone component. #36646, @zoltanbedi
- [v8.1.x] CloudWatch: Add AWS LookoutMetrics. #37329, @ilyastoli
- Docker: Fix builds by delaying go mod verify until all required files are copied over. #37246, @wbrowne
- Exemplars: Fix disable exemplars only on the query that failed. #37296, @zoltanbedi
- SQL: Fix SQL dataframe resampling (fill mode + time intervals). #36937, @idafurjes
- Alerting: Expand the value string in alert annotations and labels. #37051, @gerobinson
- Auth: Add Azure HTTP authentication middleware. #36932, @kostrse
- Auth: Auth: Pass user role when using the authentication proxy. #36729, @yuwaMSFT2
- Gazetteer: Update countries.json file to allow for linking to 3-letter country codes. #37129, @bryanuribe
- Config: Fix Docker builds by correcting formatting in sample.ini. #37106, @FZambia
- Explore: Fix encoding of internal URLs. #36919, @aocenas
- Alerting: Add Alertmanager notifications tab. #35759, @nathanrodman
- Alerting: Add button to deactivate current Alertmanager configuration. #36951, @domasx2
- Alerting: Add toggle in Loki/Prometheus data source configuration to opt out of alerting UI. #36552, @domasx2
- Alerting: Allow any "evaluate for" value >=0 in the alert rule form. #35807, @domasx2
- Alerting: Load default configuration from status endpoint, if Cortex Alertmanager returns empty user configuration. #35769, @domasx2
- Alerting: view to display alert rule and its underlying data. #35546, @mckn
- Annotation panel: Release the annotation panel. #36959, @ryantxu
- Annotations: Add typeahead support for tags in built-in annotations. #36377, @ashharrison90
- AzureMonitor: Add curated dashboards for Azure services. #35356, @avidhanju
- AzureMonitor: Add support for deep links to Microsoft Azure portal for Metrics. #32273, @shuotli
- AzureMonitor: Remove support for different credentials for Azure Monitor Logs. #35121, @andresmgot
- AzureMonitor: Support querying any Resource for Logs queries. #33879, @joshhunt
- Elasticsearch: Add frozen indices search support. #36018, @Elfo404
- Elasticsearch: Name fields after template variables values instead of their name. #36035, @Elfo404
- Elasticsearch: add rate aggregation. #33311, @estermv
- Email: Allow configuration of content types for email notifications. #34530, @djairhogeuens
- Explore: Add more meta information when line limit is hit. #33069, @ivanahuckova
- Explore: UI improvements to trace view. #34276, @aocenas
- FieldOverrides: Added support to change display name in an override field and have it be matched by a later rule. #35893, @torkelo
- HTTP Client: Introduce
config variable. #35864, @dsotirakis - InfluxDB: InfluxQL: adds tags to timeseries data. #36702, @gabor
- InfluxDB: InfluxQL: make measurement search case insensitive. #34563, @gabor
- Legacy Alerting: Replace simplejson with a struct in webhook notification channel. #34952, @KEVISONG
- Legend: Updates display name for Last (not null) to just Last*. #35633, @torkelo
- Logs panel: Add option to show common labels. #36166, @ivanahuckova
- Loki: Add $__range variable. #36175, @ivanahuckova
- Loki: Add support for "label_values(log stream selector, label)" in templating. #35488, @ivanahuckova
- Loki: Add support for ad-hoc filtering in dashboard. #36393, @ivanahuckova
- MySQL Datasource: Add timezone parameter. #27535, @andipabst
- NodeGraph: Show gradient fields in legend. #34078, @aocenas
