Author: @mrummuka
Description: Docker image for minimal remote execution of geo-* Linux geocaching tools (tools by Rick Rickhardson).
Downloads and installs necessary dependencies, builds geo-* tools and installs them into Docker container
$ git clone [email protected]:mrummuka/geo-tools-docker-rest.git
- Create/edit .georc config file (geo-* tools require credentials to enable logging in) before building image and place it to same directory
$ docker build -t mrummuka/geo-tools-docker-rest .
$ docker run --rm --restart=always mrummuka/geo-tools-docker-rest
- With Web browser / your code / curl call
- http://<docker_ip>:9900/geo/gid/?format=, where ..* gccode = gid e.g. GC40 (obs! only CAPITALS allowed ) ..* outputformat = one of the formats supported by geo-gid -o
For example, to get geocache data for "Shortcut to Subway (GC4N37J)" in csv format, presuming that container is started and running at and username/password was correctly configured in .georc then browsing to should produce
{ "message" : "OK",
"result" : {
"format" : "text",
"message" : "OK",
"result" : "No,Latitude,Longitude,Name,Description,Symbol,URL,Container,Terrain\r\n1,60.156450,24.721667,\"GC4N37J\",\"Shortcut to subway by sm07\",\"Geocache\",\"24.721667\u0026wp=GC4N37J\",\"Unknown\",5.0"
"status" : 200
- Docker wrapper for geo-* tools (executable from command-line) here
- Origin of geo-* (Linux geocaching) tools: