In this lab, we will create an instance of the Azure IoT Remote Monitoring pre-configured solution (RM-PCS). We will use this solution to:
- Pre-create some of the Azure infrastructure leveraged in the lab
- Visualize the data from our devices
The Azure IoT RM-PCS is a sample, or reference, IoT implementation that demonstrates how to build a starter solution that allows you to hook up a device, store and display meta-data about that device, ingest device data, apply some simple alerting rules, and visualize the device data. In this series of labs you will:
- Create and navigate the Azure IoT Remote Monitoring Pre-configured Solution (RM-PCS)
- Create a device to read a temperature and humidity sensor (and optionally, a light sensor) and send that data to the RM-PCS for display
- Create a Stream Analytics job that looks for ‘high temperature’ alerts and outputs that alert to a queue for further processing
- Create an Azure Function that takes that alert, and sends a command to the device to turn on or off an LED depending on the alert condition.
Open a browser and navigate to
Log-in with the credentials that are associated with your Azure Subscription (most likely your corporate credentials)
Click on the “+” to create your new solution.
Under the “Remote Monitoring” option, choose the “Select” button
On the “Solution Details” screen
- Note the Azure items that will be generated on your behalf
- Type in a unique solution name. The name has to be globally unique, so typically some combination of your name or initials, company, etc will help with that. Once you enter an acceptable name, you will get a green checkbox indicating that name is free to use and valid
- Choose our Azure Subscription from the drop down list box. The components of the solution will be generated in this subscription
- Choose your nearest and desired data center (i.e. East US would be most appropriate for New Jersey)
Click “Create Solution” to start the solution deployment process
Deployment should take about 15 minutes
Once done, you should be able to click on the solution (click on the picture), and see the pop-out on the left like this one
By default, the RM-PCS comes with a static Bing map. This is because there is a limit of two Bing Map Enterprise "Internal transaction level 1" keys (i.e. the free one) per Azure subscription and we don't want to assume you want to use it on this solution. In our case for the lab, we will.
Please note: You only need one BME key per subscription. If are you doing the lab with other students, and sharing an Azure subscription, only one person should do Steps 1 through 3 and should supply the key for other students to use in step 4. If each student has their own subscription, then each student should generate their own key The steps below show how to create a Bing Maps Enterprise (BME) key and apply it to your RM-PCS instance.
- Open the Azure Portal, scroll on the left nav bar until you find "Bing Maps API for Enterprise", then click the "+ Add" button
- Create a name for your BME API. Anything will do (studentXX-map is a good practice). For location, the only option is "West US". Choose to use an existing Resource Group,and find the one associated with your RM-PCS. For the pricing level, choose "Internal Website Transactions Level 1". Click on and accept the legal agreement. Click Create
3. Once the key is created, we need to go retrieve it. Click on "All resources" on the left nav bar, find your BME API you just created and click on it. Click on "Key Management", find the Query key, and copy it. You will need it in step 4
4. Now that we have our key, we need to apply it to the web portal. Under "All Resources" (left nav), you should be able to find an "App Service" with the same name you gave your RM-PCS solution. That will be the RM-PCS portal. Click on it and then on "Application Settings". Scroll down until you are in the "App Setting" section and find the setting for "MapApiQueryKey". Edit that setting, paste in your key, and hit the save button at the top
5. Click on the Overview tab of the App Service and click "Restart"
Congratulations – you have successfully deployed and updated the Azure IoT RM-PCS
- Navigate to http://[solutionname] where solutionname = the name chosen for the solution in step 1.6.2
- Log in with the same credentials used in above in step 1.2 above
- Reviewing the solution:
- The home page shows you a map that includes four “sample” devices that are deployed with the solution
- Choosing a sample device from the drop down list box shows telemetry being ingested, real-time, from that sample device
- On the “devices” tab, you can click on one of the devices and display the metadata stored for that device
- Clicking “commands” shows a list of commands that the device supports
- Feel free to click around the rest of the portal. In the next lab, we will explore adding a physical device to this portal and display it’s telemetry on the portal
Congratulations – you have completed Module 1