- PanelOptions: Don't mutate panel options/field config object when updating. #36441, @dprokop
- PieChart: Make pie gradient more subtle to match other charts. #36961, @nikki-kiga
- Prometheus: Update PromQL typeahead and highlighting. #36730, @ekpdt
- Prometheus: interpolate variable for step field. #36437, @zoltanbedi
- Provisioning: Improve validation by validating across all dashboard providers. #26742, @nabokihms
- Query cache: Adding an encryption option for caching. (Enterprise)
- Reporting: Use start and end dates for scheduling. (Enterprise)
- SQL Datasources: Allow multiple string/labels columns with time series. #36485, @kylebrandt
- Select: Portal select menu to document.body. #36398, @ashharrison90
- Team Sync: Add group mapping to support team sync in the Generic OAuth provider. #36307, @wardbekker
- Tooltip: Make active series more noticeable. #36824, @nikki-kiga
- Tracing: Add support to configure trace to logs start and end time. #34995, @zoltanbedi
- Transformations: Skip merge when there is only a single data frame. #36407, @edgarpoce
- ValueMapping: Added support for mapping text to color, boolean values, NaN and Null. Improved UI for value mapping. #33820, @torkelo
- Visualizations: Dynamically set any config (min, max, unit, color, thresholds) from query results. #36548, @torkelo
- live: Add support to handle origin without a value for the port when matching with root_url. #36834, @FZambia
- Alerting: Handle marshaling Inf values. #36947, @kylebrandt
- AzureMonitor: Fix macro resolution for template variables. #36944, @andresmgot
- AzureMonitor: Fix queries with Microsoft.NetApp/../../volumes resources. #32661, @pckls
- AzureMonitor: Request and concat subsequent resource pages. #36958, @andresmgot
- Bug: Fix parse duration for day. #36942, @idafurjes
- Datasources: Improve error handling for error messages. #35120, @ifrost
- Explore: Correct the functionality of shift-enter shortcut across all uses. #36600, @ivanahuckova
- Explore: Show all dataFrames in data tab in Inspector. #32161, @ivanahuckova
- GraphNG: Fix Tooltip mode 'All' for XYChart. #31260, @Posnet
- Loki: Fix highlight of logs when using filter expressions with backticks. #36024, @ivanahuckova
- Modal: Force modal content to overflow with scroll. #36754, @ashharrison90
- Plugins: Ignore symlinked folders when verifying plugin signature. #34434, @wbrowne
When parsing Elasticsearch query responses using template variables, each field gets named after the variable value instead of the name.
For example, executing a terms
aggregation on a variable named $groupBy
that has @hostname
as a value, the resulting column in the table response will be @hostname
instead of $groupBy
Issue #36035
Azure Monitor data source no longer supports different credentials for Metrics and Logs in existing data sources. To use different credentials for Azure Monitor Logs, create another data source. Issue #35121
Existing Azure Metrics Logs queries for Log Analytics Workspaces should be backward compatible with this change and should not get impacted. Panels will be migrated to use the new resource-centric backend when you first edit and save them.
Application Insights and Insights Analytics queries are now read-only and cannot be modified. To update Application Insights queries, users can manually recreate them as Metrics queries, and Insights Analytics are recreated with Logs.
