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Test vectors

We use test vectors as a way of testing basic, deterministic functions of the MLS stack. Each test harness should have a way to produce and verify test vectors of a few kinds. In this document we specify the format for test vectors and how they are verified.

The idea here is to test the cryptographic operations underlying MLS without the complexity of the full protocol. We tackle the overall cryptographic operation in pieces:

|\ Ratchet                      |                            Secret /|
| \ Tree                        |                             Tree / |
|  \                            |                                 /  |
|   \                           V                                /   |
|    --> commit_secret --> epoch_secret --> encryption_secret -->    |
|   /                           |                                \   |
|  /                            |                                 \  |
| /                             |                                  \ |
|/                              |                                   \|

<-------------> <----------------------------------> <--------------->
    TreeKEM                KeySchedule                   Encryption

The TreeMath and Messages testvectors verify basic tree math operations and the syntax of the messages used for MLS (independent of semantics).


  • Test vectors are JSON serialized.
  • Each test vector file is an array of objects in the form described here.
  • optional<type> is serialized as the value itself or null if not present.
  • MLS structs are binary encoded according to spec and represented as hex-encoded strings in JSON.
  • HPKE and Signature public keys are encoded in the formats specified for HPKEPublicKey and SignaturePublicKey in the MLS specification, but as raw binary data, without the length prefix used in encoding those structs
  • HPKE and Signature private keys are encoded as binary objects in the following formats:
    • HPKE private keys are encoded according to the SerializePrivateKey function for the HPKE method for the ciphersuite
    • ECDSA private keys are encoded using the Field-Element-to-Octet-String transformation (i.e., big-endian integers, as with HPKE ECDH private keys)
    • EdDSA private keys are encoded in their native byte string representation.

Tree Math


  • A range of test tree sizes


  "n_leaves": /* uint32 */,
  "n_nodes": /* uint32 */,
  "root": /* uint32 */,
  "left": [ /* array of optional<uint32> */ ],
  "right": [ /* array of optional<uint32> */ ],
  "parent": [ /* array of optional<uint32> */ ],
  "sibling": [ /* array of optional<uint32> */ ]


  • n_nodes is the number of nodes in the tree with n_leaves leaves
  • root is the root node index of the tree
  • left[i] is the node index of the left child of the node with index i in a tree with n_leaves leaves
  • right[i] is the node index of the right child of the node with index i in a tree with n_leaves leaves
  • parent[i] is the node index of the parent of the node with index i in a tree with n_leaves leaves
  • sibling[i] is the node index of the sibling of the node with index i in a tree with n_leaves leaves

Crypto Basics


  • Ciphersuite


  "cipher_suite": /* uint16 */,

  "ref_hash": {
    "label": /* string */,
    "value": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
    "out": /* hex-encoded binary data */,

  "expand_with_label": {
    "secret": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
    "label": /* string */,
    "context": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
    "length": /* uint16 */,
    "out": /* hex-encoded binary data */,

  "derive_secret": {
    "secret": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
    "label": /* string */,
    "out": /* hex-encoded binary data */,

  "derive_tree_secret": {
    "secret": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
    "label": /* string */
    "generation": /* uint32 */
    "length": /* uint16 */
    "out": /* hex-encoded binary data */,

  "sign_with_label": {
    "priv": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
    "pub": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
    "content": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
    "label": /* string */,
    "signature": /* hex-encoded binary data */,

  "encrypt_with_label": {
    "priv": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
    "pub": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
    "label": /* string */,
    "context": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
    "plaintext": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
    "kem_output": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
    "ciphertext": /* hex-encoded binary data */,


  • ref_hash: out == RefHash(label, value)
  • expand_with_label: out == ExpandWithLabel(secret, label, context, length)
  • derive_secret: out == DeriveSecret(secret, label)
  • derive_tree_secret: out == DeriveTreeSecret(secret, label, generation, length)
  • sign_with_label:
    • VerifyWithLabel(pub, label, content, signature) == true
    • VerifyWithLabel(pub, label, content, SignWithLabel(priv, label, content)) == true
  • encrypt_with_label:
    • DecryptWithLabel(priv, label, context, kem_output, ciphertext) == plaintext
    • kem_output_candidate, ciphertext_candidate = EncryptWithLabel(pub, label, context, plaintext)
    • DecryptWithLabel(priv, label, context, kem_output_candidate, ciphertext_candidate) == plaintext

