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ajdle edited this page Sep 23, 2014 · 13 revisions


TD;DR Greezly is only the stable Linux kernel sources patched with the grsecurity patch. With history.

So, why using this repository instead of downloading the source archive and applying the grsecurity patch?


  • History between the grsecurity patches
  • Full history between the stable Linux releases
  • One default configuration for server usage
  • Some scripts to facilitate the kernel installation (PaX flags, group creation)


  • No verification of the grsecurity patch signature by yourself (yet)

Using a Greezly kernel on a Debian or a Debian-based distribution

  1. Download the source code: git clone [email protected]:moulecorp/greezly.git
  2. Build an image: make greezly-deb
  3. Copy the generated .deb packages located in the parent directory on the target server
  4. Install the generated packages: dpkg -i *.deb

Maintain a package

Greezly was created to maintain a kernel package in a custom Debian repository. Some scripts added to the Linux sources help with the workflow.

Setup a working directory

  1. Download the sources: git clone [email protected]:moulecorp/greezly.git
  2. Add a remote to fetch Linux stable updates: git remote add linux-stable git://

Update Greezly

  1. Fetch Linux stable: git fetch linux-stable
  2. Download and apply the latest stable grsecurity patch available: ./script/greezly/

Build an image for the repository:

  1. Tag the release: git tag greezly-v<tag_number>
  2. Build an image: fakeroot make CHANGELOG=<prepended_changelog> MAINTAINER="name <mail>" URGENCY=<low|medium|high> greezly-deb
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