Issue #33879
- Security: Fixes CVE-2021-43798. For more information, see our blog
- Alerting: Add annotation upon alert state change. #36535, @davidmparrott
- Alerting: Allow space in label and annotation names. #36549, @codesome
- InfluxDB: Improve legend labels for InfluxDB query results. #36603, @gabor
- Alerting: Fix improper alert by changing the handling of empty labels. #36679, @davidmparrott
- CloudWatch/Logs: Reestablish Cloud Watch alert behavior. #36558, @aocenas
- Dashboard: Avoid migration breaking on fieldConfig without defaults field in folded panel. #36666, @glindstedt
- DashboardList: Fix issue not re-fetching dashboard list after variable change. #36591, @torkelo
- Database: Fix incorrect format of isolation level configuration parameter for MySQL. #36565, @marefr
- InfluxDB: Correct tag filtering on InfluxDB data. #36570, @gabor
- Links: Fix links that caused a full page reload. #36631, @torkelo
- Live: Fix HTTP error when InfluxDB metrics have an incomplete or asymmetrical field set. #36664, @FZambia
- Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL: Change time field to "Time" for time series queries. #36720, @marefr
- Postgres: Fix the handling of a null return value in query results. #36648, @idafurjes
- Tempo: Show hex strings instead of uints for IDs. #36471, @zoltanbedi
- TimeSeries: Improve tooltip positioning when tooltip overflows. #36440, @ashharrison90
- Transformations: Add 'prepare time series' transformer. #36737, @ryantxu
- Cloudwatch Logs: Send error down to client. #36277, @zoltanbedi
- Folders: Return 409 Conflict status when folder already exists. #36429, @dsotirakis
- TimeSeries: Do not show series in tooltip if it's hidden in the viz. #36353, @dprokop
- AzureMonitor: Fix issue where resource group name is missing on the resource picker button. #36400, @joshhunt
- Chore: Fix AWS auth assuming role with workspace IAM. #36430, @wbrowne
- DashboardQueryRunner: Fixes unrestrained subscriptions being created. #36371, @hugohaggmark
- DateFormats: Fix reading correct setting key for use_browser_locale. #36428, @torkelo
- Links: Fix links to other apps outside Grafana when under sub path. #36498, @torkelo
- Snapshots: Fix snapshot absolute time range issue. #36350, @torkelo
- Table: Fix data link color. #36446, @tharun208
- Time Series: Fix X-axis time format when tick increment is larger than a year. #36335, @torkelo
- Tooltip Plugin: Prevent tooltip render if field is undefined. #36260, @ashharrison90
- Live: Rely on app url for origin check. #35983, @FZambia
- PieChart: Sort legend descending, update placeholder to show default …. #36062, @ashharrison90
- TimeSeries panel: Do not reinitialize plot when thresholds mode change. #35952, @dprokop
- Elasticsearch: Allow case sensitive custom options in date_histogram interval. #36168, @Elfo404
- Elasticsearch: Restore previous field naming strategy when using variables. #35624, @Elfo404
- Explore: Fix import of queries between SQL data sources. #36210, @ivanahuckova
- InfluxDB: InfluxQL query editor: fix retention policy handling. #36022, @gabor
- Loki: Send correct time range in template variable queries. #36268, @ivanahuckova
- TimeSeries: Preserve RegExp series overrides when migrating from old graph panel. #36134, @ashharrison90
- Alerting: Increase alertmanager_conf column if MySQL. #35657, @kylebrandt
- Time series/Bar chart panel: Handle infinite numbers as nulls when converting to plot array. #35638, @dprokop
- TimeSeries: Ensure series overrides that contain color are migrated, and migrate the previous
when changing the panel type. #35676, @ashharrison90 - ValueMappings: Improve singlestat value mappings migration. #35578, @dprokop
- Annotations: Fix annotation line and marker colors. #35608, @torkelo
- AzureMonitor: Fix KQL template variable queries without default workspace. #35836, @joshhunt
- CloudWatch/Logs: Fix missing response data for log queries. #35724, @aocenas
- Elasticsearch: Restore previous field naming strategy when using variables. #35624, @Elfo404
- LibraryPanels: Fix crash in library panels list when panel plugin is not found. #35907, @torkelo
- LogsPanel: Fix performance drop when moving logs panel in dashboard. #35379, @aocenas
- Loki: Parse log levels when ANSI coloring is enabled. #35607, @olbo98
- MSSQL: Fix issue with hidden queries still being executed. #35787, @torkelo
- PanelEdit: Display the VisualizationPicker that was not displayed if a panel has an unknown panel plugin. #35831, @jackw
- Plugins: Fix loading symbolically linked plugins. #35635, @domasx2
- Prometheus: Fix issue where legend name was replaced with name Value in stat and gauge panels. #35863, @torkelo
- State Timeline: Fix crash when hovering over panel. #35692, @hugohaggmark
- Datasource: Add support for max_conns_per_host in dataproxy settings. #35520, @jvrplmlmn
- Configuration: Fix changing org preferences in FireFox. #35549, @hugohaggmark
- PieChart: Fix legend dimension limits. #35563, @torkelo
- Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL: Fix panic in concurrent map writes. #35510, @marefr
- Variables: Hide default data source if missing from regex. #35561, @hugohaggmark
- Alerting/SSE: Fix "count_non_null" reducer validation. #35451, @kylebrandt
- Cloudwatch: Fix duplicated time series. #35433, @sunker
- Cloudwatch: Fix missing defaultRegion. #35436, @andresmgot
- Dashboard: Fix Dashboard init failed error on dashboards with old singlestat panels in collapsed rows. #35425, @torkelo
- Datasource: Fix storing timeout option as numeric. #35441, @marefr
- Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL: Fix annotation parsing for empty responses. #35367, @marcbachmann
- Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL: Numeric/non-string values are now returned from query variables. #35411, @marefr
- Postgres: Fix an error that was thrown when the annotation query did not return any results. #35382, @dprokop
- StatPanel: Fix an issue with the appearance of the graph when switching color mode. #35460, @torkelo
- Visualizations: Fix an issue in the Stat/BarGauge/Gauge/PieChart panels where all values mode were showing the same name if they had the same value. #35368, @torkelo
- AzureMonitor: Require default subscription for workspaces() template variable query. #35181, @joshhunt
- AzureMonitor: Use resource type display names in the UI. #35060, @joshhunt
- Dashboard: Remove support for loading and deleting dashboard by slug. #35104, @dsotirakis
- InfluxDB: Deprecate direct browser access in data source. #35105, @gabor
- VizLegend: Add a read-only property. #35096, @dprokop
- AzureMonitor: Fix Azure Resource Graph queries in Azure China. #35235, @kostrse
- Checkbox: Fix vertical layout issue with checkboxes due to fixed height. #35022, @torkelo
- Dashboard: Fix Table view when editing causes the panel data to not update. #34998, @axelavargas
- Dashboard: Fix issues where unsaved-changes warning is not displayed. #34989, @torkelo
- Login: Fixes Unauthorized message showing when on login page or snapshot page. #35311, @torkelo
- NodeGraph: Fix sorting markers in grid view. #35200, @aocenas
- Short URL: Include orgId in generated short URLs. #34696, @farodin91
- Variables: Support raw values of boolean type. #34727, @simPod
The following endpoints were deprecated for Grafana v5.0 and support for them has now been removed:
Issue #35104
- API: Support folder UID in dashboards API. #33991, @zserge
- Alerting: Add support for configuring avatar URL for the Discord notifier. #33355, @ChipWolf
- Alerting: Clarify that Threema Gateway Alerts support only Basic IDs. #34828, @dbrgn
- Azure: Expose Azure settings to external plugins. #34484, @sunker
- AzureMonitor: Deprecate using separate credentials for Azure Monitor Logs. #34758, @andresmgot
- AzureMonitor: Display variables in resource picker for Azure Monitor Logs. #34648, @joshhunt
- AzureMonitor: Hide application insights for data sources not using it. #34725, @joshhunt