Secret Tree


  • Ciphersuite
  • Number of leaves
  • Set of generations


  "cipher_suite": /* uint16 */,

  "sender_data": {
    "sender_data_secret": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
    "ciphertext": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
    "key": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
    "nonce": /* hex-encoded binary data */,

  "encryption_secret": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
  "leaves": [
        "generation": /* uint32 */
        "handshake_key": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
        "handshake_nonce": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
        "application_key": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
        "application_nonce": /* hex-encoded binary data */,


  • sender_data:
    • key == sender_data_key(sender_data_secret, ciphertext)
    • nonce == sender_data_nonce(sender_data_secret, ciphertext)
  • Initialize a secret tree with a number of leaves equal to the number of entries in the leaves array, with encryption_secret as the root secret
  • For each entry in leaves:
    • For each entry in the array leaves[i], verify that:
      • handshake_key = handshake_ratchet_key_[i]_[generation]
      • handshake_nonce = handshake_ratchet_nonce_[i]_[generation]
      • application_key = application_ratchet_key_[i]_[generation]
      • application_nonce = application_ratchet_nonce_[i]_[generation]

The index i into the hash ratchets represents the leaf node with leaf index i.

Message Protection


  • Ciphersuite


  "cipher_suite": /* uint16 */,

  "group_id": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
  "epoch": /* uint64 */,
  "tree_hash": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
  "confirmed_transcript_hash": /* hex-encoded binary data */,

  "signature_priv": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
  "signature_pub": /* hex-encoded binary data */,

  "encryption_secret": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
  "sender_data_secret": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
  "membership_key": /* hex-encoded binary data */,

  "proposal":  /* serialized Proposal */,
  "proposal_pub":  /* serialized MLSMessage(PublicMessage) */,
  "proposal_priv":  /* serialized MLSMessage(PrivateMessage) */,

  "commit":  /* serialized Commit */,
  "commit_pub":  /* serialized MLSMessage(PublicMessage) */,
  "commit_priv":  /* serialized MLSMessage(PrivateMessage) */,

  "application":  /* hex-encoded binary application data */,
  "application_priv":  /* serialized MLSMessage(PrivateMessage) */,


  • Construct a GroupContext object with the provided cipher_suite, group_id, epoch, tree_hash, and confirmed_transcript_hash values, and empty extensions
  • For each of proposal, commit and application:
    • Initialize a secret tree for 2 members with the specified encryption_secret
    • In all of these tests, use the member with LeafIndex 1 as the sender
    • Verify that the pub message verifies with the provided membership_key and signature_pub, and produces the raw proposal / commit / application data
    • Verify that protecting the raw value with the provided membership_key and signature_priv produces a PublicMessage that verifies with membership_key and signature_pub
      • For the application message, instead verify that protecting as a PublicMessage fails
    • Verify that the priv message successfully unprotects using the secret tree constructed above and signature_pub
    • Verify that protecting the raw value with the secret tree, sender_data_secret, and signature_priv produces a PrivateMessage that unprotects with the secret tree, sender_data_secret, and signature_pub

Key Schedule


  • Ciphersuite
  • Number of epochs


  "cipher_suite": /* uint16 */,
  // Chosen by the generator
  "group_id": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
  "initial_init_secret": /* hex-encoded binary data */,

  "epochs": [
      // Chosen by the generator
      "tree_hash": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
      "commit_secret": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
      "psk_secret": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
      "confirmed_transcript_hash": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
      // Computed values
      "group_context": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
      "joiner_secret": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
      "welcome_secret": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
      "init_secret": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
      "sender_data_secret": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
      "encryption_secret": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
      "exporter_secret": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
      "epoch_authenticator": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
      "external_secret": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
      "confirmation_key": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
      "membership_key": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
      "resumption_psk": /* hex-encoded binary data */,

