This class implements a layer that performs time convolution on a set of sequences. Zero-padding and dilated convolution are supported.
void SetFilterSize( int filterSize );
void SetFilterCount( int filterCount );
Set up the filters' size and number.
void SetStride( int stride );
Sets the convolution stride. The default value is 1
void SetPaddingFront( int padding );
Specifies how many zero elements should be added at the beginning of a sequence before performing convolution. The default value is 0
, that is, no padding used.
void SetPaddingBack( int padding );
Specifies how many zero elements should be added at the end of a sequence before performing convolution. The default value is 0
, that is, no padding used.
void SetDilation( int dilation );
Sets the step value for dilated convolution. Dilated convolution applies the filter not to the consecutive elements of the original sequence but to the elements with the gaps of specified size between them.
By default, this value is equal to 1
: no dilation, consecutive elements are used.
CPtr<CDnnBlob> GetFilterData() const;
The filters are represented by a blob of the following dimensions:
is equal to1
is equal toGetFilterCount()
is equal toGetFilterSize()
is equal to1
is equal to1
is equal to the inputs'Height * Width * Depth * Channels
CPtr<CDnnBlob> GetFreeTermData() const;
The free terms are represented by a blob of the total size equal to the number of filters used (GetFilterCount()
Each input accepts a blob with several sequences. The dimensions of all inputs should be the same:
- the sequences' lengthBatchWidth * ListSize
- the number of sequences in the setHeight * Width * Depth * Channels
- the size of each element in the sequences.
For each input the layer has one output. It contains a blob with the result of the convolution. The output blob dimensions are:
can be calculated from the input as(2 * Padding + BatchLength - (1 + Dilation * (FilterSize - 1)))/Stride + 1
is equal to the inputs'BatchWidth
is equal to the inputs'ListSize
is equal to1
is equal to1
is equal to1
is equal toGetFilterCount()