- AzureMonitor: Support querying subscriptions and resource groups in Azure Monitor Logs. #34766, @joshhunt
- AzureMonitor: remove requirement for default subscription. #34787, @kostrse
- CloudWatch: Add Lambda@Edge Amazon CloudFront metrics. #34561, @razor-x
- CloudWatch: Add missing AWS AppSync metrics. #34691, @razor-x
- ConfirmModal: Auto focus delete button. #34917, @torkelo
- Explore: Add caching for queries that are run from logs navigation. #34297, @ivanahuckova
- Loki: Add formatting for annotations. #34774, @fredr
- Loki: Bring back processed bytes as meta information. #34092, @mmenbawy
- NodeGraph: Display node graph collapsed by default with trace view. #34491, @aocenas
- Overrides: Include a manual override option to hide something from visualization. #34783, @torkelo
- PieChart: Support row data in pie charts. #34755, @torkelo
- Prometheus: Update default HTTP method to POST for existing data sources. #34599, @ivanahuckova
- Reporting: Enable generating PDF for anonymous users. (Enterprise)
- SAML: Make private key and certificate optional. (Enterprise)
- Time series panel: Position tooltip correctly when window is scrolled or resized. #34782, @dprokop
- Admin: Fix infinite loading edit on the profile page. #34627, @hugohaggmark
- Color: Fix issues with random colors in string and date fields. #34913, @torkelo
- Dashboard: Fix issue with title or folder change has no effect after exiting settings view. #34677, @torkelo
- DataLinks: Fix an issue __series.name is not working in data link. #34932, @torkelo
- Datasource: Fix dataproxy timeout should always be applied for outgoing data source HTTP requests. #34597, @dsotirakis
- Elasticsearch: Fix NewClient not passing httpClientProvider to client impl. #34539, @KiVirgil
- Explore: Fix Browser title not updated on Navigation to Explore. #34651, @axelavargas
- GraphNG: Remove fieldName and hideInLegend properties from UPlotSeriesBuilder. #34901, @dprokop
- OAuth: Fix fallback to auto_assign_org_role setting for Azure AD OAuth when no role claims exists. #34838, @idafurjes
- PanelChrome: Fix issue with empty panel after adding a non data panel and coming back from panel edit. #34765, @torkelo
- StatPanel: Fix data link tooltip not showing for single value. #34934, @torkelo
- Table: Fix sorting for number fields. #34722, @hugohaggmark
- Table: Have text underline for datalink, and add support for image datalink. #34635, @thisisobate
- Time series panel: Position tooltip correctly when window is scrolled or resized. #34584, @dprokop
- Transformations: Prevent FilterByValue transform from crashing panel edit. #34747, @jackw
The default HTTP method for Prometheus data source is now POST. Previously, it was GET. The POST APIs have been available since January 2018 (Prometheus 2.1.0) and they have fewer limitations than the GET APIs. For example, when dealing with high cardinality labels, GET hits the URL size limit.
If you have a Prometheus instance with version < 2.1.0, which uses the default HTTP method, update your HTTP method to GET. Issue #34599
- AppPlugins: Expose react-router to apps. #33775, @dprokop
- AzureMonitor: Add Azure Resource Graph. #33293, @shuotli
- AzureMonitor: Managed Identity configuration UI. #34170, @kostrse
- AzureMonitor: Token provider with support for Managed Identities. #33807, @kostrse
- AzureMonitor: Update Logs workspace() template variable query to return resource URIs. #34445, @joshhunt
- BarChart: Value label sizing. #34229, @dprokop
- CloudMonitoring: Add support for preprocessing. #33011, @sunker
- CloudWatch: Add AWS/EFS StorageBytes metric. #33426, @freshleafmedia
- CloudWatch: Allow use of missing AWS namespaces using custom metrics. #30961, @mmcoltman
- Datasource: Shared HTTP client provider for core backend data sources and any data source using the data source proxy. #33439, @marefr
- InfluxDB: InfluxQL: allow empty tag values in the query editor. #34311, @gabor
- Instrumentation: Instrument incoming HTTP request with histograms by default. #33921, @bergquist