      "external_pub": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
      "exporter": {
        "label": /* string */,
        "context: /* hex-encoded binary data*/,
        "length": /* uint32 */,
        "secret": /* hex-encoded binary data */


  • Initialize the first key schedule epoch for the group as defined in the specification, using group_id, initial_tree_hash, and initial_init_secret for the non-constant values. Note that psk_secret can sometimes be the all zero vector.
  • For epoch epoch[i]:
    • Construct a GroupContext with the following contents:
      • cipher_suite as specified
      • group_id as specified
      • epoch = i
      • tree_hash as specified
      • confirmed_transcript_hash as specified
      • extensions = {}
    • Verify that group context matches the provided group_context value
    • Verify that the key schedule outputs are as specified given the following inputs:
      • init_key from the prior epoch or initial_init_secret
      • commit_secret as specified and psk_secret (if present)
      • GroupContext_[n] as computed above
    • Verify the external_pub is the public key output from KEM.DeriveKeyPair(external_secret)
    • Verify the exporter.secret is the value output from MLS-Exporter(exporter.label, exporter.context, exporter.length)

Pre-Shared Keys


  • Ciphersuite
  • Number of PreSharedKeys


  "cipher_suite": /* uint16 */,

  // Chosen by the generator
  "psks": [
      "psk_id": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
      "psk": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
      "psk_nonce": /* hex-encoded binary data */,

  // Computed values
  "psk_secret": /* hex-encoded binary data */,


  • For each PreSharedKey in psks, compute PreSharedKeyID with external PSKType and with provided psk_id and psk_nonce
  • Use the computed PreSharedKeyID values and provided psk values to compute the psk_secret as described in the specification and verify that it matches the provided psk_secret

Transcript Hashes


  • Ciphersuite


  "cipher_suite": /* uint16 */,

  /* Chosen by the generator */
  "confirmation_key": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
  "authenticated_content": /* hex-encoded TLS serialized AuthenticatedContent */,
  "interim_transcript_hash_before": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
  /* Computed values */
  "confirmed_transcript_hash_after": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
  "interim_transcript_hash_after": /* hex-encoded binary data */,


  • Verify that authenticated_content contains a Commit, and authenticated_content.auth.confirmation_tag is a valid MAC for authenticated_content with key confirmation_key and input confirmed_transcript_hash_after
  • Verify that confirmed_transcript_hash_after and interim_transcript_hash_after are the result of updating interim_transcript_hash_before with authenticated_content



  • Ciphersuite


  "cipher_suite": /* uint16 */,

  // Chosen by the generator
  "init_priv": /* hex-encoded serialized HPKE private key */,
  "signer_pub": /* hex-encoded serialized signature public key */,

  "key_package": /* hex-encoded serialized MLSMessage(KeyPackage) */,
  "welcome": /* hex-encoded serialized MLSMessage(Welcome) */,


  • Decrypt the Welcome message:
    • Identify the entry in welcome.secrets corresponding to key_package
    • Decrypt the encrypted group secrets using init_priv
    • Decrypt the encrypted group info
  • Verify the signature on the decrypted group info using signer_pub
  • Verify the confirmation_tag in the decrypted group info:
    • Initialize a key schedule epoch using the decrypted joiner_secret and no PSKs
    • Recompute a candidate confirmation_tag value using the confirmation_key from the key schedule epoch and the confirmed_transcript_hash from the decrypted GroupContext

Tree Operations


  // Chosen by the generator
  "tree_before": /* hex-encoded TLS-serialized ratchet tree */,
  "proposal": /* hex-encoded TLS-serialized Proposal */,
  "proposal_sender": /* uint32 */,

  // Computed values
  "tree_after": /* hex-encoded TLS-serialized ratchet tree */,

The type of proposal is either add, remove or update.


  • Compute candidate_tree_after by applying proposal sent by the member with index proposal_sender to tree_before.
  • Verify that serialized candidate_tree_after matches the provided tree_after value.

