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Foundation Setup and Foundation Info in the universe

Nat! edited this page Sep 27, 2018 · 3 revisions

See the mulle-objc-runtime Wiki about the big bang

MulleObjC provides the main setup routines for Objective-C Foundation setup during the universe big bang. Inside each universe there is a sizeable chunk of memory allocated for Foundation use. It can be retrieved with _mulle_objc_universe_get_foundationdata and it is S_MULLE_OBJC_UNIVERSE_FOUNDATION_SPACE bytes long (currently 1KB).

This space is used to store a struct _mulle_objc_universefoundationinfo that is used to support the following tasks:

  • reference root objects such as singletons
  • maintain a separate exception vector table that can accept objects as arguments
  • UTF8 to string and back conversion vectors used in _mulle_objc_string and _mulle_objc_characters mainly for supporting exceptions and debugging
  • set the NSAutoreleasePool class
  • maintain some information about threads