- Library Panels: Add name endpoint & unique name validation to AddLibraryPanelModal. #33987, @kaydelaney
- Logs panel: Support details view. #34125, @ivanahuckova
- PieChart: Always show the calculation options dropdown in the editor. #34267, @oscarkilhed
- PieChart: Remove beta flag. #34098, @oscarkilhed
- Plugins: Enforce signing for all plugins. #34364, @wbrowne
- Plugins: Remove support for deprecated backend plugin protocol version. #34127, @idafurjes
- Tempo/Jaeger: Add better display name to legend. #34063, @aocenas
- Timeline: Add time range zoom. #34079, @torkelo
- Timeline: Adds opacity & line width option. #34118, @torkelo
- Timeline: Value text alignment option. #34087, @torkelo
- ValueMappings: Add duplicate action, and disable dismiss on backdrop click. #34100, @torkelo
- Zipkin: Add node graph view to trace response. #34414, @aocenas
- Annotations panel: Remove subpath from dashboard links. #34134, @jackw
- Content Security Policy: Allow all image sources by default. #34265, @aknuds1
- Content Security Policy: Relax default template wrt. loading of scripts, due to nonces not working. #34363, @aknuds1
- Datasource: Fix tracing propagation for alert execution by introducing HTTP client outgoing tracing middleware. #34466, @marefr
- InfluxDB: InfluxQL always apply time interval end. #34308, @gabor
- Library Panels: Fixes "error while loading library panels". #34278, @hugohaggmark
- NewsPanel: Fixes rendering issue in Safari. #34067, @kaydelaney
- PanelChrome: Fix queries being issued again when scrolling in and out of view. #34061, @torkelo
- Plugins: Fix Azure token provider cache panic and auth param nil value. #34252, @kostrse
- Snapshots: Fix key and deleteKey being ignored when creating an external snapshot. #33686, @wengelbrecht-grafana
- Table: Fix issue with cell border not showing with colored background cells. #34231, @torkelo
- Table: Makes tooltip scrollable for long JSON values. #34120, @hugohaggmark
- TimeSeries: Fix for Connected null values threshold toggle during panel editing. #34452, @leeoniya
- Variables: Fixes inconsistent
states on dashboard load. #34197, @hugohaggmark - Variables: Refreshes all panels even if panel is full screen. #34097, @hugohaggmark
The workspaces()
template variable, mainly for use with Azure Monitor Logs, has been changed to return resource URIs instead of Log Analytics Workspaces GUIDs. This should not impact Azure Monitor Logs queries, but if the variables are being used in other data sources which expect a Workspace GUID may no longer be compatible.
Custom template variables used in the workspace or resource field in Azure Monitor Logs queries should resolve to an Azure Resource URI in the format /subscriptions/{guid}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}/{resource-provider-namespace}/{resource-type}/{resource-name}
Issue #34445
Removes support for deprecated backend plugin protocol (v1) including usage of github.com/grafana/grafana-plugin-model.
Issue #34127
- QueryField: Remove carriage return character from pasted text. #34076, @ivanahuckova
- API: Add org users with pagination. #33788, @idafurjes
- API: Return 404 when deleting nonexistent API key. #33346, @chaudum
- API: Return query results as JSON rather than base64 encoded Arrow. #32303, @ryantxu
- Alerting: Allow sending notification tags to Opsgenie as extra properties. #30332, @DewaldV
- Alerts: Replaces all uses of InfoBox & FeatureInfoBox with Alert. #33352, @torkelo
- Auth: Add support for JWT Authentication. #29995, @marshall-lee
- AzureMonitor: Add support for Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR metrics. #33246, @M0ns1gn0r
- AzureMonitor: Azure settings in Grafana server config. #33728, @kostrse
- AzureMonitor: Migrate Metrics query editor to React. #30783, @joshhunt
- BarChart panel: enable series toggling via legend. #33955, @dprokop
- BarChart panel: Adds support for Tooltip in BarChartPanel. #33938, @dprokop
- PieChart panel: Change look of highlighted pie slices. #33841, @oscarkilhed
- CloudMonitoring: Migrate config editor from angular to react. #33645, @sunker
- CloudWatch: Add Amplify Console metrics and dimensions. #33171, @rodrigorfk
- CloudWatch: Add missing Redshift metrics to CloudWatch data source. #32121, @tomdaly
- CloudWatch: Add metrics for managed RabbitMQ service. #31838, @nirojan
- DashboardList: Enable templating on search tag input. #31460, @delta50
- Datasource config: correctly remove single custom http header. #32445, @gabor
- Elasticsearch: Add generic support for template variables. #32762, @Elfo404
- Elasticsearch: Allow omitting field when metric supports inline script. #32839, @Elfo404
- Elasticsearch: Allow setting a custom limit for log queries. #32422, @Elfo404
- Elasticsearch: Guess field type from first non-empty value. #32290, @Elfo404
- Elasticsearch: Use application/x-ndjson content type for multisearch requests. #32282, @Elfo404
- Elasticsearch: Use semver strings to identify ES version. #33646, @Elfo404
- Explore: Add logs navigation to request more logs. #33259, @ivanahuckova
- Explore: Map Graphite queries to Loki. #33405, @ifrost
- Explore: Scroll split panes in Explore independently. #32978, @ivanahuckova
- Explore: Wrap each panel in separate error boundary. #33868, @aocenas
- FieldDisplay: Smarter naming of stat values when visualising row values (all values) in stat panels. #31704, @torkelo
- Graphite: Expand metric names for variables. #33694, @ifrost
- Graphite: Handle unknown Graphite functions without breaking the visual editor. #32635, @ifrost
- Graphite: Show graphite functions descriptions. #32305, @ifrost
- Graphite: Support request cancellation properly (Uses new backendSrv.fetch Observable request API). #31928, @mckn
- InfluxDB: Flux: Improve handling of complex response-structures. #33823, @gabor
- InfluxDB: Support region annotations. #31526, @Komalis
- Inspector: Download logs for manual processing. #32764, @ivanahuckova
- Jaeger: Add node graph view for trace. #31521, @aocenas
- Jaeger: Search traces. #32805, @zoltanbedi
- Loki: Use data source settings for alerting queries. #33942, @ivanahuckova
- NodeGraph: Exploration mode. #33623, @aocenas
- OAuth: Add support for empty scopes. #32129, @jvoeller
- PanelChrome: New logic-less emotion based component with no dependency on PanelModel or DashboardModel. #29456, @torkelo
- PanelEdit: Adds a table view toggle to quickly view data in table form. #33753, @torkelo
- PanelEdit: Highlight matched words when searching options. #33717, @torkelo
- PanelEdit: UX improvements. #32124, @torkelo
- Plugins: PanelRenderer and simplified QueryRunner to be used from plugins. #31901, @torkelo
- Plugins: AuthType in route configuration and params interpolation. #33674, @kostrse
- Plugins: Enable plugin runtime install/uninstall capabilities. #33836, @wbrowne
- Plugins: Support set body content in plugin routes. #32551, @marefr
- Plugins: Introduce marketplace app. #33869, @jackw
- Plugins: Moving the DataSourcePicker to grafana/runtime so it can be reused in plugins. #31628, @mckn
- Prometheus: Add custom query params for alert and exemplars queries. #32440, @aocenas
- Prometheus: Use fuzzy string matching to autocomplete metric names and label. #32207, @ifrost
- Routing: Replace Angular routing with react-router. #31463, @dprokop
- Slack: Use chat.postMessage API by default. #32511, @aknuds1
- Tempo: Search for Traces by querying Loki directly from Tempo. #33308, @davkal
- Tempo: Show graph view of the trace. #33635, @aocenas
- Themes: Switch theme without reload using global shortcut. #32180, @torkelo
- TimeSeries panel: Add support for shared cursor. #33433, @dprokop
- TimeSeries panel: Do not crash the panel if there is no time series data in the response. #33993, @dprokop
- Variables: Do not save repeated panels, rows and scopedVars. #32436, @torkelo
- Variables: Removes experimental Tags feature. #33361, @hugohaggmark
- Variables: Removes the never refresh option. #33533, @hugohaggmark
- Visualizations: Unify tooltip options across visualizations. #33892, @dprokop
