Thank you for contributing!
uses a tool called poetry to manage packages, dependencies and more. So please install poetry before proceeding.
Then you can run:
$ cd path/to/mozci-tools
# This will create a virtualenv and install this project along with all of its dependencies into it.
$ poetry install
# This command will show you which virtualenv you have activated. See `poetry env --help` for more env management abilities.
$ poetry env list
Alternatively you can disable virtualenv creation and use whichever Python environment is currently active in your shell:
$ poetry env use system
The install command should have added a binary called citools
which is the entry point to the scripts in this project.
# Binaries in poetry's envs are accessible via the `poetry run` command.
$ poetry run citools --help
# Alternatively you can use `poetry shell` to activate the env.
$ poetry shell
$ citools --help
uses pre-commit to handle linters, formatters and hooks. Simply run:
$ poetry run pre-commit install
and now anytime you do a git commit
, linters / formatters will run automatically. These checks also run in CI.
Tests are run via the pytest framework. To run tests:
$ poetry run pytest
You can also simulate the CI jobs by running tox:
$ poetry run tox