Tree Validation


  • Ciphersuite


  "cipher_suite": /* uint16 */,

  // Chosen by the generator
  "tree": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
  "group_id": /* hex-encoded binary data */,

  // Computed values
  "resolutions": [
    [uint32, ...],

  "tree_hashes": [
    /* hex-encoded binary data */,

tree contains a TLS-serialized ratchet tree, as in the ratchet_tree extension


  • Verify that the resolution of each node in tree with node index i matches resolutions[i].
  • Verify that the tree hash of each node in tree with node index i matches tree_hashes[i].
  • Verify the parent hashes of tree as when joining the group.
  • Verify the signatures on all leaves of tree using the provided group_id as context.

Origins of Test Trees

Trees in the test vector are ordered according to increasing complexity. Let get_tree(n) denote the tree generated as follows: Initialize a tree with a single node. For i=0 to n - 1, leaf with leaf index i commits adding a member (with leaf index i + 1).

Note that the following tests cover get_tree(n) for all n in [2, 3, ..., 9, 32, 33, 34].

  • Full trees: get_tree(n) for n in [2, 4, 8, 32].
  • A tree with internal blanks: start with get_tree(8); then the leaf with index 0 commits removing leaves 2 and 3, and adding new member.
  • Trees with trailing blanks: get_tree(n) for n in [3, 5, 7, 33].
  • A tree with internal blanks and skipping blanks in the parent hash links: start with get_tree(8); then the leaf with index 0 commits removing leaves 1, 2 and 3.
  • Trees with skipping trailing blanks in the parent hash links: get_tree(n) for n in [3, 34].
  • A tree with unmerged leaves: start with get_tree(7), then the leaf with index 0 adds a member.
  • A tree with unmerged leaves and skipping blanks in the parent hash links: the tree from Figure 20.



  • Ciphersuite
  • Test tree structure


  "cipher_suite": /* uint16 */,

  "group_id": /* hex encoded binary data */,
  "epoch": /* uint64 */,
  "confirmed_transcript_hash": /* hex encoded binary data */,

  "ratchet_tree": /* hex-encoded optional<Node> ratchet_tree<V> */,

  "leaves_private": [
      "index": /* uint32 leaf index */,
      "encryption_priv": /* hex-encoded HPKE private key for the leaf node */,
      "signature_priv": /* hex-encoded signatrure private key for the leaf node */,
      "path_secrets": [
          "node": /* uint32 node index (in the array representation of the tree) */,
          "path_secret": /* hex encoded binary path secret */

  "update_paths": [
      "sender": /* uint32 leaf index */,
      "update_path": /* hex-encoded UpdatePath */,
      "path_secrets": [
        /* hex-encoded binary data, null for j == i */
      "commit_secret": /* hex-encoded binary data */
      "tree_hash_after": /* hex-encoded binary data */


When creating or processing an UpdatePath, the GroupContext object used as context should have the following values:

  • cipher_suite, group_id, epoch, and confirmed_transcript_hash as provided
  • tree_hash reflecting ratchet_tree as updated by the UpdatePath
  • Empty extensions


  • For each entry in leaves_private, initialize a private TreeKEM state leaf_private[index] in the following way:
    • Associate encryption_priv and signature_priv with the leaf node
    • For each entry in path_secrets:
      • Identify the node in the tree with node index node in the array representation of the tree
      • Set the private value at this node based on path_secret
    • Verify that the resulting private state leaf_private[i] is consistent with the ratchet_tree, in the sense that for every node in the private state, the corresponding node in the tree is (a) not blank and (b) contains the public key corresponding to the private key in the private state.
  • Construct a GroupContext object using the provided cipher_suite, group_id, epoch, and confirmed_transcript_hash, and the root tree hash of ratchet_tree
  • For each entry in update_paths:
    • Verify that update_path is parent-hash valid relative to ratchet_tree
    • For each leaf node index j != i for which the leaf node is not blank:
      • Process update_path using private_leaf[j]
      • Verify that path_secrets[j] is the decrypted path secret
      • Verify that commit_secret is the resulting commit secret
    • Compute the ratchet tree that results from merging update_path into ratchet_tree, and verify that its root tree hash is equal to .tree_hash_after
    • Create a new UpdatePath new_update_path, using ratchet_tree, leaves[i].signature_priv, and the GroupContext computed above. Note the resulting commit secret new_commit_secret
    • For each leaf node index j != i for which the leaf node is not blank:
      • Process new_update_path using private_leaf[j]
      • Verify that the resulting commit secret is new_commit_secret