- Visualizations: Refactor and unify option creation between new visualizations. #33867, @oscarkilhed
- Visualizations: Remove singlestat panel. #31904, @dprokop
- APIKeys: Fixes issue with adding first api key. #32201, @torkelo
- Alerting: Add checks for non supported units - disable defaulting to seconds. #32477, @dsotirakis
- Alerting: Fix issue where Slack notifications won't link to user IDs. #32861, @n-wbrown
- Alerting: Omit empty message in PagerDuty notifier. #31359, @pkoenig10
- AzureMonitor: Fix migration error from older versions of App Insights queries. #32372, @joshhunt
- CloudWatch: Fix AWS/Connect dimensions. #33736, @sunker
- CloudWatch: Fix broken AWS/MediaTailor dimension name. #33271, @sunker
- Dashboards: Allow string manipulation as advanced variable format option. #29754, @rscot231
- DataLinks: Includes harmless extended characters like Cyrillic characters. #33551, @hugohaggmark
- Drawer: Fixes title overflowing its container. #33857, @thisisobate
- Explore: Fix issue when some query errors were not shown. #32212, @aocenas
- Generic OAuth: Prevent adding duplicated users. #32286, @dsotirakis
- Graphite: Handle invalid annotations. #32437, @ifrost
- Graphite: Fix autocomplete when tags are not available. #31680, @ifrost
- InfluxDB: Fix Cannot read property 'length' of undefined in when parsing response. #32504, @ivanahuckova
- Instrumentation: Enable tracing when Jaeger host and port are set. #33682, @zserge
- Instrumentation: Prefix metrics with
. #33925, @bergquist - MSSQL: By default let driver choose port. #32417, @aknuds1
- OAuth: Add optional strict parsing of role_attribute_path. #28021, @klausenbusk
- Panel: Fixes description markdown with inline code being rendered on newlines and full width. #32405, @dprokop
- PanelChrome: Ignore data updates & errors for non data panels. #33477, @torkelo
- Permissions: Fix inherited folder permissions can prevent new permissions being added to a dashboard. #33329, @marefr
- Plugins: Remove pre-existing plugin installs when installing with grafana-cli. #31515, @wbrowne
- Plugins: Support installing to folders with whitespace and fix pluginUrl trailing and leading whitespace failures. #32506, @wbrowne
- Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL: Don't return connection failure details to the client. #32408, @marefr
- Postgres: Fix ms precision of interval in time group macro when TimescaleDB is enabled. #33853, @ying-jeanne
- Provisioning: Use dashboard checksum field as change indicator. #29797, @cristi-
- SQL: Fix so that all captured errors are returned from sql engine. #32353, @marefr
- Shortcuts: Fixes panel shortcuts so they always work. #32385, @torkelo
- Table: Fixes so border is visible for cells with links. #33160, @hugohaggmark
- Variables: Clear query when data source type changes. #33924, @hugohaggmark
- Variables: Filters out builtin variables from unknown list. #33933, @hugohaggmark
- Variables: Refreshes all panels even if panel is full screen. #33201, @hugohaggmark
Removes the never
refresh option for Query variables. Existing variables will be migrated and any stored options will be removed. Issue #33533
Removes the experimental Tags feature for Variables. Issue #33361
The InfoBox & FeatureInfoBox are now deprecated please use the Alert component instead with severity info. Issue #33352
- Button: Introduce buttonStyle prop. #33384, @jackw
- DataQueryRequest: Remove deprecated props showingGraph and showingTabel and exploreMode. #31876, @torkelo
- grafana/ui: Update React Hook Form to v7. #33328, @Clarity-89
- IconButton: Introduce variant for red and blue icon buttons. #33479, @jackw
- Plugins: Expose the
function to be able to get the current selected timeZone. #31900, @mckn - TagsInput: Add className to TagsInput. #33944, @Clarity-89
- VizLegend: Move onSeriesColorChanged to PanelContext (breaking change). #33611, @ryantxu
- AGPL License: Update license from Apache 2.0 to the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL). #33184