  • (none)


  /* Serialized MLSMessage with MLSMessage.wire_format == mls_welcome */
  "mls_welcome": "...",
  /* Serialized MLSMessage with MLSMessage.wire_format == mls_group_info */
  "mls_group_info": "...",
  /* Serialized MLSMessage with MLSMessage.wire_format == mls_key_package */
  "mls_key_package": "...",

  /* Serialized optional<Node> ratchet_tree<1..2^32-1>; */
  "ratchet_tree": "...",
  /* Serialized GroupSecrets */
  "group_secrets": "...",

  "add_proposal":                      /* Serialized Add */,
  "update_proposal":                   /* Serialized Update */,
  "remove_proposal":                   /* Serialized Remove */,
  "pre_shared_key_proposal":           /* Serialized PreSharedKey */,
  "re_init_proposal":                  /* Serialized ReInit */,
  "external_init_proposal":            /* Serialized ExternalInit */,
  "group_context_extensions_proposal": /* Serialized GroupContextExtensions */,

  "commit": /* Serialized Commit */,

  /* Serialized MLSMessage with
       MLSMessage.wire_format == mls_public_message and
       MLSMessage.public_message.content.content_type == application */
  "public_message_application": "...",
  /* Serialized MLSMessage with
       MLSMessage.wire_format == mls_public_message and
       MLSMessage.public_message.content.content_type == proposal */
  "public_message_proposal": "...",
  /* Serialized MLSMessage with
       MLSMessage.wire_format == mls_public_message and
       MLSMessage.public_message.content.content_type == commit */
  "public_message_commit": "...",
  /* Serialized MLSMessage with MLSMessage.wire_format == mls_private_message */
  "private_message": "...",

As elsewhere, the serialized binary objects are hex-encoded.


  • The contents of each field must decode using the corresponding structure
  • Each decoded object must re-encode to produce the bytes in the test vector

The specific contents of the objects are chosen by the creator of the test vectors. The objects produced must be syntactically valid. The optional MAC values may be invalid but should be populated.

Passive Client Scenarios

This section describes a class of test vectors that verify that a client can "follow along" with group operations (rather than a single test vector). A test vector as described in this section represents a scenario in which a client is added to a group with a Welcome, and verifies that the client can follow along as the group evolves.


  • Ciphersuite
  • Operations to be performed on the group


  "cipher_suite": /* uint16 */,

  "external_psks": [
      "psk_id": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
      "psk": /* hex-encoded binary data */
    // ...
  "key_package": /* serialized KeyPackage */,
  "signature_priv":  /* hex-encoded binary data */,
  "encryption_priv": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
  "init_priv": /* hex-encoded binary data */,

  "welcome":  /* serialized MLSMessage (Welcome) */,
  "ratchet_tree": /* hex-encoded optional<Node> ratchet_tree<V>, null if the tree is in the welcome message */,
  "initial_epoch_authenticator":  /* hex-encoded binary data */,
  "epochs": [
      "proposals": [
        /* serialized MLSMessage (PublicMessage or PrivateMessage) */,
        /* serialized MLSMessage (PublicMessage or PrivateMessage) */,
      "commit": /* serialized MLSMessage (PublicMessage or PrivateMessage) */,
      "epoch_authenticator": /* hex-encoded binary data */,
    // ...


  • Verify that signature_priv, leaf_priv, and init_priv correspond to the public keys (signature_key, encryption_key, and init_key) in the KeyPackage object described by key_package
  • Join the group using the Welcome message described by welcome, the ratchet tree described by ratchet_tree (if given) and the pre-shared keys described in external_psks
  • Verify that the locally computed epoch_authenticator value is equal to the initial_epoch_authenticator value
  • For each entry in epochs:
    • Apply the Commit from commit, using any values from proposals that are incorporated by reference in the Commit
    • Verify that the locally computed epoch_authenticator value is equal to the epoch_authenticator value in the epoch object